Is Cruz Cheating? He is Under Fire for Sending Iowans Controversial Letter

Define "cheating".

He didn't break any laws.

It was slimy. Not to mention desperate. And fraudulent:

"""In Iowa, although voter-registration information is free and available to the public, voter history is not. That information is maintained by the secretary of state, who licenses it to campaigns, super PACs, polling firms, and any other entity that might want it. So was the Cruz campaign accurately portraying the voter histories of Iowans? Or did it simply make up the numbers?"""
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks - The New Yorker

Actually, from a GOTV standpoint, it's a brilliant move.

A number of studies have been done showing that shaming occasional voters is one of the most effective ways to increase turnout.
Define "cheating".

He didn't break any laws.

It was slimy. Not to mention desperate. And fraudulent:

"""In Iowa, although voter-registration information is free and available to the public, voter history is not. That information is maintained by the secretary of state, who licenses it to campaigns, super PACs, polling firms, and any other entity that might want it. So was the Cruz campaign accurately portraying the voter histories of Iowans? Or did it simply make up the numbers?"""
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks - The New Yorker

All those questions and no verifiable answers, go figure.

There are, you just need to take your blinders off and Google it. Too much to ask, I know. Got butthurt cream?

Just commenting on the provided link, don't blame me, you provided it.
Define "cheating".

He didn't break any laws.

It was slimy. Not to mention desperate. And fraudulent:

"""In Iowa, although voter-registration information is free and available to the public, voter history is not. That information is maintained by the secretary of state, who licenses it to campaigns, super PACs, polling firms, and any other entity that might want it. So was the Cruz campaign accurately portraying the voter histories of Iowans? Or did it simply make up the numbers?"""
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks - The New Yorker

Actually, from a GOTV standpoint, it's a brilliant move.

A number of studies have been done showing that shaming occasional voters is one of the most effective ways to increase turnout.

Yes shaming has been used by slimdogs of all breeds..

They have all been wondering how he got the voting history on that link... This is really where he blew it.
How is voter history except for party legal to get, I would be really pissed if it was me.. Maybe I didn't want my neighbor to know that I voted against his candidate..
Define "cheating".

He didn't break any laws.

It was slimy. Not to mention desperate. And fraudulent:

"""In Iowa, although voter-registration information is free and available to the public, voter history is not. That information is maintained by the secretary of state, who licenses it to campaigns, super PACs, polling firms, and any other entity that might want it. So was the Cruz campaign accurately portraying the voter histories of Iowans? Or did it simply make up the numbers?"""
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks - The New Yorker

Actually, from a GOTV standpoint, it's a brilliant move.

A number of studies have been done showing that shaming occasional voters is one of the most effective ways to increase turnout.

Yes shaming has been used by slimdogs of all breeds..

They have all been wondering how he got the voting history on that link... This is really where he blew it.
How is voter history except for party legal to get, I would be really pissed if it was me.. Maybe I didn't want my neighbor to know that I voted against his candidate..

"Voter History" doesn't include who you voted for, the actual votes are recorded anonymously. But whether or not you voted in a specific election is available to any campaign.
If you're angry at Cruz for knowing voter histories, you'll have to spread that anger around to pretty much every candidate in every election in the country.
It implies a violation
VIOLATION.An act done unlawfully.
In the English stat.of 25E.III.,st.5,c.2,it is declared to be high treason. Using the legal term violation makes it illegal and fraudulent.

Injury; Infringement; breach of right, duty, or law. Ravishment; seduction. The statute 25 Edw. III. St. 5, c. 2, enacts that any person who shall violate the king’s companion shall be guilty of high treason.


Cruz's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Cruz's statements for that ruling.

Injury; Infringement; breach of right, duty, or law. Ravishment; seduction. The statute 25 Edw. III. St. 5, c. 2, enacts that any person who shall violate the king’s companion shall be guilty of high treason.

Isn't it every eligible voters right and civic duty to vote?

What a dumb argument. Voting is not a requirement. Cruz is a lawyer and he know the legal implication of the word violation. Cruz knew he was committing fraud.

And I said it was a requirement, where? Also to commit fraud you have to be getting something of value under false pretenses, there was no fraudulent intent in this case.

So the Iowa Secty of State is lying?

