Zone1 Is Christianity just an outlier sect of Judaism?

No. Judaism and Christianity are diametrically opposed. One accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. The other rejects Jesus Christ, wholly.

Many confuse the Old Covenant Israelites who followed the Laws of God (or tried) with modern day Talumdism or Judaism. Although modern Talmudism may borrow from the Old Covenant religion, it's really a very different animal in actual practice. The Old Covenant was a shadow of things to come and embraced the idea of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Talmudism rejects Christ.
Quibbling and Bickering Means Religion Is for Arguing

That's like the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. And the same proof that their God is not very intelligent if He let a mistaken faith go on for hundreds of years.
I wouldn't go that far at all. Maybe in some respects, but not that extreme a dichotomy. They even share the same Commandments.
All Tribes Are Lost Tribes

Of course, listening to toxic Influencers makes Americans incapable of analogies, but this is no different from the claims of Mormons against other Christians.
Actually, there is nothing in the Torah that mentions Christianity since it didn’t even exist, nor do we discuss it in services or classes.
Maybe you should read the rest of the Old Testament. Lots of reference to what would become Christianity. Here's one from Isaiah 8 and 9.

"Nevertheless, the dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation, when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward did more grievously afflict her by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations.

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined."

This is a prophecy about the beginning of Jesus' ministry in Galilee.
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Christianity was a breakaway religion from Judaism. Islam came along later from the paranoid ravings of Mohammad.
Christianity was a breakaway religion from Judaism. Islam came along later from the paranoid ravings of Mohammad.
The 'suffering savior' predates Judaism. The type of Christ as substitutional sacrifice first appeared in the garden to cover the sin of Adam and Eve, saving them from death. This pattern is carried on in the religious rituals of Israel which saw their fulfillment with the crucifixion of Jesus.
Judaism formally rejects Christianity.

Counterfeit Judaism does. Modern Judaism cults reject almost all the Hebrewism of Abraham and the written Torah. Their origins date to the Pharisees and the 'racial purity' hoaxes begun by Ezra to set the Babylonians up as rulers under the influence of Cyrus and the Persians, who financed the Temple scam. By Jesus's day, they had an elaborate and detailed 'Racial Purity' code in place. Rabinical Judaism didn't come along until after the failure of the Bar Kokbha Revolt, some 100 years after Jesus was martyred. There have been many 'Messiahs', since, most of them con men and frauds.
It’s in the Talmud, I believe. It doesn’t bother you that the Jewish soul goes to Gd, does it?
If Christianity is an alleged "outlier sect" of Judaism, then it is a departure only from the Hebrew Bible, not from Talmud, which is irrelevant to Christianity, and, dare I say again, also to the Abrahamic parentage.

The Hebrew Bible may hint of individual salvation, which I find suspect, as ancient Israel's anticipated salvation was always its liberation from foreign powers.
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Jesus promoted Judaism.

Saul/Paul took things in a different direction and began an entirely different religion.
Paul and all the other apostles were loyal to the teachings of Yeshua.

It was the counterfeit church of ROME that "changed times and laws."

What most today follow as "Christianity" bears little resemblance to what Jesus/Yeshua, the apostles and prophets taught.

The apostles would be appalled at what passes for Christianity today
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