Is Conservative Talk Radio Helping Democrats Win Elections?

Is Conservative Talk Radio Helping Democrats Win Elections?

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Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
The conventional wisdom is that numerous national and local conservative talk radio hosts are helping conservatives by singing the praises of conservatism, giving conservative Republican candidates some free air time, and drumming up support for conservative policies nationwide while also engaging in nonstop criticism of Democrats and liberalism. But is it true?

Ever since Rush Limbaugh opened up a PR firestorm when he criticized Sandra Fluke, conservative talk radio has been given a larger profile in the national consciousness. Also, fairly or unfairly, conservatives have also gotten a reputation in this election cycle for being extremists who are hostile to other groups (like immigrants, gays, poor people, and young students, for example).

Now, when one looks at the election results, a person can't help but ask if all that conservative rhetoric flying over the airwaves from coast to coast is hurting Republicans if and when swing voters and undecided voters tune in while driving down the street to hear some of the things that these talk show host say in an effort to stay controversial.

In fact, in the aftermath of the election, many talk radio hosts are not only angry, but they're defiant despite the loss. And furthermore, I've actually heard at least one conservative caller tell a talk show host (Bill Bennett) that he and over a hundred of his friends had no intention of voting for "RINO Romney." That's exactly what he said.

If my proposed theory is true, not only are conservative talk radio host quite possibly alienating people in the middle, they've managed to push some of their more conservative listeners away from seriously considering voting for a candidate if he (or she) doesn't measure up to their idea of what a conservative should be. After all, wasn't Dick Lugar's loss in the IN primary (an otherwise safe Republican seat) a result of a rightward shift in the people who voted in the Republican primary?

So, conservative talk radio hosts, in an effort to stay controversial COULD be scaring away moderates AND pushing conservative voters into rejecting Republican Party candidates at the same time, resulting in a higher turn out for Democrats at the same time that they're reducing the turnout for Republicans.

What does everyone think about this?
The conventional wisdom is that numerous national and local conservative talk radio hosts are helping conservatives by singing the praises of conservatism, giving conservative Republican candidates some free air time, and drumming up support for conservative policies nationwide while also engaging in nonstop criticism of Democrats and liberalism. But is it true?

They're giving aid to one brand of conservatism, but it doesn't seem to be helping much anymore. Some are still drinking the kool-aid and denounce anyone who isn't sufficiently ideological. Kind of reminds me of speeches given by the dictators they say they hate. For example, I cited a well-reasoned appeal by a conservative columnist to other conservatives and rather than argue his points, board CONS scoffed at the mere mention of his name. At the risk of turning you all conservative, I'll cite him again, the partisans be damned.

Conservatives, don't despair -
AND turning a quarter of the country into loudmouth hater/dupes...a disgrace.
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The conventional wisdom is that numerous national and local conservative talk radio hosts are helping conservatives by singing the praises of conservatism, giving conservative Republican candidates some free air time, and drumming up support for conservative policies nationwide while also engaging in nonstop criticism of Democrats and liberalism. But is it true?

Ever since Rush Limbaugh opened up a PR firestorm when he criticized Sandra Fluke, conservative talk radio has been given a larger profile in the national consciousness. Also, fairly or unfairly, conservatives have also gotten a reputation in this election cycle for being extremists who are hostile to other groups (like immigrants, gays, poor people, and young students, for example).

Now, when one looks at the election results, a person can't help but ask if all that conservative rhetoric flying over the airwaves from coast to coast is hurting Republicans if and when swing voters and undecided voters tune in while driving down the street to hear some of the things that these talk show host say in an effort to stay controversial.

In fact, in the aftermath of the election, many talk radio hosts are not only angry, but they're defiant despite the loss. And furthermore, I've actually heard at least one conservative caller tell a talk show host (Bill Bennett) that he and over a hundred of his friends had no intention of voting for "RINO Romney." That's exactly what he said.

If my proposed theory is true, not only are conservative talk radio host quite possibly alienating people in the middle, they've managed to push some of their more conservative listeners away from seriously considering voting for a candidate if he (or she) doesn't measure up to their idea of what a conservative should be. After all, wasn't Dick Lugar's loss in the IN primary (an otherwise safe Republican seat) a result of a rightward shift in the people who voted in the Republican primary?

So, conservative talk radio hosts, in an effort to stay controversial COULD be scaring away moderates AND pushing conservative voters into rejecting Republican Party candidates at the same time, resulting in a higher turn out for Democrats at the same time that they're reducing the turnout for Republicans.

What does everyone think about this?

Want to be more specific about which shows you're talking about? Because Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh are much different than Michael Medved and Dennis Miller.
OMG...first fox now the RADIO...what is Rush audience, 30MILLION measly people?

But that is considered HURTING the gop...good gawd

I don't think they'll be happy until we have nothing but Guberment t.v and radio

we pretty much have that now with the lamestream media and pmsnbc,cnn,abc,nbc
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its painfully obvious the right has gone towards feel good talking points instead of actual facts. Just about all of us witnessed this a week ago.

Like Obama and his golf game. One cant even begin to compare Obama and is down time to the previous president who spent 1/4 of his time on vacation. These are the facts yet the right seems to not give a shot and they just make it up as they go.
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its painfully obvious the right has gone towards feel good talking points instead of actual facts. Just about all of us witnessed this a week ago.

Like Obama and his golf game. One cant even begin to compare Obama and is down time to the previous president who spent 1/4 of his time on vacation. These are the facts yet the right seems to not give a shot and they just make it up as they go.

a liberal dissing "feel good talking points"...........?

wow....has the world gone topsy turvy....? :lol:
its painfully obvious the right has gone towards feel good talking points instead of actual facts. Just about all of us witnessed this a week ago.

Like Obama and his golf game. One cant even begin to compare Obama and is down time to the previous president who spent 1/4 of his time on vacation. These are the facts yet the right seems to not give a shot and they just make it up as they go.

a liberal dissing "feel good talking points"...........?

wow....has the world gone topsy turvy....? :lol:

no kidding,
Maybe, however I am not truly sure how much of a negative factor talk radio is for elections.

I think extremism and bombastic styles are the turn off for many people. Left or right. Obama did not win by a huge amount. Why are those one the left so apparently analytical of conservative talk radio? Why do any of you care?
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OMG...first fox now the RADIO...what is Rush audience, 30MILLION measly people?

But that is considered HURTING the gop...good gawd

I don't think they'll be happy until we have nothing but Guberment t.v and radio

we pretty much have that now with the lamestream media and pmsnbc,cnn,abc,nbc

exhibit a

maroons like steph actually believe that horseshit :lol:

The DNC should be sending these folks Thank You cards.

Democrats should be SUPPORTING their advertisers.

The beauty of the First Amendment is that it points out the wackos, loud and clear.

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I'd say no. Most of the talk radio guys I have heard said Romney was moderate. All their criticisms of the left are generally true. It's too bad they can't be realistic and criticize the morons in the Republican party too.
I think they only hurt when people believe they represent the views of the party as a whole. I don't think most Americans would say Rush is speaking for the party(no matter how much dems wish that were so), but sometimes local tough guys can really put voters off.
Absolutely. The right wing propaganda machine is sinking their own ship.

Well, it certainly would be ironic if conservative talk radio was actually hurting Republican candidates AND doing so from both sides of the electoral spectrum at the very same time.

It reminds me of that old funny line that many people have used when someone supports them and hurts their cause in the process.
"Please, get OFF my side!"

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