Zone1 Is Christianity just an outlier sect of Judaism?

Paul and all the other apostles were loyal to the teachings of Yeshua.

It was the counterfeit church of ROME that "changed times and laws."

What most today follow as "Christianity" bears little resemblance to what Jesus/Yeshua, the apostles and projets taught.

The apostles would be appalled at what passes for Christianity today
Yeshua Ben Yosef was a practicing Jew. He never intended any of this.
Judaism is inbred and exclusive.

It is largely a racist cult. Nazis have nothing on most Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox, and the Chabad Lubavitcher types even one up Nazis, in that they teach their kids that only 'pure Jews' are humans, and nobody else. Goyim are merely animals.

For some reason many Christians have been conned into believing all Jews are alike, when in fact they are riddled with cults and racist nutjobs that have no real connection with the religion of Moses and Abraham. they think they will get extra cookies in Heaven or something if they suck up to these counterfeit cults who claim to practice Judaism.
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Paul and all the other apostles were loyal to the teachings of Yeshua.

It was the counterfeit church of ROME that "changed times and laws."

What most today follow as "Christianity" bears little resemblance to what Jesus/Yeshua, the apostles and projets taught.

The apostles would be appalled at what passes for Christianity today

Wrong. Nothing was rewritten, and the Roman Catholics were never the sole Church. There were other sects, like the Orthodox, and of course the Reformation. The Popes never had the totalitarian grip on the WEst that is widely assumed. Merely reading Thomas of Aquina and the 12th century scholastics alone will blow that notion out of the water. The claim that Constantine rewrote the books of the Bible is utter nonsense.

There are no anachronisms in the NT. It was all witnessed and recorded in the times the events it records happened. This would be patently impossible for a Roman Emperor in the 4th century to do, and no bishops would have stupid enough to try, with so many copies of the texts floating around in so many different places, not to mention the Christians were not intimidated much by Emperors or Roman armies in the first place.
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It is largely a racist cult. Nazis have nothing on most Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox, and the Chabad Lubavitcher types even one up Nazis, in that they teach their kids that only 'pure Jews' are humans, and nobody else. Goyim are merely animals.

For some reason many Christians have been conned into believing all Jews are alike, when in fact they are riddled with cults and racist nutjobs that have no real connection with the religion of Moses and Abraham. they think they will get extras cookies in Heaven or something if they suck up to these counterfeit cults who claim to practice Judaism.undr
Well Jews pray to G_d, not a prophet and they follow stricter rules/rituals in honour of G_d. This is quite an important distinction and we shouldn't dismiss their beliefs. I understand their rejection of Jesus and our seeming lack of actions in keeping Faith.
Well Jews pray to G_d, not a prophet and they follow stricter rules/rituals in honour of G_d. This is quite an important distinction and we shouldn't dismiss their beliefs. I understand their rejection of Jesus and our seeming lack of actions in keeping Faith.
Thanks for this. This thread seemed to attract a number of antisemites. Their hostility leaps off the screen.
Well Jews pray to G_d, not a prophet and they follow stricter rules/rituals in honour of G_d. This is quite an important distinction and we shouldn't dismiss their beliefs. I understand their rejection of Jesus and our seeming lack of actions in keeping Faith.

That's because you're not really familiar with the theology and think all those claiming to be 'Jews' are really Jewish. They aren't, they just like to lie to Christians about their beliefs, same as Muslims do. In fact, Muslims get a lot of their theology from the later cults, like the practice of taqiyya, for instance. Many of the cultists pray for the deaths of Christians and of course aided the Muslim invasions of the West, as soldiers and administrators. The Ottomans relied on Jewish arms factories for weapons.

We see a return to their love of the Turks and selling them weapons to kill Armenians with again. Palestine Jews loved Kemal and supported his genocides against the Armenians and Greeks in the WW I era, and now Netanyahu is sucking up to the Hasidim vermin and their extreme racism. Netanyahu mourned the death of this piece of shit in 2010 or so:

Hundreds of thousands of his supporters took the streets of Jerusalem to mourn. Former Israeli President Shimon Peres visited with Mr. Yosef at his hospital bedside just hours before he passed, tenderly kissing his hand and forehead, according to The Jerusalem Post. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a statement issued by his office, spoke of his "profound grief" and said that "the Jewish People have lost one of the wisest men of his generation."


For instance, in 2010 he said in a weekly Saturday night sermon that the sole purpose God put non-Jews on earth was to be servants to Jews.

"Goyim (gentiles, non-Jews) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel," he said, according to the Jerusalem Post. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created." An "effendi" is a lord, or a master, in Arabic.

One can find more on the vermin via a search, same with the some of the Chabad Lubavitch scum and their 'Messiahs'. You need to educate yourself on the differences and and lose the fixtion that many of those claiming to be Jews today have zero to do with Abraham and Moses.
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What are they? Talmudic? Rabbinic? Whatever it is, it isn't tribal or temple.

