Is Donald Trump So Dangerous


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
...that you are willing to institutionalize corruption at the highest level of our government? Really?

I know that he speaks in a bombastic manner which offends a lot of people, but he speaks honestly.

Do you think that Hillary will now be content with $400 million in her foundation and will stop selling favors and punishing her enemies? Don't you realize that she can do much more harm to our country than Trump could possibly do? Do you think she would allow the electorate to throw her out after four years?

THINK about it.
Truth may be pretty painful and Donald keeps saying truth, only truth and nothing but truth even knowing it hurts him. Sorry, he's just an honest person, a very unusual case when an honest person runs for a President. Americans are not used to that, it shocks some of them.

A lot of people prefer lies just because they are not brave enough to accept the truth (in fact the truth has been successfully substituted by political correctness). That's basically could be said about all Hillary's electorate.
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the left in their paranoid fashion has made a boogeyman of trump.
Quite hilarious when you think about it.
How do know he speaks honestly and why is it necessarily a good thing? Just because it's how he "feels" or because it's true, doesn't mean it's the right thing to say.
Trump's speeches are full of lies, and bombast. He has alienated most of the minorities, and assured his defeat. The truth is not in him. And he will take the GOP to a very stunning defeat.
...that you are willing to institutionalize corruption at the highest level of our government? Really?

I know that he speaks in a bombastic manner which offends a lot of people, but he speaks honestly.

Do you think that Hillary will now be content with $400 million in her foundation and will stop selling favors and punishing her enemies? Don't you realize that she can do much more harm to our country than Trump could possibly do? Do you think she would allow the electorate to throw her out after four years?

THINK about it.

Do you think the Bible is his favorite book?
Like Trump said lets define who the enemy is as it is pretty damned obvious up to this point neither party has taken the time or made the effort to do that. Who is in who's pocket?
yes, what trump and his arrogant bombastic, ignorant message, will do this nation in...he is donny dangerous to the nth degree, temperamentally unfit for office.

Hillary will be watched by the R's....
Hillary will be watched by the R's....
That is a major problem just watching her does not cut it. A lot of people are unwilling to watch her criminal activities any longer because they are getting sick of hearing how criminals like her are getting off scot-free.
Hillary will be watched by the R's....
That is a major problem just watching her does not cut it. A lot of people are unwilling to watch her criminal activities any longer because they are getting sick of hearing how criminals like her are getting off scot-free.
she isn't a criminal... :rolleyes:
Maybe in your own mind it is akin to teaching an entire generation that a 'bj' isn't sex. Sorry I don't support enablers of any kind.
Trump is dangerous with regard to the people he’d have in his ‘administration,’ his appointments to Federal benches, and his appointments to the Supreme Court.
How do know he speaks honestly and why is it necessarily a good thing? Just because it's how he "feels" or because it's true, doesn't mean it's the right thing to say.

We don't. But we KNOW she doesn't. We also KNOW that she has sold her office for cash. We also KNOW that she has lied under oath to Congress. We also KNOW that she has lied to the American People repeatedly. That much we KNOW about HER.

And braindead people like you will still vote for her. Why?
Trump is dangerous with regard to the people he’d have in his ‘administration,’ his appointments to Federal benches, and his appointments to the Supreme Court.

And she wouldn't? We have already seen how the IRS under obummer has violated the civil rights of his political opponents. We have seen how the DOJ of obummer has given a pass to every one of his operatives in cases that had they been repubs you all would have been howling for their blood. Face it dude, obummer has taken us further down the road to third world dictatorship than any repub POTUS ever did and you all allowed it.
yes, what trump and his arrogant bombastic, ignorant message, will do this nation in...he is donny dangerous to the nth degree, temperamentally unfit for office.

Hillary will be watched by the R's....

And hilary has already SOLD HER OFFICE to the highest bidder. She has ALREADY shown she can't be trusted with highly classified material. Are you high? She is the most unqualified person ever to run.
yes, what trump and his arrogant bombastic, ignorant message, will do this nation in...he is donny dangerous to the nth degree, temperamentally unfit for office.

Hillary will be watched by the R's....

