Is Donald Trump ruining our economy or making it better? Discuss

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Don't you republican sheep realize what sheep you are?

The problem was that your candidate wanted to bring hundreds of thousands of Syrians here to add to the tens of millions of illegals that your party supports. By the way, a Hillary supporter should be the LAST person to bitch about Trump's honesty and ethics.
I've already exposed your last comment as false. I'm not going to waste my time with a liar who makes false statements and half truths. Is this one true? I don't know. When you lied the last post it kind of ruined your reputation.

P.S. Hillary is one of the most honest politicians. Lets compare her with Trump

Only 5% of what Trump says is true Donald Trump's file

24% of what Hillary says is true Hillary Clinton's file

9% of what Mike Pence says is true Mike Pence's file

21% of what Obama says is rated true Barack Obama's file

See the difference?

So stop acting like Hillary is the biggest liar in Washington. You might have fell for that lie but it's a lie. You probably heard it from Lyin Trump.
Donald Trump's Presidency is ruining America's economy in many ways
"Donald Trump is convinced that he has done wonders for the economy. The president is especially proud of the surging stock market, which he crowed about Friday morning on Twitter.
But if you look beyond the frothy heights of the Dow and S&P 500, there’s little sign that Trump has accomplished much. Yes, he’s presiding over a gradual, fairly steady expansion left over from the Obama years. And he hasn’t tanked the economy, like some feared he might. But there’s little proof he’s done anything special to significantly boost it."

Is he good or bad for our economy
Nassau County is bustling with residential and commercial construction.
So you can kiss my ass.

The NY Times issued another searing indictment on Trump’s character and leadership.

“Mr. Trump has spent his career in the company of developers and celebrities, and also of grifters, cons, sharks, goons and crooks…He cuts corners, he lies, he cheats, he brags about it, and for the most part, he’s gotten away with it, protected by threats of litigation, hush money and his own bravado. Those methods may be proving to have their limits when they are applied from the Oval Office. Though Republican leaders in Congress still keep a cowardly silence, Mr. Trump now has real reason to be afraid.”

If this is a witch hunt and Trump has nothing illegal to hide, why does he care? The answer, of course, is that he has a lot to hide.

Trump said raiding his lawyer’s office was an attack on America. No, Mr. Trump — a true attack on America is what happened on Sept. 11, 2001. Remember that?”. “Thousands of people lost their lives. Your response to that was to point out that the fall of the twin towers meant your building was now the tallest in downtown Manhattan. Of course, that also wasn’t true.”

Not to mention calling it "Seven-eleven".
Guess that's how it is when all you value is money --- you get a historic event mixed up with a fucking convenience store.
Don't you republican sheep realize what sheep you are?

The problem was that your candidate wanted to bring hundreds of thousands of Syrians here to add to the tens of millions of illegals that your party supports. By the way, a Hillary supporter should be the LAST person to bitch about Trump's honesty and ethics.
I've already exposed your last comment as false. I'm not going to waste my time with a liar who makes false statements and half truths. Is this one true? I don't know. When you lied the last post it kind of ruined your reputation.

P.S. Hillary is one of the most honest politicians. Lets compare her with Trump

Only 5% of what Trump says is true Donald Trump's file

24% of what Hillary says is true Hillary Clinton's file

9% of what Mike Pence says is true Mike Pence's file

21% of what Obama says is rated true Barack Obama's file

See the difference?

So stop acting like Hillary is the biggest liar in Washington. You might have fell for that lie but it's a lie. You probably heard it from Lyin Trump.
You’re kidding.
Comparing someone you reflexively hate to someone you irrationally adore?
The GOP is always bad for the economy, look after Reagan and Bush Jr, it will only be worst under Trump. The working poor , disabled, and lower income seniors will suffer terribly.

And the irony is, that equation was observed by Rump himself.

>> “I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.” -- quoted in Forbes
"Donald Trump is convinced that he has done wonders for the economy. The president is especially proud of the surging stock market, which he crowed about Friday morning on Twitter.

Perhaps he should have actually checked what the market is doing before tweeting his foot into his mouth.

Ooopsie. :(
Don't you republican sheep realize what sheep you are?

The problem was that your candidate wanted to bring hundreds of thousands of Syrians here to add to the tens of millions of illegals that your party supports. By the way, a Hillary supporter should be the LAST person to bitch about Trump's honesty and ethics.
I've already exposed your last comment as false. I'm not going to waste my time with a liar who makes false statements and half truths. Is this one true? I don't know. When you lied the last post it kind of ruined your reputation.

P.S. Hillary is one of the most honest politicians. Lets compare her with Trump

Only 5% of what Trump says is true Donald Trump's file

24% of what Hillary says is true Hillary Clinton's file

9% of what Mike Pence says is true Mike Pence's file

21% of what Obama says is rated true Barack Obama's file

See the difference?

So stop acting like Hillary is the biggest liar in Washington. You might have fell for that lie but it's a lie. You probably heard it from Lyin Trump.
You’re kidding.
Comparing someone you reflexively hate to someone you irrationally adore?

Come up with a Republican truthometer then.
Donald Trump's Presidency is ruining America's economy in many ways
"Donald Trump is convinced that he has done wonders for the economy. The president is especially proud of the surging stock market, which he crowed about Friday morning on Twitter.
But if you look beyond the frothy heights of the Dow and S&P 500, there’s little sign that Trump has accomplished much. Yes, he’s presiding over a gradual, fairly steady expansion left over from the Obama years. And he hasn’t tanked the economy, like some feared he might. But there’s little proof he’s done anything special to significantly boost it."

Is he good or bad for our economy

How's your ruble doing?
Donald Trump's Presidency is ruining America's economy in many ways
"Donald Trump is convinced that he has done wonders for the economy. The president is especially proud of the surging stock market, which he crowed about Friday morning on Twitter.
But if you look beyond the frothy heights of the Dow and S&P 500, there’s little sign that Trump has accomplished much. Yes, he’s presiding over a gradual, fairly steady expansion left over from the Obama years. And he hasn’t tanked the economy, like some feared he might. But there’s little proof he’s done anything special to significantly boost it."

Is he good or bad for our economy
Nassau County is bustling with residential and commercial construction.
So you can kiss my ass.

you should say thank you to governor Cuomo. because those aren't federal programs. they're the result of your blue state's policies. you're going to love paying federal taxes on your state and local taxes next year.
Donald Trump's Presidency is ruining America's economy in many ways
"Donald Trump is convinced that he has done wonders for the economy. The president is especially proud of the surging stock market, which he crowed about Friday morning on Twitter.
But if you look beyond the frothy heights of the Dow and S&P 500, there’s little sign that Trump has accomplished much. Yes, he’s presiding over a gradual, fairly steady expansion left over from the Obama years. And he hasn’t tanked the economy, like some feared he might. But there’s little proof he’s done anything special to significantly boost it."

Is he good or bad for our economy
Nassau County is bustling with residential and commercial construction.
So you can kiss my ass.

you should say thank you to governor Cuomo. because those aren't federal programs. they're the result of your blue state's policies. you're going to love paying federal taxes on your state and local taxes next year.
The republican sheep in Michigan never complain when republican governor rick Snyder raises their taxes. That no new taxes bullshit republicans talk about on a federal level doesn’t count on a local level for middle class people
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