Few Jews are descended from anywhere near Israel. Ashkenazi are European converts, and most Sephardi are descended from converts.
The State Is Satan

The Jews were already saved through Abraham and Moses. Jesus was sent to save the Gentiles. Any other interpretation is ungodly, and merely an excuse to give tyrannies a scapegoat.

lol Jesus's entire ministry was to the Jews of his day and the racist bullshit the Sadducee and Pharisees fabricated. He was seeking a return to the written Torah of Moses.
Wrong. Nothing was rewritten, and the Roman Catholics were never the sole Church. There were other sects, like the Orthodox, and of course the Reformation. The Popes never had the totalitarian grip on the WEst that is widely assumed. Merely reading Thomas of Aquina and the 12th century scholastics alone will blow that notion out of the water. The claim that Constantine rewrote the books of the Bible is utter nonsense.

There are no anachronisms in the NT. It was all witnessed and recorded in the times the events it records happened. This would be patently impossible for a Roman Emperor in the 4th century to do, and no bishops would have stupid enough to try, with so many copies of the texts floating around in so many different places, not to mention the Christians were not intimidated much by Emperors or Roman armies in the first place.
The prophet Daniel spoke of the signs of the Antichrist. That church fulfills that role although the final fullfillment of that prophecy has yet to come to pass

It was THAT church that persecuted (through the State (the Beast) the Jerusalem Church of God for "Judaizing on the Sabbath'
The prophet Daniel spoke of the signs of the Antichrist. That church fulfills that role although the final fullfillment of that prophecy has yet to come to pass

And that has nothing to do with the claim Constantine rewrote the bible n stuff. The people peddling that myth want to rewrite it themselves and need to discredit the genuine article and them claim their own fantasy bullshit as the 'real Jesus'.

Picking isolated quotes out of books here and there isn't bible study.
The State Is Satan

The Jews were already saved through Abraham and Moses. Jesus was sent to save the Gentiles. Any other interpretation is ungodly, and merely an excuse to give tyrannies a scapegoat.
Jesus was sent to save the world. Nobody is saved without faith and belief in Him.

Here's a statement from Him as He spoke with Israelites:

John 3:18, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
Also, there were actually 12 tribes of Israel. The term “Jew” represents one of the twelve (Judah). So not all the Israelites can be called “Jews,” technically. They actually split apart in the later years (read the books of Kings and Chronicles). The 10 northern tribes of Israel were referred to as “Israel” while the two southern tribes of Judah & Benjamin were referred to as “Judah” and, at times, "Jews.”

Hebrews 8:8, “For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:”

1) House of Israel
2) House of Judah

Two, different groups.
Constantine was among the firsts of the Antichrists:

Constantine also began claiming land in Israel for the Christian Church through his mother, Helena. During her visit in 326 to 327, Helena identified where key events may have taken place in Yeshua’s life, and Constantine built churches at those locations.

At the Council of Antioch in 345 AD, Christians were banned from celebrating the Passover Seder (ritual meal) with Jewish friends or neighbors.

Then at the Council of Laodicea in 363–364 AD, the Biblical Sabbath day was outlawed:

“Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord’s Day; and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be Judaizers, let them be cursed from Christ.” (Canon 29)

By this time, all things Jewish were understood to be totally incompatible with Christianity.

The Messianic Jewish faith of “The Way” that the Jewish Messiah and His Jewish followers started was officially buried over these 300 years, and the new religion called Christianity arose.

That's because you're not really familiar with the theology and think all those claiming to be 'Jews' are really Jewish. They aren't, they just like to lie to Christians about their beliefs, same as Muslims do. In fact, Muslims get a lot of their theology from the later cults, like the practice of taqiyya, for instance. Many of the cultists pray for the deaths of Christians and of course aided the Muslim invasions of the West, as soldiers and administrators. The Ottomans relied on Jewish arms factories for weapons.

We see a return to their love of the Turks and selling them weapons to kill Armenians with again. Palestine Jews loved Kemal and supported his genocides against the Armenians and Greeks in the WW I era, and now Netanyahu is sucking up to the Hasidim vermin and their extreme racism. Netanyahu mourned the death of this piece of shit in 2010 or so:

Hundreds of thousands of his supporters took the streets of Jerusalem to mourn. Former Israeli President Shimon Peres visited with Mr. Yosef at his hospital bedside just hours before he passed, tenderly kissing his hand and forehead, according to The Jerusalem Post. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a statement issued by his office, spoke of his "profound grief" and said that "the Jewish People have lost one of the wisest men of his generation."


For instance, in 2010 he said in a weekly Saturday night sermon that the sole purpose God put non-Jews on earth was to be servants to Jews.

"Goyim (gentiles, non-Jews) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel," he said, according to the Jerusalem Post. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created." An "effendi" is a lord, or a master, in Arabic.

One can find more on the vermin via a search, same with the some of the Chabad Lubavitch scum and their 'Messiahs'. You need to educate yourself on the differences and and lose the fixtion that many of those claiming to be Jews today have zero to do with Abraham and Moses.
You are misinformed about tayqqia and a lot of other things.
Do you believe any faith or sect is praying to a prophet? If so, which one? (I ask, because I have never heard of anyone praying to a prophet.)
Most non-Christians (and even some “Christians”) don't know or believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. Christ IS God.

Nobody can claim to believe in God the Father while rejecting God the Son.

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