Zone1 Is Christianity just an outlier sect of Judaism?

No he wasn’t. That’s just misinterpreting the Hebrew Bible. Our first tenet is to worship Gd and only Gd.

1 Genesis 26: Hebrew Bible, which seems the same in the Torah: "Let US make man in OUR image..."

Who is the us?
Jesus' focus was the Kingdom and His mission; Paul's was the church. It would be like if two people are dedicated to being great parents but one does the shopping, meal prep, cooking and reads the stories, and the other keeps up with homework and dr appts. Same goal; different functions--but not different directions.
Jesus built the church through the apostles.
We should discuss differences between Judaism and Christianity without defining at least one of the components?
I’m not the most learned Jew on the forum. There are several others better suited to discuss this in depth, but they might not be online because it’s Shabbat.

I am thus going to bow out, especially since the last few posters are hostile to Judaism, and rejoin this tomorrow after some more Jews can participate.
Jesus did not even start Christianity that was Paul (Saul). Did Jesus simply promote Judaism with a different flavor? Promote his own personal perspective which differed radically at times from Judaism practiced at the time (not keeping the Sabbath, eating what he wants etc.)? There is still debate as to Jesuses role, was he the son of G_d, a prophet or G_d himself? The more I delve deeper between both religions the more I am also confused. Are we worshiping a man, even if he were a prophet; but forgetting about G_d? Jews do not pray to Moses, but Christians pray to Jesus. Unless Jesus is Go_d himself....
Jesus started Christianity.
Yes, he did. It was Saul who took things in a different direction.
Jesus was obedient to the Law and chastised the Pharisees for replacing the Law with their traditions.

"Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.

But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?"

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The fulfillment of the law that Jesus represents transcended the situation that man had created through interpretation of the law. Christianity is the spiritual extension of the Hebrew faith. It is the movement from the material to the essential. It is the passage from the description of life to being alive.
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No. Judaism and Christianity are diametrically opposed. One accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. The other rejects Jesus Christ, wholly.

Many confuse the Old Covenant Israelites who followed the Laws of God (or tried) with modern day Talumdism or Judaism. Although modern Talmudism may borrow from the Old Covenant religion, it's really a very different animal in actual practice. The Old Covenant was a shadow of things to come and embraced the idea of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Talmudism rejects Christ.
The State Is Satan

The Jews were already saved through Abraham and Moses. Jesus was sent to save the Gentiles. Any other interpretation is ungodly, and merely an excuse to give tyrannies a scapegoat.
Jesus said he was sent to the lost Jewish tribes.
Lost in what way? Not observing Gd’s commandments? Not being connected to Judaism?

Unless of course you mean the 10 lost tribes. If so, he was unsuccessful.

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