Is "Fear Mongering" becoming less effective as a "political strategy"?



Watching the right wingnuts going crazy after DOMA went down makes we wonder how long they can continue to "fear monger".

All the prophecies about this president:

martial law
end of your rights
he wants your guns
he works with Muslims

In fact, Obama taking out Bin Laden was a huge shock and a terrible loss for Republicans after it was pointed out they let Bin Laden go. And it tossed their "he's friends with Muslim terrorists" right out the window. In fact, that and Fox being owned by an anti American Muslim Prince makes it look more likely it's Republicans who support Islamic Extremists.

And this enormous attack on the gays when so many Americans have been "WillandGraceified". It's difficult to see gays as these terrible people who want to destroy families and turn America into a new Sodom and Gomorrah.

Republicans used fear mongering to pass draconian anti immigration laws in many Red States which has devastated the farming industry. And if rural farmers aren't one of the main backbones of the Republican Party, who is?

Remember, it was fear mongering that led us into Iraq. Yellowcake, mushroom clouds and so on. Do Republicans think America is unaware of what Iraq has become? A extreme heavily right wing religious Islamic State that is now very close to Iran and hates this country for "unasked for" freedom that has leveled their country.

Like it or not, Americans know the enormous deficit came from "get rich quick" Republican schemes and unpaid for wars.

And what haven't Republicans fear mongered? Even education. A system young people from all over the world are trying to get into. Business that wants to keep foreign youngers who earn degree HERE IN THIS SYSTEM, which Republicans call broken and liberal, to stay in the this country. Business will even help them find jobs. And for Republicans? Nothing.

I can't even remember the last Republican policy that wasn't based on some kind of fear mongering. What is it exactly they are bringing to this this country? Nothing positive I can think of.

What's worse about this fear mongering is the lack of responsibility. We went into Iraq is the Democrats fault because they didn't stop it. The millions of jobs that were moved to China from 2001 to 2008 is the Democrats fault because it just is. Even though Republicans used "reconciliation three times" to create the enormous deficit, it's the Democrats fault. Why? Because it just is.

But I have a feeling this "fear mongering" is starting to lose it's impact. Remember the last election? Republicans never put out a jobs plan or any meaningful policies. It was all about "fear Obama" even dipping back to "he pals around with terrorists". And they lost.

So will fear mongering win the day or is it really on it's way out?
Nope, you and the Democrats party have a lock on fearmongering and it is alive and as pathetic as your threads are..
Nope, all the fear mongering from the left is alive and well:

The GOP's War on Women
The GOP wants old people to die quickly
The GOP wants to control your body
The GOP wants sea levels to rise
The GOP wants dirty water
The GOP wants people to starve
The GOP wants to take all your money

And on and on.....

And the lefties buy it hook line and sinker. Schmucks.
Nope, all the fear mongering from the left is alive and well:

The GOP wants old people to die quickly LET THEM DIE FROM GOP PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES
The GOP wants to control your body ANTI WOMEN'S RIGHTS
The GOP wants sea levels to rise NEVER HEARD THAT ONE
The GOP wants dirty water THEY DID APOLOGIZE TO BP
The GOP wants to take all your money NOT TAKE IT, REDISTRIBUTE IT TO THE TOP 1% OF THE NATION

And on and on.....

And the lefties buy it hook line and sinker. Schmucks.

You know, it's kinda hard to call the left liars when you have the Republican leadership on tape and on Youtube. I have to admit, the biggest surprise for me was when Republicans yelled out "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates. Then, when they tried to block disaster relief, I realized how extreme they are.
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Nope, all the fear mongering from the left is alive and well:

The GOP wants old people to die quickly LET THEM DIE FROM GOP PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES
The GOP wants to control your body ANTI WOMEN'S RIGHTS
The GOP wants sea levels to rise NEVER HEARD THAT ONE
The GOP wants dirty water THEY DID APOLOGIZE TO BP
The GOP wants to take all your money NOT TAKE IT, REDISTRIBUTE IT TO THE TOP 1% OF THE NATION

And on and on.....

And the lefties buy it hook line and sinker. Schmucks.

You know, it's kinda hard to call the left liars when you have the Republican leadership on tape and on Youtube. I have to admit, the biggest surprise for me was when Republicans yelled out "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates.

well hell yeah, none of those could be edited like you all cry has been done when one of those is used against a Democrat...jezzze louise..
give us a break..
Some of the reactionaries and social traditionalists that teeter at the far right edge of the party will try fear mongering for the next sixteen months until they realize the days of success are over in doing that.
I think fear mongering on both sides will continue until enough Americans are more affraid of their government than they are of losing what they have left. Then the fear mongering will be from the people and the government will be afraid.

On second though it will only be about a third of the people - the rest are too stupid to realize they have lost anything.
I think fear mongering on both sides will continue until enough Americans are more affraid of their government than they are of losing what they have left. Then the fear mongering will be from the people and the government will be afraid.

On second though it will only be about a third of the people - the rest are too stupid to realize they have lost anything.

that was great..:clap2:
Like must things in politics it's only fear mongering when the other side does it same with flip flopping, hypocrisy and pretty much anything else you can name.
Nope, all the fear mongering from the left is alive and well:

The GOP wants old people to die quickly LET THEM DIE FROM GOP PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES
The GOP wants to control your body ANTI WOMEN'S RIGHTS
The GOP wants sea levels to rise NEVER HEARD THAT ONE
The GOP wants dirty water THEY DID APOLOGIZE TO BP
The GOP wants to take all your money NOT TAKE IT, REDISTRIBUTE IT TO THE TOP 1% OF THE NATION

And on and on.....

