Is Christianity fairly described as 'anti-sex?'


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
(How Christianity Causes Crime)
Dr. Lee Carter
(C) 1985

Christianity is the direct cause of much, if not most, of our phenomenal
rate of mental illness, divorce and crime.

Why? There are many reasons, but one of the most important is because
Christianity is anti-sexual. These anti-sexual attitudes have permeated all of
Western culture (or what used to be called "Christendom") and no one, not even
atheists, can escape their influence entirely. Finally, these pervasive anti-sexual
cultural attitudes cause neurosis, broken marriages and crime."
Sex, Sin, and Sanity - How Christianity Causes Crime

"Christianity and Sexuality
The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings

From the second century onwards, a range of Christian movements emerged which hated sex and all things sexual1. A stream of writings from the Church Fathers and other senior Christians denounced sex in every way possible; it was evil and Satanic, and must only be indulged in when resistance was impossible, and only with your wife for the purpose of procreation. Alongside those of St Paul, these writings appear from the very beginning of Christianity, and can still be found in many modern Christian churches, highlighted by the doctrine of the celibacy of Catholic clergy. Examples verses from the Bible include Galatians 5:17, 1 Thessalonians 4:3 and Revelation 14:4. This Christian abhorrence of sexual human nature became very influential throughout the West2 from before the lead-up to the dark ages until the modern era in which Christian power has waned. The misguided anti-carnality message has been responsible for more sexual dysfunction in adult males than any other force of history. Statistically, Christians divorce more frequently than atheists and non-religious folk3. Christian clergy and institutions have been under much scrutiny over the last two decades after a long series of horrible scandals involving child abuse. The cases have been shocking, wild, numerous, public, and they just keep rolling on with no end in sight4. The effect of organized Christianity against birth control has had a deleterious impact on the control of sexually transmitted diseases and has been instrumental on speeding us all towards an increasingly overpopulated planet5."
Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings

"moral ethics: anti-sex and pro-violence

"In 1979, the rallying cry was put forth by a new political action committee—the Moral Majority. Founded by Jerry Falwell, the organization brought together evangelicals and Roman Catholics for the first time in a new political alliance. Its agenda was pro-life and pro-traditional family. It was against pornography, drugs and gays, but also against the Equal Rights Amendment for women. In addition, the group supported a strong national defense and a pro-Israel foreign policy in the Middle East.

Increasingly, the evangelical movement has almost exclusively focused on sexual morality, usually centered on the hot button issues of abortion and same-sex marriage. Conservative columnist Cal Thomas, who once served as Jerry Falwell's spokesman, said, "What are Christians known for? We're against abortion, against same-sex marriage. But what are we for?" (It's telling that Thomas sees those who oppose abortion and same-sex marriage as the only legitimate Christians.)"
Evangelical Christianity

" Curiously, the religio-erotic practices of the ancient Hebrews, Christians and other Near Eastern peoples is seldom discussed in modern biblical scholarship, and books on the ancient world in general, a fact likely attributed to the surviving anti-sex Christian bias of many academically trained scholars.

As shall be demonstrated, many of the Biblical taboos concerning sexuality, have nothing to do with divine edicts of good and evil. They developed out of prejudices against foreign forms of worship, as a means of social control, and interestingly, to combat the spread of venereal disease. "
Sex, Drugs, Violence and the Bible

"Is the Christian Faith inherently anti-sex?

There is no doubt that (as far as I know) no significant part of the Christian tradition has much good to say about sex. Rumor is that the one significant Christian thinker (Jovian) who spoke positively of sex was promptly excommunicated. However... I think that starting with general principles, one can show a more positive notion of sexuality."
JPN: Christianity: Sex: For it?

2 seemingly secular sources, 3 religious ones all in perfect agreement with each other: Christianity is anti-sex.
Would add as well that if you ever feel so-inclined and want a laugh, google 'chasity devices for men.' :) One I always think of is the metallic ring with inward mounted spikes designed to prevent erections...Very popular in Christian antiquity.
you know my thoughts and I hope my fellow Christian friends will come here in defense, and not boycott because of the OP.....
No one boycotts my threads. :) I know how to get em in. :) 'Views' is telling. They look. Might bite their tongues and self-flaggellate themselves for wanting to reply, but even if they succeed, they still look. :)
Outta make a spreadsheet of what people say I am. This one would be like Patricia, the outlier one-of-its-kind. :)
Delta, I meant OP as subject, as the superficially understood sexuality in the Bible. OP as a person, hmmm.... you are interesting alright in a certain way what is not necessarily a compliment.
Outta make a spreadsheet of what people say I am. This one would be like Patricia, the outlier one-of-its-kind. :)
Delta, I meant OP as subject, as the superficially understood sexuality in the Bible. OP as a person, hmmm.... you are interesting alright in a certain way what is not necessarily a compliment.