How did he know everybody's voting score? Like there is one.

You answered that question yourself, with your link. You just neglected to highlight the following sentence:

Define "cheating".

He didn't break any laws.

It was slimy. Not to mention desperate. And fraudulent:

"""In Iowa, although voter-registration information is free and available to the public, voter history is not. That information is maintained by the secretary of state, who licenses it to campaigns, super PACs, polling firms, and any other entity that might want it. So was the Cruz campaign accurately portraying the voter histories of Iowans? Or did it simply make up the numbers?"""
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks - The New Yorker

Voting history is available to every campaign, in every state.

This is what I do for a living, by the way.

So the Iowa Secty of State is lying? Interesting. What is the difference between "false" and "fraud"?

"Accusing citizens of Iowa of a "voting violation" based on Iowa Caucus participation, or lack thereof, is false representation of an official act," Pate said in his statement. "There is no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting. Any insinuation or statement to the contrary is wrong and I believe it is not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses."
Isn't it every eligible voters right and civic duty to vote?

What a dumb argument. Voting is not a requirement. Cruz is a lawyer and he know the legal implication of the word violation. Cruz knew he was committing fraud.

And I said it was a requirement, where? Also to commit fraud you have to be getting something of value under false pretenses, there was no fraudulent intent in this case.

So the Iowa Secty of State is lying?

How did he know everybody's voting score? Like there is one.

You answered that question yourself, with your link. You just neglected to highlight the following sentence:

Define "cheating".

He didn't break any laws.

It was slimy. Not to mention desperate. And fraudulent:

"""In Iowa, although voter-registration information is free and available to the public, voter history is not. That information is maintained by the secretary of state, who licenses it to campaigns, super PACs, polling firms, and any other entity that might want it. So was the Cruz campaign accurately portraying the voter histories of Iowans? Or did it simply make up the numbers?"""
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks - The New Yorker

Voting history is available to every campaign, in every state.

This is what I do for a living, by the way.

So the Iowa Secty of State is lying? Interesting. What is the difference between "false" and "fraud"?

"Accusing citizens of Iowa of a "voting violation" based on Iowa Caucus participation, or lack thereof, is false representation of an official act," Pate said in his statement. "There is no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting. Any insinuation or statement to the contrary is wrong and I believe it is not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses."

"Fraud" is a crime. "False" is not.

Nothing the Iowa SoS has said contradicts anything I've posted.
If you're angry at Cruz for knowing voter histories, you'll have to spread that anger around to pretty much every candidate in every election in the country.

Do they pull tricks like this? If they did, I doubt this would be getting the all this attention.
If you're angry at Cruz for knowing voter histories, you'll have to spread that anger around to pretty much every candidate in every election in the country.

Rubio sent out a shaming type of reminder which I don't like..but it wasn't personal like Cruz did..
it will backfire and spread like a bad hairdresser with women.. Especially the woman in this case quoted below who is probably calling /texting all her buddies at home who call their friends...and so on..

"She told me that she has voted consistently but that she can’t this time because of a disability.

“I’m crippled, so I can’t go to the caucus,” Holstein said. She was not happy about being shamed in front of her neighbors. “That’s what you call a bully,” she said about Cruz’s tactics. “I wish he would quit.”

If you're angry at Cruz for knowing voter histories, you'll have to spread that anger around to pretty much every candidate in every election in the country.

Do they pull tricks like this? If they did, I doubt this would be getting the all this attention.

A few campaigns have done mailers along these lines - as the link in the OP clearly states. But every campaign takes voter history into account for their campaigns in various ways.
If you're angry at Cruz for knowing voter histories, you'll have to spread that anger around to pretty much every candidate in every election in the country.

Rubio sent out a shaming type of reminder which I don't like..but it wasn't personal like Cruz did..
it will backfire and spread like a bad hairdresser with women.. Especially the woman in this case quoted below who is probably calling /texting all her buddies at home who call their friends...and so on..

"She told me that she has voted consistently but that she can’t this time because of a disability.

“I’m crippled, so I can’t go to the caucus,” Holstein said. She was not happy about being shamed in front of her neighbors. “That’s what you call a bully,” she said about Cruz’s tactics. “I wish he would quit.”


