Is Diversity Killing America?

Waves of immigrants are arriving, and have been arriving here since the Pilgrims.

The more diversity the better! It's the sinew of American society.

I wonder how many folks who are fearful, suspicious and bigoted against new arrivals eat pizza, hot dogs, chow mein or tacos? How many of those fearful ignorant bigots lack chutzpah or suffer schadenfreude or consider themselves bon vivants?

What a tragically boring place this country would be if we were all the same. Listened to the same music, read the same books, ate the same food. Thank God for America! Thank God for the immigrants who come to revitalize this nation and add spice to the melting pot.

I'll thank God for them if and when they pay their share of taxes.
The result of parochial thinking.
Waves of immigrants are arriving, and have been arriving here since the Pilgrims.

The more diversity the better! It's the sinew of American society.

I wonder how many folks who are fearful, suspicious and bigoted against new arrivals eat pizza, hot dogs, chow mein or tacos? How many of those fearful ignorant bigots lack chutzpah or suffer schadenfreude or consider themselves bon vivants?

What a tragically boring place this country would be if we were all the same. Listened to the same music, read the same books, ate the same food. Thank God for America! Thank God for the immigrants who come to revitalize this nation and add spice to the melting pot.

I'll thank God for them if and when they pay their share of taxes.
The result of parochial thinking.

I think that covers a broad swath of scumbags. My thinking too!
Hitler claimed that the Liberalism of Weimar had over-assimilated Jews, and this resulted in the loss of "Real Germany". He was the modern father of "Borders, Language, Culture".

Contrary to the original poster, I think the class divide is more dangerous than the cultual one. Americans have, since 1973, seen an unprecedented upward migration of wealth out of the middle class. The initial response to this was to create a fake "credit democracy" where people kept pace through borrowing. The need to make-up for disappearing wages/benefits/entitlements got so severe that Americans even turned their homes into ATM's.

Our 30 year "credit democracy" came to end with a spectacular meltdown.

Welcome to post-abundance, post middle class America.

When the dust settles, America will realize that it is much poorer than it realized - this is going to tear at the social fabric more than the parade of fabricated horribles fed to us by talk radio (e.g., illegals, gays, socialists, atheists, baby killers, Islamo-fascists, etc.).

Movement Conservatism wisely substituted culture war for class war in order to obscure the contradiction between its rich donors and poor voters

During the postwar years, the gains of economic growth were more evenly distributed to the lower classes (-this was done to create a robust mass-consumption economy). Starting in the 80s we decided to channel the gains of economic growth to the top. We did this under the belief that these gains would trickle down in the form of solid jobs and social benefits. However, the joke was on the American people. Right after Reagan gave his trickle down promise, the jobs slowly and quietly started to trickle overseas. This was one of the greatest "snow jobs" in American history. At precisely the time the American worker was promised greater prosperity, his wages stagnated, his benefits disappeared, and his cost of living shot up (as Reaganomics dismantled all middle class support, and slowly started to get rid of subsidized education, health care, and transportation in order to make room for tax cuts to the new class of job shippers and financial speculators).

So now we're stuck in a system where the top earners are sitting on unprecedented wealth, and the consumption class is not solvent enough to consume (-FYI: that's what happens when you ship their jobs overseas and dismantle the legislative and fiscal supports that sustained consumption). Moreover, we no can no longer cover-up the failed trickle down promise with credit & debt gimmicks, that is, we can no longer sustain American consumption through borrowing.

When Americans realize how poor they really are, and when they realize that the jobs are not coming back under any President, they are going to look for a scapegoat.

Enter Movement Conservatism, which channels business profits into media megaphones in order to divert populist rage away the wealthy folks who own congress. You will see the Machine continue to manipulate the poor voter with images of evil bureaucrats, evil mexicans, evil Muslims, evil gays, and evil liberals . . .

We are Weimar circa 1930. God only knows how bad the scapegoating will get before people realize who really owns our political system.
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No Poll. I want folks to opine. What has changed in America since post WWII? Is there too much of a cultural & religious divide?


The government picking the winners and losers is what is becoming its downfall.
Diversity is not hurting America, but the exploitation of it for political reasons most certainly is.
I don't think so. We've been a diverse nation for a very long time. It's what made us what we are today. Now Government-forced Multiculturalism is a different matter. Your people have to assimilate and be loyal to your nation. That's where Western Europe screwed up so badly. They now have so many people who are separated into their own little mini-nations within these nations. France and Great Britain especially are really struggling with this. Many of their citizens just aren't loyal to France or Great Britain. They were never assimilated. Immigrants must pledge their loyalty and be required to learn and respect that nation's values and traditions. If this isn't done,they should not be allowed entry into your country. Government-forced Multiculturalism encouraged immigrants not to assimilate. So now many have hung onto their cultural beliefs and traditions that existed in the nations they were from. They don't really identify with the British or the French even though they live in these countries. It's a real problem. So diversity is great but Government-forced Multiculturalism is bad.
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Multiculturalism is a complete and utter failure.

Multiculturalism 'clearly' a failure: Sarkozy

Europe finally realized it. How long before we do?

It's a failure in Europe because Europe are forcing 'multiculturalism' on their indigenous people instead of telling newcomers to adapt to their society. What that does is fuel resentment, and gives rise to racism.

Governments, and do-gooders, should have their asses kicked until they understand basic principles. You cannot force people to accept others while forcing them to give up their traditions and way of life in order to accommodate others.
I believe in the melting pot.

I think that we are stronger by adding more knowledge and creativity from many cultures.

That said, if a single culture dominates and does not assimilate, as is the case with the Mexicans, that is a negative. Mexican culture blending into America, seasoning the whole, is a good thing. Mexican culture overwhelming everything is not.

My parents came from Germany. My children speak no German, they are American and speak English. Bummer the same can't be said of most people who's parents came from Mexico.
Multiculturalism is a complete and utter failure.

Multiculturalism 'clearly' a failure: Sarkozy

Europe finally realized it. How long before we do?

It's a failure in Europe because Europe are forcing 'multiculturalism' on their indigenous people instead of telling newcomers to adapt to their society. What that does is fuel resentment, and gives rise to racism.

Governments, and do-gooders, should have their asses kicked until they understand basic principles. You cannot force people to accept others while forcing them to give up their traditions and way of life in order to accommodate others.

Perfectly stated. Multiculturalism has been a miserable failure in Europe. Their immigrants were not required to assimilate. Therefore most of their immigrants don't feel any loyalty to those nations who took them in. They're just not identifying. Europe got it all wrong. Diversity is great but without the required assimilation it can be a disaster.
Perfectly stated. Multiculturalism has been a miserable failure in Europe. Their immigrants were not required to assimilate. Therefore most of their immigrants don't feel any loyalty to those nations who took them in. They're just not identifying. Europe got it all wrong. Diversity is great but without the required assimilation it can be a disaster.

That's exactly what's happening in California. Immigrants don't assimilate and are openly hostile to America.
No Poll. I want folks to opine. What has changed in America since post WWII? Is there too much of a cultural & religious divide?

Political coddling of America and the resulting breakup of the family structure..

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