Like...A nuclear detonation's 'interesting?' :)
you know my thoughts and I hope my fellow Christian friends will come here in defense, and not boycott because of the OP.....
Well, the OP is boring.

The OP is a massive part of what makes Christianity what it is.

Horny. The Devil has horns. It's all connected. The God of fertility became the Devil, he kept the horns.

Not horny at all. Masturbate if I'm horny so when out n about, or here, not doing or saying things because of it.
you know my thoughts and I hope my fellow Christian friends will come here in defense, and not boycott because of the OP.....
Well, the OP is boring.

The OP is a massive part of what makes Christianity what it is.

Horny. The Devil has horns. It's all connected. The God of fertility became the Devil, he kept the horns.

Not horny at all. Masturbate if I'm horny so when out n about, or here, not doing or saying things because of it.

I didn't say you were horny. I meant your post was at the heart of Christianity. For example, the word horny and the devil having horns.......
you know my thoughts and I hope my fellow Christian friends will come here in defense, and not boycott because of the OP.....
Well, the OP is boring.

The OP is a massive part of what makes Christianity what it is.

Horny. The Devil has horns. It's all connected. The God of fertility became the Devil, he kept the horns.

Not horny at all. Masturbate if I'm horny so when out n about, or here, not doing or saying things because of it.

I didn't say you were horny. I meant your post was at the heart of Christianity. For example, the word horny and the devil having horns.......

The colloquial meaning "lustful, sexually aroused," was in use certainly by 1889, perhaps as early as 1863; it probably derives from the late 18c. slang expression to have the horn, suggestive of male sexual excitement (but eventually applied to women as well);
Online Etymology Dictionary
you know my thoughts and I hope my fellow Christian friends will come here in defense, and not boycott because of the OP.....
Well, the OP is boring.

The OP is a massive part of what makes Christianity what it is.

Horny. The Devil has horns. It's all connected. The God of fertility became the Devil, he kept the horns.

Not horny at all. Masturbate if I'm horny so when out n about, or here, not doing or saying things because of it.

I didn't say you were horny. I meant your post was at the heart of Christianity. For example, the word horny and the devil having horns.......

The colloquial meaning "lustful, sexually aroused," was in use certainly by 1889, perhaps as early as 1863; it probably derives from the late 18c. slang expression to have the horn, suggestive of male sexual excitement (but eventually applied to women as well);
Online Etymology Dictionary

the definition of horn

Both say there is a link back to the 14th century or so. Then again this sort of thing isn't that precise.
Well, the OP is boring.

The OP is a massive part of what makes Christianity what it is.

Horny. The Devil has horns. It's all connected. The God of fertility became the Devil, he kept the horns.

Not horny at all. Masturbate if I'm horny so when out n about, or here, not doing or saying things because of it.

I didn't say you were horny. I meant your post was at the heart of Christianity. For example, the word horny and the devil having horns.......

The colloquial meaning "lustful, sexually aroused," was in use certainly by 1889, perhaps as early as 1863; it probably derives from the late 18c. slang expression to have the horn, suggestive of male sexual excitement (but eventually applied to women as well);
Online Etymology Dictionary

the definition of horn

Both say there is a link back to the 14th century or so. Then again this sort of thing isn't that precise.

Prob's when looking up an English word, English usage will be the results. Without knowing 'horny' in other ancient languages I can't search for it. :)
The OP is a massive part of what makes Christianity what it is.

Horny. The Devil has horns. It's all connected. The God of fertility became the Devil, he kept the horns.

Not horny at all. Masturbate if I'm horny so when out n about, or here, not doing or saying things because of it.

I didn't say you were horny. I meant your post was at the heart of Christianity. For example, the word horny and the devil having horns.......

The colloquial meaning "lustful, sexually aroused," was in use certainly by 1889, perhaps as early as 1863; it probably derives from the late 18c. slang expression to have the horn, suggestive of male sexual excitement (but eventually applied to women as well);
Online Etymology Dictionary

the definition of horn

Both say there is a link back to the 14th century or so. Then again this sort of thing isn't that precise.

