Is Cultural Diversity a Strength or a Weakness?

Is Cultural Diversity a Strength or a Weakness?

  • Unsure

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Confident people aren't afraid to give their own opinion on questions they have posed. They are also not afraid to clarify the meaning and intent of their questions when asked.

Ah yes, confident people...
And you didn't respond to my define your intent of the question............


He's afraid to, but he still wants to tell himself he's being 'clever.' :rolleyes:

Oooh! Another insult and a simile. See here >>

Yes, your absolutely right. I am afraid. Scared out of my mind in fact. Just think about the damage that can be done to me should you post violent words against my anonymous character. I just don't think I will be able to recover. How could I live the rest of my life with such stigma? Please don't hurt me.

Confident people aren't afraid to give their own opinion on questions they have posed. They are also not afraid to clarify the meaning and intent of their questions when asked.

Ah yes, confident people...

I'm confident enough in myself to ignore your critique of the post. I even told you why. Does this hurt your feelings?
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And you didn't respond to my define your intent of the question............


He's afraid to, but he still wants to tell himself he's being 'clever.' :rolleyes:

Oooh! Another insult and a simile. See here >>

Yes, your absolutely right. I am afraid. Scared out of my mind in fact. Just think about the damage that can be done to me should you post violent words against my anonymous character. I just don't think I will be able to recover. How could I live the rest of my life with such stigma? Please don't hurt me.

Confident people aren't afraid to give their own opinion on questions they have posed. They are also not afraid to clarify the meaning and intent of their questions when asked.

Ah yes, confident people...

I'm confident enough in myself to ignore your critique of the post. ?

Clearly not. I hope you are confident enough to work on your English, though.
It's pretty simple: the less alike people are, the more separate they are. Multiculturalism is a destroyer of society because there will ALWAYS be one dominant culture, and the larger the respective cultures grow within a formerly mostly homogenous society, the more conflict there will be.

It has always been this way, but progressives and other spineless anti-patriots like to pretend otherwise. Islam is right now attempting to take control of Europe, and the feckless European governments are giving them the green light, and it's soon coming to America but the Mestizos are likely to take the helm first. There is no melting pot, just a bunch of pots on stoves simmering in their own juices.

Someone explain to the class how making Spanish coexist with English is a strength to society. Tell us all how going to a market to buy a loaf of bread and having the clerk not understand you when you ask for a pack of chewing gum is a strength.
The strongest diversity is one of individuals...expressed through liberty and responsibility.

The DNA identity political type is divisive groupthink.

Culture is not always genetically based though, so this is not addressing the term multiculturalism but moreso diversity via race.

Cultural diversity will always be a positive thing until a culture is ready to step forth under scrutiny and declare that theyre perfect.

Where in my post did I say that Culture is always genetically based?
The strongest diversity is one of individuals...expressed through liberty and responsibility.

The DNA identity political type is divisive groupthink.

Culture is not always genetically based though, so this is not addressing the term multiculturalism but moreso diversity via race.

Cultural diversity will always be a positive thing until a culture is ready to step forth under scrutiny and declare that theyre perfect.

I would go as far to say that culture is never genetically based. If I were to adopt an African child upon birth I am certain that the culture of his/her genetic parents would travel along with him/her. But I don't think that boedicca was alluding to culture a genetically based. I think boedicca was criticizing those who think genetics are a factor.

So how is cultural diversity a positive again?
He's afraid to, but he still wants to tell himself he's being 'clever.' :rolleyes:

Oooh! Another insult and a simile. See here >>

Yes, your absolutely right. I am afraid. Scared out of my mind in fact. Just think about the damage that can be done to me should you post violent words against my anonymous character. I just don't think I will be able to recover. How could I live the rest of my life with such stigma? Please don't hurt me.

Confident people aren't afraid to give their own opinion on questions they have posed. They are also not afraid to clarify the meaning and intent of their questions when asked.

Ah yes, confident people...

I'm confident enough in myself to ignore your critique of the post. ?

Clearly not. I hope you are confident enough to work on your English, though.

Still typing? Feel better? ..... Wait? What English?

Update: Ah yes. I see. noted.
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Someone explain to the class how making Spanish coexist with English is a strength to society. ....

It's not a matter of "making" anything happen. Many languages have always been spoken in this country, since before the establishment of the Republic even. Relax.
Someone explain to the class how making Spanish coexist with English is a strength to society. ....

It's not a matter of "making" anything happen. Many languages have always been spoken in this country, since before the establishment of the Republic even. Relax.

You relax, pussy. Walking into a home improvement store and seeing 'welcome' in Spanish is fucking bullshit.

You are even more stupid than I thought.
Someone explain to the class how making Spanish coexist with English is a strength to society. ....

It's not a matter of "making" anything happen. Many languages have always been spoken in this country, since before the establishment of the Republic even. Relax.

Walking into a home improvement store and seeing 'welcome' in Spanish is fucking bullshit....

Does it hurt your little eyes, dear? Should private businesses cater to your particular fear of the funny words you can't understand? Or should they decide how best to serve all their customers and tell squirrely little freaks like you to fuck off and go see a shrink?
Of course there is.

Oh, well then I'll take your word for it.

You don't have to. Crawl out of the basement once in a while and look around. Today's immigrants are assimilating (the melting pot and all that) as others have before them.

It's not a matter of "making" anything happen. Many languages have always been spoken in this country, since before the establishment of the Republic even. Relax.

Walking into a home improvement store and seeing 'welcome' in Spanish is fucking bullshit....

Does it hurt your little eyes, dear? Should private businesses cater to your particular fear of the funny words you can't understand? Or should they decide how best to serve all their customers and tell squirrely little freaks like you to fuck off and go see a shrink?

Fuck you, faggot. Go join La Raza.
It's not a matter of "making" anything happen. Many languages have always been spoken in this country, since before the establishment of the Republic even. Relax.

Walking into a home improvement store and seeing 'welcome' in Spanish is fucking bullshit....

Does it hurt your little eyes, dear? Should private businesses cater to your particular fear of the funny words you can't understand? Or should they decide how best to serve all their customers and tell squirrely little freaks like you to fuck off and go see a shrink?

A common national language, just like common numbers (Arabic numerals), or, a common national currency, is a strength. If the dominant culture is doing something correct then you adopt that item. If you want to migrate to another culture so as to partake in the wealth that their culture built, then you ought to adopt the language of that culture. Mass migration of foreign speaking peoples into a powerful nation is a drag on the nation. It gums up the public education system, creates language barriers, and encourages poverty. If a culture could produce the same success then there would be no need to migrate in the first place. Seeing as migration was chosen, you do not mess with a working model via cultural conservatism. You do not migrate toward success and demand that they adopt to your standards and practices.
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Diversity is our strength, as long as we stay diverse.

But it seems like liberals want us all to mix together, that would lose all our diversity

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