Is France profiling???

I can just see it now...

"En dehors du blanc-personnes guident à la sécurité Chicago"

...a crappy Google translation (I don't speak French) for...

"The Outsider White-Folks Guide to Safe Chicago"

Better include a map overlaid onto the a grid of the City and its streets...

'Cause it ain't just 'north of this' or 'west of that' or 'south of such-and-so', but...

Like most places...

A crazy-quilt and zig-zag of irregular shapes and neighborhood boundaries and fragments and pockets and corridors and the like...

And, for the most part, once you're out into the suburbs, our Euro White-Folk guests won't need a Guide.

Are the French profiling?

Yeah... quite probably.

Do they care?

I doubt it.
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Consulate to French Citizens: Chicago has a ****** problem. Nobody, especially the Jew Mayor, wants to fix the ****** problem. The wine and cheese aren't that great there anyway. Go someplace sane with as few ghettos as possible.
Venice Beach is mentioned. That is where the supposed Black Dahlia murderer checked out via suicide, which is a fairy tale of the FBI. The White House has a smuggling problem: that's an Arab son who fronted as a black with the aid of the Blue Racer, now planning to re-enter it by aligning with NBC, just as Boris Berezovsky manipulated the media with his tv station to help split to communist vote for Yeltsin. We are shown a cowboy against the Western sky? Current report from Livermore assures the reader that humans are directly involved in changing precipitation patterns. Looking back at the pathologies pre-Atlanta, the cowboy always follows the hunter in sequence: the Georgia colonizers were just as intense to rid the land of deer, whose skins were money at the time, with the aid of a Chinese invention. Both White Eyes and the Indigene opted for Obama's 7-11 convenience and ease with which a trigger gets pulled. How far must we proceed revealing the debauch? The inhabitants of the caves at Tuc d'Audobert France showing the sculpted bison were ancestors of the Winnebago, recalling two other psychopaths, Sherman and his overlord, Grant, the latter playing with his genitals when pocket-vetoing a conservation measure for the buffalo. Stupidity always gets precisely the reality it deserves.

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