Whether or not it will "backfire" remains to be seen.
Great, I'll just file your post under personal opinion and unsubstantiated claims.

If this was Hillary it would be all over the place right now...

He is a snake and one of his fangs fell out with this one.

If you look under what cheating means, Teds name is on it.....again I will post it..

gerund or present participle: cheating
  1. 1.
    act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.
    "she always cheats at cards"

I would say this is showing a slimy character really.


Yet you posted what cheating means and Teds name is no where to be found, why do you feel compelled to lie?

I didn't break any laws did I?

Not sure why you think what Ted Cruz did was ok? I know many who want to vote for him but are angry.


Feel free to point out where I said it was OK, I just don't consider it to be that big a deal when compared to the outright lies other politicians have told. Think price harry standing in the well of the senate and claiming Romney didn't pay his taxes for 10 years. I didn't see anyone demanding he resign for abuse of public office or abuse of power.

Great, I'll just file your post under personal opinion and unsubstantiated claims.

If this was Hillary it would be all over the place right now...

He is a snake and one of his fangs fell out with this one.

If you look under what cheating means, Teds name is on it.....again I will post it..

gerund or present participle: cheating
  1. 1.
    act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.
    "she always cheats at cards"

I would say this is showing a slimy character really.


Yet you posted what cheating means and Teds name is no where to be found, why do you feel compelled to lie?

I didn't break any laws did I?

Not sure why you think what Ted Cruz did was ok? I know many who want to vote for him but are angry.


Feel free to point out where I said it was OK, I just don't consider it to be that big a deal when compared to the outright lies other politicians have told. Think price harry standing in the well of the senate and claiming Romney didn't pay his taxes for 10 years. I didn't see anyone demanding he resign for abuse of public office or abuse of power.

Those guys lie about each other all of the time....this statement below is whats going to piss people off bad,

In Noteapartyplease news link:

"She told me that she has voted consistently but that she can’t this time because of a disability.

“I’m crippled, so I can’t go to the caucus,” Holstein said. She was not happy about being shamed in front of her neighbors. “That’s what you call a bully,” she said about Cruz’s tactics. “I wish he would quit.”


Of course you want him to quit, you never supported him in the first place.
What a dumb argument. Voting is not a requirement. Cruz is a lawyer and he know the legal implication of the word violation. Cruz knew he was committing fraud.

And I said it was a requirement, where? Also to commit fraud you have to be getting something of value under false pretenses, there was no fraudulent intent in this case.

So the Iowa Secty of State is lying?

How did he know everybody's voting score? Like there is one.

You answered that question yourself, with your link. You just neglected to highlight the following sentence:

Define "cheating".

He didn't break any laws.

It was slimy. Not to mention desperate. And fraudulent:

"""In Iowa, although voter-registration information is free and available to the public, voter history is not. That information is maintained by the secretary of state, who licenses it to campaigns, super PACs, polling firms, and any other entity that might want it. So was the Cruz campaign accurately portraying the voter histories of Iowans? Or did it simply make up the numbers?"""
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks - The New Yorker

Voting history is available to every campaign, in every state.

This is what I do for a living, by the way.

So the Iowa Secty of State is lying? Interesting. What is the difference between "false" and "fraud"?

"Accusing citizens of Iowa of a "voting violation" based on Iowa Caucus participation, or lack thereof, is false representation of an official act," Pate said in his statement. "There is no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting. Any insinuation or statement to the contrary is wrong and I believe it is not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses."

"Fraud" is a crime. "False" is not.

Nothing the Iowa SoS has said contradicts anything I've posted.

So making false statements is not a crime? Really. So now you're a lawyer, too.

  1. U.S. CodeTitle 18Part IChapter 47 › § 1001
18 U.S. Code § 1001 -
(a)Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—
falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;
makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years.
And I said it was a requirement, where? Also to commit fraud you have to be getting something of value under false pretenses, there was no fraudulent intent in this case.

So the Iowa Secty of State is lying?

How did he know everybody's voting score? Like there is one.

You answered that question yourself, with your link. You just neglected to highlight the following sentence:

Define "cheating".

He didn't break any laws.

