Is Corey Booker Afraid To Book A Major Rally? Afraid Of "How Many Don't Show Up"& The Embarrassment?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Booker sure thinks that "He's The Man", "He's The Chit". The One! I am Sparitkuss!
Well then, go book a rally at at arena that holds at least 10,000.
We all know that the last thing Booker wants to happen are the news stories saying that no one showed up to see him. Just like with Hillary Clinton.
What is he right now? still stuck at 2% ??
Kamala is blaming her 1% level on the MSM fawning over Biden, Bernie and Butterbutt...Booker willl run out of money before long....
Kamala is blaming her 1% level on the MSM fawning over Biden, Bernie and Butterbutt...Booker willl run out of money before long....
i think that the only speices of which Corey could attract 10,000 of are fleas.
He couldn't even fill up a locker room, nevermind a football stadium. At the rate he is going, I would book my vacation early, 'cause I am can be certain, his chances of being POTUS are bar none now.
if the average crowd for hillary was 100 last time around,,,i wonder how many snowflakes she would attract now
"Afraid" The OP has Trump speak written all over it. Fuck you and DJT. The Opposition is not Afraid.
Kamala is blaming her 1% level on the MSM fawning over Biden, Bernie and Butterbutt...Booker willl run out of money before long....

I thought Democrats and Liberals were over White Men? Within their own party, White Men are dominating. Even with Obama, they still needed enough whiteness and one who grew up in white privilege to be their nominee.
i wonder how many snowflakes she would attract now
She isn't, it is now irrelevant.
of course she isnt running, i dont think she can barely walk after seeing Hillary collapse under her van
Fighting the old fight, I see...
They have nothing else but old accolades to fall back upon as the rest of society moves on..
i think that Booker could possibly fill one of those bags that connect to your stomache

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