Is Fox News anti America?


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Whenever important news is breaking I often switch between networks to see how the information is being presented. Tonight an important news conference occurred concerning Homeland security and Fox chose only to criticize the conference because none of the information was shocking in their estimation, and then while it was still in progress, switched to Glenn Beck, who only berated the Obama Administration about other issues including healthcare.

Is this just biased partisanship or does this constitute a more traitorous attitude towards our Democratic way?
Whenever important news is breaking I often switch between networks to see how the information is being presented. Tonight an important news conference occurred concerning Homeland security and Fox chose only to criticize the conference because none of the information was shocking in their estimation, and then while it was still in progress, switched to Glenn Beck, who only berated the Obama Administration about other issues including healthcare.

Is this just biased partisanship or does this constitute a more traitorous attitude towards our Democratic way?

Your kidding right?

Glenn Beck has every right to berate the administration. Obama and the dems have been horrible for the country and FOX is the only station that is not in the tank for the administration.
Your kidding right?

Glenn Beck has every right to berate the administration. Obama and the dems have been horrible for the country and FOX is the only station that is not in the tank for the administration.

Not at all, there is a time for criticism, this wasn't it if you are concerned with the nation and its safety.

Were Bush / Cheney horrible for the nation too?
Your kidding right?

Glenn Beck has every right to berate the administration. Obama and the dems have been horrible for the country and FOX is the only station that is not in the tank for the administration.

Not at all, there is a time for criticism, this wasn't it if you are concerned with the nation and its safety.

Were Bush / Cheney horrible for the nation too?

Bush / Cheney were doo doo.

Obama is doo doo.

Problem with you is, you'll defend Obama with your last breath, no matter how bad he fucks up ......

i love the left's obsession with fox...keep it up, their ratings only increase

i see it is fair to criticize bush, but not obama....(yawn)
My criticisms of Obama are he too far right.

Let's end the idiocy in Iraq and Afghanistan, let them build their own nation. Increased taxes on the wealthy, they waste it on trifles. Public option, if other industrial nations can do it why can't we. Gay marriage and gay rights, gonna happen anyway why be stupid and act like it ain't. Jobs programs, FDR looks better and better as time goes on. Bring back Glass Steagall, greed makes people stupid and dishonest. Union, unions and more unions support our people. Fair import rules with China and buy American.

But seriously compared to Bush and draft dodger Dick he is at least a bit forward. He just ain't no FDR nor liberal enough for me.

And Fox faux news is a total joke; anyone who can seriously watch Glenn Beck is retarded according to the last Rasmussen poll.
My criticisms of Obama are he too far right.

Let's end the idiocy in Iraq and Afghanistan, let them build their own nation. Increased taxes on the wealthy, they waste it on trifles. Public option, if other industrial nations can do it why can't we. Gay marriage and gay rights, gonna happen anyway why be stupid and act like it ain't. Jobs programs, FDR looks better and better as time goes on. Bring back Glass Steagall, greed makes people stupid and dishonest. Union, unions and more unions support our people. Fair import rules with China and buy American.

But seriously compared to Bush and draft dodger Dick he is at least a bit forward. He just ain't no FDR nor liberal enough for me.

And Fox faux news is a total joke; anyone who can seriously watch Glenn Beck is retarded according to the last Rasmussen poll.

wow ....
Fox is an arm of the republican party.

That is not news its propaganda.

The rest of the TV news is corporate and will only present alternative views when it makes them money.
I have been a little sick for awhile and watch tv in the afternoons. I take much pleasure in watching Glenn Beck on fox then turning the channel to msnbc and watching his counterpart ed.
Both are real entertainment, I don't care who you are.
They are two sides of the same loony coin and I love that they are on one after the other.
I have been enjoying them both, better than cartoons.
Neither is unamerican. Shutting either of them up would be unamerican.
free speech means free speech, especially if you don't like it.
I have been a little sick for awhile and watch tv in the afternoons. I take much pleasure in watching Glenn Beck on fox then turning the channel to msnbc and watching his counterpart ed.
Both are real entertainment, I don't care who you are.
They are two sides of the same loony coin and I love that they are on one after the other.
I have been enjoying them both, better than cartoons.
Neither is unamerican. Shutting either of them up would be unamerican.
free speech means free speech, especially if you don't like it.

Lies are not covered in the freedom of speach laws.

That freedom is protection from government shutting you up not people who out your lies.

There should be no place for lies in the media.
Lies are covered by the free speech laws.
We, as a nation, have been defending the KKK and the Nazis for a couple generations.
Does anyone think they don't lie?
Besides, you maight claim that fox or msnbc or anyother media outlet lies, but that is your OPINION.
all opinions are protected by free speech laws.
try again truth, I would like somehting with substance as the statement that"lies are not covered by free speech laws" was a big LIE!
lol, I always get a laugh over your posts, thank you. You do realize that people can disagree and be civil right? You realize that people can disagree and niether of them is telling a lie right?
opinions are just that, opinions are not lies.
I would say that niether ed nor glenn lie, they are presenting opinions.
One thing I will say about glenn is that several of the 'items' he has presented about Obama's appointments have not been lies. If they were lies, then why did people get fired or resign? If they were lies, why then did congress stop funding acorn(a story he broke first)
opinions are subjective. Calling them lies is DISINFORMATION.
Disinformation is propaganda. The USA leads the world in spreading propaganda, hell we invented it, even the nazis used our propaganda techniques.
Spreading disinformation, such as "lies are not covered under the freedom of information laws" is propaganda. Be proud truth, you are continueing a long proud american tradition!
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It keeps the gov from making law that infringe the right.

Lies should not be an issue in the media if the media just polices each other instead of being cohorts in the lies. This is what they did during the lead up to the war in Iraq. They did not question the lies and nearlky lost their shirts doing so. Now you have what idiot clones call liberal media policing the lies again but some fools prefer to wallo in the lies anyway.

Fox is anti American in my opinion because they wallow in lies for political purposes.

Lies are sure death for a democracy.
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It keeps the gov from making law that infringe the right.

Lies should not be an issue in the media if the media just polices each other instead of being cohorts in the lies. This is what they did during the lead up to the war in Iraq. They did not question the lies and nearlky lost their shirts doing so. Now you have what idiot clones call liberal media policing the lies again but some fools prefer to wallo in the lies anyway.

Fox is anti American in my opinion because they wallow in lies for political purposes.

Lies are sure death for a democracy.

And I respect your opinion and applaud you for expressing it. I give a rep for you for expressing your opinion. I don't have to agree to respect your opinion or to defend your right to do so.
My criticisms of Obama are he too far right.

Let's end the idiocy in Iraq and Afghanistan, let them build their own nation. Increased taxes on the wealthy, they waste it on trifles. Public option, if other industrial nations can do it why can't we. Gay marriage and gay rights, gonna happen anyway why be stupid and act like it ain't. Jobs programs, FDR looks better and better as time goes on. Bring back Glass Steagall, greed makes people stupid and dishonest. Union, unions and more unions support our people. Fair import rules with China and buy American.

But seriously compared to Bush and draft dodger Dick he is at least a bit forward. He just ain't no FDR nor liberal enough for me.

And Fox faux news is a total joke; anyone who can seriously watch Glenn Beck is retarded according to the last Rasmussen poll.

wow ....

That's exactly what I thought. Talk about anti-American.... it ain't Fox.... It's anyone who thinks like the OP....

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