Is evince actually Truthmatters?

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Doesn't evince lean right? Or is he so dumb that I'm totally misreading him/her in another thread?
The writing is so familiar. Both contain the same level of over the top stupidity.
If it's the thread I'm thinking about, he looks pretty dumb wanting $15.00/hr for looking lazy and illiterate...
probably but does it matter?

angry unhinged left-wing losers are a dime a dozen on these boards
Whoever it is is an obvious mental head case who sees evil racissss around every corner lol.
Yabbut, why is this in politics?

remember that forum where you joined as riva and i joined as val?

iirc truthmatters was posting as evince at that forum...

just can't remember what the forum was called off the top of my head..
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