And the lefties buy it hook line and sinker. Schmucks.

You know, it's kinda hard to call the left liars when you have the Republican leadership on tape and on Youtube. I have to admit, the biggest surprise for me was when Republicans yelled out "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates. Then, when they tried to block disaster relief, I realized how extreme they are.

Geez, we just saw a sensational trial about a horror house abortion clinic that had never been inspected for fear of offending left wing groups and lefties are trying to tell us that ultrasound is invasive and abortion clinics should be left alone to kill the unborn their own way. Logic is upside down if you listen to liberal rants long enough.
Some of the reactionaries and social traditionalists that teeter at the far right edge of the party will try fear mongering for the next sixteen months until they realize the days of success are over in doing that.
It works like a charm for a very select group.

However, that group is getting smaller and smaller.
Some of the reactionaries and social traditionalists that teeter at the far right edge of the party will try fear mongering for the next sixteen months until they realize the days of success are over in doing that.
It works like a charm for a very select group.

However, that group is getting smaller and smaller.

lol, it never stops working on you Liberals and the Democrat also are the ones who use it for everything..

you and Jake, two goofy peas in a pod
Watching the right wingnuts going crazy after DOMA went down makes we wonder how long they can continue to "fear monger".

All the prophecies about this president:

martial law
end of your rights
he wants your guns
he works with Muslims

In fact, Obama taking out Bin Laden was a huge shock and a terrible loss for Republicans after it was pointed out they let Bin Laden go. And it tossed their "he's friends with Muslim terrorists" right out the window. In fact, that and Fox being owned by an anti American Muslim Prince makes it look more likely it's Republicans who support Islamic Extremists.

And this enormous attack on the gays when so many Americans have been "WillandGraceified". It's difficult to see gays as these terrible people who want to destroy families and turn America into a new Sodom and Gomorrah.

Republicans used fear mongering to pass draconian anti immigration laws in many Red States which has devastated the farming industry. And if rural farmers aren't one of the main backbones of the Republican Party, who is?

Remember, it was fear mongering that led us into Iraq. Yellowcake, mushroom clouds and so on. Do Republicans think America is unaware of what Iraq has become? A extreme heavily right wing religious Islamic State that is now very close to Iran and hates this country for "unasked for" freedom that has leveled their country.

Like it or not, Americans know the enormous deficit came from "get rich quick" Republican schemes and unpaid for wars.

And what haven't Republicans fear mongered? Even education. A system young people from all over the world are trying to get into. Business that wants to keep foreign youngers who earn degree HERE IN THIS SYSTEM, which Republicans call broken and liberal, to stay in the this country. Business will even help them find jobs. And for Republicans? Nothing.

I can't even remember the last Republican policy that wasn't based on some kind of fear mongering. What is it exactly they are bringing to this this country? Nothing positive I can think of.

What's worse about this fear mongering is the lack of responsibility. We went into Iraq is the Democrats fault because they didn't stop it. The millions of jobs that were moved to China from 2001 to 2008 is the Democrats fault because it just is. Even though Republicans used "reconciliation three times" to create the enormous deficit, it's the Democrats fault. Why? Because it just is.

But I have a feeling this "fear mongering" is starting to lose it's impact. Remember the last election? Republicans never put out a jobs plan or any meaningful policies. It was all about "fear Obama" even dipping back to "he pals around with terrorists". And they lost.

So will fear mongering win the day or is it really on it's way out?

Can I ask you a serious question, what color is the sky in your world?
There is no political motivator that works better than fear, and it never seems to lose its impact. Read these post titles I would suspect that half are predicting something fearful is going to happen if such and such happens. Rumors are correlated and a companion to fear pronouncements, notice how similar they can be. The posts are usually exaggerations of something someone said or someone, (the government) is getting ready to do. Very effective with some of the population.
The scarier the posts get the more difficult they are to believe, but they also seem to get the most response.
Nope, all the fear mongering from the left is alive and well:

The GOP wants old people to die quickly LET THEM DIE FROM GOP PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES
The GOP wants to control your body ANTI WOMEN'S RIGHTS
The GOP wants sea levels to rise NEVER HEARD THAT ONE
The GOP wants dirty water THEY DID APOLOGIZE TO BP
The GOP wants to take all your money NOT TAKE IT, REDISTRIBUTE IT TO THE TOP 1% OF THE NATION

And on and on.....

And the lefties buy it hook line and sinker. Schmucks.

You know, it's kinda hard to call the left liars when you have the Republican leadership on tape and on Youtube. I have to admit, the biggest surprise for me was when Republicans yelled out "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates. Then, when they tried to block disaster relief, I realized how extreme they are.

Geez, we just saw a sensational trial about a horror house abortion clinic that had never been inspected for fear of offending left wing groups and lefties are trying to tell us that ultrasound is invasive and abortion clinics should be left alone to kill the unborn their own way. Logic is upside down if you listen to liberal rants long enough.

Women resort to such places when Republicans take away their options. Remember "coat hangers"?
There is no political motivator that works better than fear, and it never seems to lose its impact. Read these post titles I would suspect that half are predicting something fearful is going to happen if such and such happens. Rumors are correlated and a companion to fear pronouncements, notice how similar they can be. The posts are usually exaggerations of something someone said or someone, (the government) is getting ready to do. Very effective with some of the population.
The scarier the posts get the more difficult they are to believe, but they also seem to get the most response.

Which is why, when I make assertions, I post video of the right wing leadership to back it up. I could never make up what they say. It wouldn't occur to me.
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