Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

LOL....what a whiney liar you are.

Now that homosexuals can marry the person that they want regardless of gender- you think that they have 'more rights' now. But of course straights can marry the person that they want regardless of gender also.

To you- treating homosexuals equally with straights = giving gays more rights.

What a whiner.

Seriously, calm down and stop screaming. It's embarrassing to see. Maybe if you put a bag over your mouth that will help you calm down. It's your mommy wondering why you're shrieking like that, Shirley?

LOL....what a whiney liar you are.

Now that homosexuals can marry the person that they want regardless of gender- you think that they have 'more rights' now. But of course straights can marry the person that they want regardless of gender also.

To you- treating homosexuals equally with straights = giving gays more rights.

What a whiner.

Jesus, more tears? Look Darlene, go play a while when you can come back and talk without that incessant moaning and wailing. Have a tea party with your dolls, then come back when you calm down


You have completely lost it.

the 'rest of us'- meaning you and people like you- have no problem going to the courts to ask them to protect your constitutional rights- whether its regarding gun ownership, or political contributions or prayer in school or anything else- people from both the right and left go to court asking the courts to overturn legislation that they feel is unconstitutional.

You know this- you just lie and whine about it
They can't get it through Legislation. Because, at their core, reasonable people sense the danger that is normalizing DEVIANCY...

Same sex Civil Marriage passed through legislative action in the following jurisdictions:

Delaware – Legislatively - 2013
District of Columbia – Legislatively - 2009
Hawaii – Legislatively - 2013
Illinois – Legislatively - 2013
New Hampshire – Legislatively - 2009
New York – Legislatively - 2011
Rhode Island – Legislatively - 2013
Vermont – Legislatively - 2009

Same sex Civil Marriage won at the ballot box the last 4 times it was on a General Election ballot:

Maine – Ballot – 2012
Maryland – Ballot - 2012
Minnesota – Ballot/Legislatively - 2012
Washington – Ballot - 2012


12 states...


Now, what instrument provides for the common disposition wherein a state can institute laws that bind other states?

Oh! I know this one... It's a thing that sets the rules for all states, which precludes any state from setting law that binds other states without the consent of those states... MAN~ WHAT IS THAT THING?

Seems like it has something to do with a binding agreement, that joins all the states on which the consent to be governed by that thing rests ENTIRELY! And that without that thing, the hole thing just dissolves...

OH! I wish I could remember what that thing is... I just feel off my constitution today... federally speaking, I just don't seem to be legislatively capable of getting it going.

Maybe you're having the same problem.

I know that for me, sometimes I feel like just voting myself a million bucks and going down to the bank and letting them know that I've done all the homework and have long debated the issues and ... well, I'm happy to report that after much deliberation, I've agreed that I will take from the bank: A Million Bucks.

But something tells me that all of the hard work and MY GREAT NEED, which founded my legislative agreement with myself... will be insufficient, in terms of getting the bank to give me the couple grand I have in that bank and the other 998,000 bucks from the others banking at that bank.

Sounds like you get that way too... .
LOL....what a whiney liar you are.

Now that homosexuals can marry the person that they want regardless of gender- you think that they have 'more rights' now. But of course straights can marry the person that they want regardless of gender also.

To you- treating homosexuals equally with straights = giving gays more rights.

What a whiner.

Seriously, calm down and stop screaming. It's embarrassing to see. Maybe if you put a bag over your mouth that will help you calm down. It's your mommy wondering why you're shrieking like that, Shirley?

LOL....what a whiney liar you are.

Now that homosexuals can marry the person that they want regardless of gender- you think that they have 'more rights' now. But of course straights can marry the person that they want regardless of gender also.

To you- treating homosexuals equally with straights = giving gays more rights.

What a whiner.

Jesus, more tears? Look Darlene, go play a while when you can come back and talk without that incessant moaning and wailing. Have a tea party with your dolls, then come back when you calm down


You have completely lost it.

the 'rest of us'- meaning you and people like you- have no problem going to the courts to ask them to protect your constitutional rights- whether its regarding gun ownership, or political contributions or prayer in school or anything else- people from both the right and left go to court asking the courts to overturn legislation that they feel is unconstitutional.