Prob's when looking up an English word, English usage will be the results. Without knowing 'horny' in other ancient languages I can't search for it. :)

English Definitions for: horny (English Search) - Latin Dictionary and Grammar Resources - Latdict

Seems in Latin it's Cornesco.

Cano being horn.

Min (god) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You have in Egyptian Godetry (Great word to invent) Min, with two horns. God of reproduction.


"In Egyptian art, Min was depicted as being covered in shrouds, wearing a crown with feathers, and often holding his penis erect in his left hand and a flail (referring to his authority, or rather that of the Pharaohs) in his upward facing right hand. Around his forehead, Min wears a red ribbon that trails to the ground, claimed by some to represent sexual energy. The symbols of Min were the white bull, a barbed arrow, and a bed of lettuce, that the Egyptians believed to be anaphrodisiac, as Egyptian lettuce was tall, straight, and released a milk-like substance when rubbed, characteristics superficially similar to the penis."

The White Bull being significant.

Fertility: Horned Gods

" The Horned God is often a fertility deity. The main Gods to pay attention to are: Cernunnos (Celtic), Pan (Greek), Dionysus (also Greek), Osiris (Egyptian) and Pashupati (Indian)."

In Welsh (I was looking up Cernunnos, possibly God of Fertility in Celtic religions) and

University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Corniog is With Horns. Similar to Latin for Horny, Cornesco?????

The Romans didn't have a devil, the concept didn't really exist until Christianity took over and took the Latin word "diablos" or something like that for the devil.
(How Christianity Causes Crime)
Dr. Lee Carter
(C) 1985

Christianity is the direct cause of much, if not most, of our phenomenal
rate of mental illness, divorce and crime.

Why? There are many reasons, but one of the most important is because
Christianity is anti-sexual. These anti-sexual attitudes have permeated all of
Western culture (or what used to be called "Christendom") and no one, not even
atheists, can escape their influence entirely. Finally, these pervasive anti-sexual
cultural attitudes cause neurosis, broken marriages and crime."
Sex, Sin, and Sanity - How Christianity Causes Crime

"Christianity and Sexuality
The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings

From the second century onwards, a range of Christian movements emerged which hated sex and all things sexual1. A stream of writings from the Church Fathers and other senior Christians denounced sex in every way possible; it was evil and Satanic, and must only be indulged in when resistance was impossible, and only with your wife for the purpose of procreation. Alongside those of St Paul, these writings appear from the very beginning of Christianity, and can still be found in many modern Christian churches, highlighted by the doctrine of the celibacy of Catholic clergy. Examples verses from the Bible include Galatians 5:17, 1 Thessalonians 4:3 and Revelation 14:4. This Christian abhorrence of sexual human nature became very influential throughout the West2 from before the lead-up to the dark ages until the modern era in which Christian power has waned. The misguided anti-carnality message has been responsible for more sexual dysfunction in adult males than any other force of history. Statistically, Christians divorce more frequently than atheists and non-religious folk3. Christian clergy and institutions have been under much scrutiny over the last two decades after a long series of horrible scandals involving child abuse. The cases have been shocking, wild, numerous, public, and they just keep rolling on with no end in sight4. The effect of organized Christianity against birth control has had a deleterious impact on the control of sexually transmitted diseases and has been instrumental on speeding us all towards an increasingly overpopulated planet5."
Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings

"moral ethics: anti-sex and pro-violence

"In 1979, the rallying cry was put forth by a new political action committee—the Moral Majority. Founded by Jerry Falwell, the organization brought together evangelicals and Roman Catholics for the first time in a new political alliance. Its agenda was pro-life and pro-traditional family. It was against pornography, drugs and gays, but also against the Equal Rights Amendment for women. In addition, the group supported a strong national defense and a pro-Israel foreign policy in the Middle East.

Increasingly, the evangelical movement has almost exclusively focused on sexual morality, usually centered on the hot button issues of abortion and same-sex marriage. Conservative columnist Cal Thomas, who once served as Jerry Falwell's spokesman, said, "What are Christians known for? We're against abortion, against same-sex marriage. But what are we for?" (It's telling that Thomas sees those who oppose abortion and same-sex marriage as the only legitimate Christians.)"
Evangelical Christianity

" Curiously, the religio-erotic practices of the ancient Hebrews, Christians and other Near Eastern peoples is seldom discussed in modern biblical scholarship, and books on the ancient world in general, a fact likely attributed to the surviving anti-sex Christian bias of many academically trained scholars.