It was slimy. Not to mention desperate. And fraudulent:

"""In Iowa, although voter-registration information is free and available to the public, voter history is not. That information is maintained by the secretary of state, who licenses it to campaigns, super PACs, polling firms, and any other entity that might want it. So was the Cruz campaign accurately portraying the voter histories of Iowans? Or did it simply make up the numbers?"""
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks - The New Yorker

Voting history is available to every campaign, in every state.

This is what I do for a living, by the way.

So the Iowa Secty of State is lying? Interesting. What is the difference between "false" and "fraud"?

"Accusing citizens of Iowa of a "voting violation" based on Iowa Caucus participation, or lack thereof, is false representation of an official act," Pate said in his statement. "There is no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting. Any insinuation or statement to the contrary is wrong and I believe it is not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses."

"Fraud" is a crime. "False" is not.

Nothing the Iowa SoS has said contradicts anything I've posted.

So making false statements is not a crime? Really. So now you're a lawyer, too.

  1. U.S. CodeTitle 18Part IChapter 47 › § 1001
18 U.S. Code § 1001 -
(a)Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—
falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;
makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years.

I'm not a lawyer, I'm an election consultant who specializes in GOTV. But I would suggest that you re-read that US Code again, and focus on the header. Ted Cruz's campaign is not part of the US government.
Define "cheating".

He didn't break any laws.

It was slimy. Not to mention desperate. And fraudulent:

"""In Iowa, although voter-registration information is free and available to the public, voter history is not. That information is maintained by the secretary of state, who licenses it to campaigns, super PACs, polling firms, and any other entity that might want it. So was the Cruz campaign accurately portraying the voter histories of Iowans? Or did it simply make up the numbers?"""
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks - The New Yorker

Actually, from a GOTV standpoint, it's a brilliant move.

A number of studies have been done showing that shaming occasional voters is one of the most effective ways to increase turnout.

I've done direct mail pieces for politicians. Mainly in California. Lots of graphics but I'd never agree to do anything like this. It's just way too Brown Shirt and goose-stepping for me.
Define "cheating".

He didn't break any laws.

It was slimy. Not to mention desperate. And fraudulent:

"""In Iowa, although voter-registration information is free and available to the public, voter history is not. That information is maintained by the secretary of state, who licenses it to campaigns, super PACs, polling firms, and any other entity that might want it. So was the Cruz campaign accurately portraying the voter histories of Iowans? Or did it simply make up the numbers?"""
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks - The New Yorker

Actually, from a GOTV standpoint, it's a brilliant move.

A number of studies have been done showing that shaming occasional voters is one of the most effective ways to increase turnout.

I've done direct mail pieces for politicians. Mainly in California. Lots of graphics but I'd never agree to do anything like this. It's just way too Brown Shirt and goose-stepping for me.

How is this "brown shirt" like, or goose-stepping? Both of those imply force.
If this was Hillary it would be all over the place right now...

He is a snake and one of his fangs fell out with this one.

If you look under what cheating means, Teds name is on it.....again I will post it..

gerund or present participle: cheating
  1. 1.
    act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.
    "she always cheats at cards"

I would say this is showing a slimy character really.


Yet you posted what cheating means and Teds name is no where to be found, why do you feel compelled to lie?

I didn't break any laws did I?

Not sure why you think what Ted Cruz did was ok? I know many who want to vote for him but are angry.


Feel free to point out where I said it was OK, I just don't consider it to be that big a deal when compared to the outright lies other politicians have told. Think price harry standing in the well of the senate and claiming Romney didn't pay his taxes for 10 years. I didn't see anyone demanding he resign for abuse of public office or abuse of power.

If this was Hillary it would be all over the place right now...

He is a snake and one of his fangs fell out with this one.

If you look under what cheating means, Teds name is on it.....again I will post it..

gerund or present participle: cheating
  1. 1.
    act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.
    "she always cheats at cards"

I would say this is showing a slimy character really.


Yet you posted what cheating means and Teds name is no where to be found, why do you feel compelled to lie?

I didn't break any laws did I?

Not sure why you think what Ted Cruz did was ok? I know many who want to vote for him but are angry.


Feel free to point out where I said it was OK, I just don't consider it to be that big a deal when compared to the outright lies other politicians have told. Think price harry standing in the well of the senate and claiming Romney didn't pay his taxes for 10 years. I didn't see anyone demanding he resign for abuse of public office or abuse of power.