You know this- you just lie and whine about it
There is no right to redefine marriage; an essential, core institution; the nucleus of civilization, so you can 'feel equal'.
LOL....what a whiney liar you are.

Now that homosexuals can marry the person that they want regardless of gender- you think that they have 'more rights' now. But of course straights can marry the person that they want regardless of gender also.

To you- treating homosexuals equally with straights = giving gays more rights.

What a whiner.

Seriously, calm down and stop screaming. It's embarrassing to see. Maybe if you put a bag over your mouth that will help you calm down. It's your mommy wondering why you're shrieking like that, Shirley?

LOL....what a whiney liar you are.

Now that homosexuals can marry the person that they want regardless of gender- you think that they have 'more rights' now. But of course straights can marry the person that they want regardless of gender also.

To you- treating homosexuals equally with straights = giving gays more rights.

What a whiner.

Jesus, more tears? Look Darlene, go play a while when you can come back and talk without that incessant moaning and wailing. Have a tea party with your dolls, then come back when you calm down


You have completely lost it.

the 'rest of us'- meaning you and people like you- have no problem going to the courts to ask them to protect your constitutional rights- whether its regarding gun ownership, or political contributions or prayer in school or anything else- people from both the right and left go to court asking the courts to overturn legislation that they feel is unconstitutional.

You know this- you just lie and whine about it
There is no right to redefine marriage; an essential, core institution; the nucleus of civilization, so you can 'feel equal'.

There is however the right to equal treatment under the law- its part of the 14th Amendment- and there is no gay exclusion there- though I know you wish there was.
Seriously, calm down and stop screaming. It's embarrassing to see. Maybe if you put a bag over your mouth that will help you calm down. It's your mommy wondering why you're shrieking like that, Shirley?

LOL....what a whiney liar you are.

Now that homosexuals can marry the person that they want regardless of gender- you think that they have 'more rights' now. But of course straights can marry the person that they want regardless of gender also.

To you- treating homosexuals equally with straights = giving gays more rights.

What a whiner.

Jesus, more tears? Look Darlene, go play a while when you can come back and talk without that incessant moaning and wailing. Have a tea party with your dolls, then come back when you calm down


You have completely lost it.

the 'rest of us'- meaning you and people like you- have no problem going to the courts to ask them to protect your constitutional rights- whether its regarding gun ownership, or political contributions or prayer in school or anything else- people from both the right and left go to court asking the courts to overturn legislation that they feel is unconstitutional.

You know this- you just lie and whine about it
There is no right to redefine marriage; an essential, core institution; the nucleus of civilization, so you can 'feel equal'.

There is however the right to equal treatment under the law- its part of the 14th Amendment- and there is no gay exclusion there- though I know you wish there was.
Yes... There is. And no where in the right to be treated equally is there a right to redefine marraige to make anyone feel equal.

See how that works?
LOL....what a whiney liar you are.

Now that homosexuals can marry the person that they want regardless of gender- you think that they have 'more rights' now. But of course straights can marry the person that they want regardless of gender also.

To you- treating homosexuals equally with straights = giving gays more rights.

What a whiner.

Jesus, more tears? Look Darlene, go play a while when you can come back and talk without that incessant moaning and wailing. Have a tea party with your dolls, then come back when you calm down


You have completely lost it.

the 'rest of us'- meaning you and people like you- have no problem going to the courts to ask them to protect your constitutional rights- whether its regarding gun ownership, or political contributions or prayer in school or anything else- people from both the right and left go to court asking the courts to overturn legislation that they feel is unconstitutional.

You know this- you just lie and whine about it
There is no right to redefine marriage; an essential, core institution; the nucleus of civilization, so you can 'feel equal'.

There is however the right to equal treatment under the law- its part of the 14th Amendment- and there is no gay exclusion there- though I know you wish there was.
Yes... There is. And no where in the right to be treated equally is there a right to redefine marraige to make anyone feel equal.