And hilary has already SOLD HER OFFICE to the highest bidder. She has ALREADY shown she can't be trusted with highly classified material. Are you high? She is the most unqualified person ever to run.
I welcome you to actually prove that she has sold her office to the highest bidder...has she taken money from the goldman sachs, sure....but please show what legislation she has passed or supported that gave goldman sachs ANYTHING that they wanted? Where is the quid pro quo? Where is the tit for tat? Selling something to someone, means the someone has to receive something...She donated most all of the money made from speeches to charity...she has not changed her stance on Wall Street needing to be reigned in and regulated more....

As far as the highly classified blah blah blah....She, nor her staff, did not remove any top secret classified information from the T/S system it is kept on and transmit this info via email...she received some info that Blumenthal sent her, that the IC determined was classified, but the information that blumenthal... gathered was from PUBLIC sources, not gotten from the gvts top secret system...and the Intelligence community stood firm and said it was still classified, even though Joe Shmo and his brother could get the info from the public arena... and the other email chains she received, was her top aids discussing things, for two years back and forth to each other on the UNCLASSIFIED email system before they forwarded these emails to Hillary....those were considered top level classified....the discussion, not any top secret documents removed...even though her aides supposedly changed names and places in their emails to each other....and one was an email Kerry sent to Clinton when he was a Senator on the Intelligence committee when she first took office, he sent it on his unclassified blackberry, and lastly, one email chain was about a program that is suppose to be top level secret but congressmen and senators and other top level officials discussed it with the media....

7 email chains, out of 40,000 plus emails over a 4 year period.....whoop de do...there isn't a senator or congressman around that could have such a good record on keeping things protected...THEY should go through the same scrutiny as she was put through and see how they would stand up....

What she did setting up her own server so to keep her personal emails private, was wrong, but it was NOT in any way, criminal. Learn to deal with that...
yes, what trump and his arrogant bombastic, ignorant message, will do this nation in...he is donny dangerous to the nth degree, temperamentally unfit for office.

Hillary will be watched by the R's....

And hilary has already SOLD HER OFFICE to the highest bidder. She has ALREADY shown she can't be trusted with highly classified material. Are you high? She is the most unqualified person ever to run.
I welcome you to actually prove that she has sold her office to the highest bidder...has she taken money from the goldman sachs, sure....but please show what legislation she has passed or supported that gave goldman sachs ANYTHING that they wanted? Where is the quid pro quo? Where is the tit for tat? Selling something to someone, means the someone has to receive something...She donated most all of the money made from speeches to charity...she has not changed her stance on Wall Street needing to be reigned in and regulated more....

As far as the highly classified blah blah blah....She, nor her staff, did not remove any top secret classified information from the T/S system it is kept on and transmit this info via email...she received some info that Blumenthal sent her, that the IC determined was classified, but the information that blumenthal... gathered was from PUBLIC sources, not gotten from the gvts top secret system...and the Intelligence community stood firm and said it was still classified, even though Joe Shmo and his brother could get the info from the public arena... and the other email chains she received, was her top aids discussing things, for two years back and forth to each other on the UNCLASSIFIED email system before they forwarded these emails to Hillary....those were considered top level classified....the discussion, not any top secret documents removed...even though her aides supposedly changed names and places in their emails to each other....and one was an email Kerry sent to Clinton when he was a Senator on the Intelligence committee when she first took office, he sent it on his unclassified blackberry, and lastly, one email chain was about a program that is suppose to be top level secret but congressmen and senators and other top level officials discussed it with the media....

7 email chains, out of 40,000 plus emails over a 4 year period.....whoop de do...there isn't a senator or congressman around that could have such a good record on keeping things protected...THEY should go through the same scrutiny as she was put through and see how they would stand up....

What she did setting up her own server so to keep her personal emails private, was wrong, but it was NOT in any way, criminal. Learn to deal with that...

There was a Russian firm that wanted to buy uranium mines here in the US. The State Dept. MUST sign off on all deals such as those. Amazingly enough, until a nice donation was made to the clinton foundation that approval was denied. After the 30 million dollar donation though the approval went through. The same go's for a Saudi defense deal. No deal until both the Saudi's and Boeing made hefty donations to the clinton foundation. THEN, and only then did the State Dept. Approve of the deals.

The evidence is overwhelming if you allow yourself to open your eyes.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department
What she did setting up her own server so to keep her personal emails private, was wrong

Why, specifically, do you feel this was "wrong?" Did she violate some standard of behavior? If so, what was that standard? Please explain.

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