Those guys lie about each other all of the time....this statement below is whats going to piss people off bad,

In Noteapartyplease news link:

"She told me that she has voted consistently but that she can’t this time because of a disability.

“I’m crippled, so I can’t go to the caucus,” Holstein said. She was not happy about being shamed in front of her neighbors. “That’s what you call a bully,” she said about Cruz’s tactics. “I wish he would quit.”


Of course you want him to quit, you never supported him in the first place.

That was a quote not me...

I have been pretty good about seeing / feeling what a person is like..body language ..ect that was my job.

He is a very smart man, but I feel he isn't the man that he is trying to project to people.

I don't trust him..
I'm not a lawyer, I'm an election consultant who specializes in GOTV. But I would suggest that you re-read that US Code again, and focus on the header. Ted Cruz's campaign is not part of the US government.

"Ted Cruz's campaign is not part of the US government."

What his campaign part of the Canadian government...?:lol: Just messing with you...

Yet you posted what cheating means and Teds name is no where to be found, why do you feel compelled to lie?

I didn't break any laws did I?

Not sure why you think what Ted Cruz did was ok? I know many who want to vote for him but are angry.


Feel free to point out where I said it was OK, I just don't consider it to be that big a deal when compared to the outright lies other politicians have told. Think price harry standing in the well of the senate and claiming Romney didn't pay his taxes for 10 years. I didn't see anyone demanding he resign for abuse of public office or abuse of power.

Yet you posted what cheating means and Teds name is no where to be found, why do you feel compelled to lie?

I didn't break any laws did I?

Not sure why you think what Ted Cruz did was ok? I know many who want to vote for him but are angry.


Feel free to point out where I said it was OK, I just don't consider it to be that big a deal when compared to the outright lies other politicians have told. Think price harry standing in the well of the senate and claiming Romney didn't pay his taxes for 10 years. I didn't see anyone demanding he resign for abuse of public office or abuse of power.

Those guys lie about each other all of the time....this statement below is whats going to piss people off bad,

In Noteapartyplease news link:

"She told me that she has voted consistently but that she can’t this time because of a disability.

“I’m crippled, so I can’t go to the caucus,” Holstein said. She was not happy about being shamed in front of her neighbors. “That’s what you call a bully,” she said about Cruz’s tactics. “I wish he would quit.”


Of course you want him to quit, you never supported him in the first place.

That was a quote not me...

I have been pretty good about seeing / feeling what a person is like..body language ..ect that was my job.

He is a very smart man, but I feel he isn't the man that he is trying to project to people.

I don't trust him..

Great, don't vote for him. But don't accuse him of doing something illegal when he didn't.
What a dumb argument. Voting is not a requirement. Cruz is a lawyer and he know the legal implication of the word violation. Cruz knew he was committing fraud.

And I said it was a requirement, where? Also to commit fraud you have to be getting something of value under false pretenses, there was no fraudulent intent in this case.

So the Iowa Secty of State is lying?

How did he know everybody's voting score? Like there is one.

You answered that question yourself, with your link. You just neglected to highlight the following sentence:

Define "cheating".

He didn't break any laws.

It was slimy. Not to mention desperate. And fraudulent:

"""In Iowa, although voter-registration information is free and available to the public, voter history is not. That information is maintained by the secretary of state, who licenses it to campaigns, super PACs, polling firms, and any other entity that might want it. So was the Cruz campaign accurately portraying the voter histories of Iowans? Or did it simply make up the numbers?"""
Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks - The New Yorker

Voting history is available to every campaign, in every state.

This is what I do for a living, by the way.

So the Iowa Secty of State is lying? Interesting. What is the difference between "false" and "fraud"?

"Accusing citizens of Iowa of a "voting violation" based on Iowa Caucus participation, or lack thereof, is false representation of an official act," Pate said in his statement. "There is no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting. Any insinuation or statement to the contrary is wrong and I believe it is not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses."

"Fraud" is a crime. "False" is not.

Nothing the Iowa SoS has said contradicts anything I've posted.

Damn that is retarded and a lie.

Making false statements and using the US postal service to do it is a CRIME. Ted the Canuk Cruz broke the law. His mailer was deliberately deceptive.

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