As shall be demonstrated, many of the Biblical taboos concerning sexuality, have nothing to do with divine edicts of good and evil. They developed out of prejudices against foreign forms of worship, as a means of social control, and interestingly, to combat the spread of venereal disease. "
Sex, Drugs, Violence and the Bible

"Is the Christian Faith inherently anti-sex?

There is no doubt that (as far as I know) no significant part of the Christian tradition has much good to say about sex. Rumor is that the one significant Christian thinker (Jovian) who spoke positively of sex was promptly excommunicated. However... I think that starting with general principles, one can show a more positive notion of sexuality."
JPN: Christianity: Sex: For it?

2 seemingly secular sources, 3 religious ones all in perfect agreement with each other: Christianity is anti-sex.

Again, you're totally obsessed with religion.
(How Christianity Causes Crime)
Dr. Lee Carter
(C) 1985

Christianity is the direct cause of much, if not most, of our phenomenal
rate of mental illness, divorce and crime.

Why? There are many reasons, but one of the most important is because
Christianity is anti-sexual. These anti-sexual attitudes have permeated all of
Western culture (or what used to be called "Christendom") and no one, not even
atheists, can escape their influence entirely. Finally, these pervasive anti-sexual
cultural attitudes cause neurosis, broken marriages and crime."
Sex, Sin, and Sanity - How Christianity Causes Crime

"Christianity and Sexuality
The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings

From the second century onwards, a range of Christian movements emerged which hated sex and all things sexual1. A stream of writings from the Church Fathers and other senior Christians denounced sex in every way possible; it was evil and Satanic, and must only be indulged in when resistance was impossible, and only with your wife for the purpose of procreation. Alongside those of St Paul, these writings appear from the very beginning of Christianity, and can still be found in many modern Christian churches, highlighted by the doctrine of the celibacy of Catholic clergy. Examples verses from the Bible include Galatians 5:17, 1 Thessalonians 4:3 and Revelation 14:4. This Christian abhorrence of sexual human nature became very influential throughout the West2 from before the lead-up to the dark ages until the modern era in which Christian power has waned. The misguided anti-carnality message has been responsible for more sexual dysfunction in adult males than any other force of history. Statistically, Christians divorce more frequently than atheists and non-religious folk3. Christian clergy and institutions have been under much scrutiny over the last two decades after a long series of horrible scandals involving child abuse. The cases have been shocking, wild, numerous, public, and they just keep rolling on with no end in sight4. The effect of organized Christianity against birth control has had a deleterious impact on the control of sexually transmitted diseases and has been instrumental on speeding us all towards an increasingly overpopulated planet5."
Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings

"moral ethics: anti-sex and pro-violence

"In 1979, the rallying cry was put forth by a new political action committee—the Moral Majority. Founded by Jerry Falwell, the organization brought together evangelicals and Roman Catholics for the first time in a new political alliance. Its agenda was pro-life and pro-traditional family. It was against pornography, drugs and gays, but also against the Equal Rights Amendment for women. In addition, the group supported a strong national defense and a pro-Israel foreign policy in the Middle East.

Increasingly, the evangelical movement has almost exclusively focused on sexual morality, usually centered on the hot button issues of abortion and same-sex marriage. Conservative columnist Cal Thomas, who once served as Jerry Falwell's spokesman, said, "What are Christians known for? We're against abortion, against same-sex marriage. But what are we for?" (It's telling that Thomas sees those who oppose abortion and same-sex marriage as the only legitimate Christians.)"
Evangelical Christianity

" Curiously, the religio-erotic practices of the ancient Hebrews, Christians and other Near Eastern peoples is seldom discussed in modern biblical scholarship, and books on the ancient world in general, a fact likely attributed to the surviving anti-sex Christian bias of many academically trained scholars.

As shall be demonstrated, many of the Biblical taboos concerning sexuality, have nothing to do with divine edicts of good and evil. They developed out of prejudices against foreign forms of worship, as a means of social control, and interestingly, to combat the spread of venereal disease. "
Sex, Drugs, Violence and the Bible

"Is the Christian Faith inherently anti-sex?

There is no doubt that (as far as I know) no significant part of the Christian tradition has much good to say about sex. Rumor is that the one significant Christian thinker (Jovian) who spoke positively of sex was promptly excommunicated. However... I think that starting with general principles, one can show a more positive notion of sexuality."
JPN: Christianity: Sex: For it?

2 seemingly secular sources, 3 religious ones all in perfect agreement with each other: Christianity is anti-sex.

It's not anti-sex. One of God's first commandments was "be fruitful and multiply".

It is certainly anti-homosexual though. Which, for some people around here, would equate to "anti-sex".

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