See how that works?
ROFL moron.
Jesus, more tears? Look Darlene, go play a while when you can come back and talk without that incessant moaning and wailing. Have a tea party with your dolls, then come back when you calm down


You have completely lost it.

the 'rest of us'- meaning you and people like you- have no problem going to the courts to ask them to protect your constitutional rights- whether its regarding gun ownership, or political contributions or prayer in school or anything else- people from both the right and left go to court asking the courts to overturn legislation that they feel is unconstitutional.

You know this- you just lie and whine about it
There is no right to redefine marriage; an essential, core institution; the nucleus of civilization, so you can 'feel equal'.

There is however the right to equal treatment under the law- its part of the 14th Amendment- and there is no gay exclusion there- though I know you wish there was.
Yes... There is. And no where in the right to be treated equally is there a right to redefine marraige to make anyone feel equal.

See how that works?
ROFL moron.
Love the irony.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
The funny part is how you continually get it wrong.

Yes- we did have 'gay government marriage'- if by that we mean the legal wedding of two same gender people- in California.

And then we in California specifically passed laws to make that illegal- to ban 'gay government marriage'.

And then the courts found that that ban was a violation of the California Constitution.

So voters changed our Constitution.

And then a federal court found that passing a law to specifically ban gay couples from marrying was unconstitutional.

Whiff again. Gay government marriage in California was created by the courts the first time as well, Skippy

It was not "created" by the Judicature; but, Eureka-ed by them; A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws;

Such laws by a legislature are Bills of Attainder.

Right, fortunately in this country gays have the exact same rights as anyone else. Well, until now. Unlike the rest of us, instead of convincing anyone they get to run to the judiciary to get what they want by criminal decree
how is recognizing their natural rights a criminal decree?

Getting tax breaks and validation for diseased fags butt fucking is a natural right? Based on what?
The tax breaks for but fucking currently go mostly to breeders, who aren't making babies, not that way at least. Breeders for butt sex, has a nice ring to it.
"Getting tax breaks and validation for diseased fags butt fucking is a natural right? Based on what?" is a trolling violation. Reported.
Here is what Kaz is saying: Waaaah I hate marriage so I want to make sure gays can't marry-

of course I am married and I want my benefits of marriage but I want to make sure to deny Gays marriage

1) I said marriage is not equal to government marriage, they have nothing to do with each other. One is a union of a man and a woman, at least with the intent being for life. Government marriage is a faux legal contract which gives some citizens perks over others. I say a faux contract because a real contract is negotiated between citizens

2) I did not say to deny gays government marriage, I said you should get it through the Constitutional legislative process instead of the criminals courts.

They can't get it through Legislation. Because, at their core, reasonable people sense the danger that is normalizing DEVIANCY; which is to say the perverse reasoning that justifies unhealthy sexual behavior as something other than what it is... a disembodied obsession with sex, acquired through the obsessive desensitization to normal sexual behavior. A 'trained' response, which separates the being from a healthy sexual apatite... a twist on sexual gluttony.

Take any deviancy and you'll find an obsession....
What part of the people don't get a vote on the rights of others are you still not getting?

Just to be clear, so the rich and corporations not paying their "fair share" of taxes doesn't infringe on anyone's rights?
No, it infringes on their finances, unfairly.
Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, the courts have no say
Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, marriage isn't either as a matter of fact, but Equality before the Law is, which isn't up for a vote of the people and why you're fucked.

Yes, and gays are treated equally, so you're fucked to a critical mind

You can go on, and on, and on but your dog doesn't hunt

You learn that from your neighbors in Green Acres, Eddie?

Guns, religion, equality, the courts step in on laws passed about all three. That's how it works here, which screws you completely and I'm very happy about that.

Yes, being black changed who you could marry for every black, being gay changed who you could marry for no gay, they are equal. Got it, Daniel Webster
What a shame it is that you can't figure out what equal is in this case? Oh well, the court already has.
"There is no right to redefine marriage; an essential, core institution; the nucleus of civilization, so you can 'feel equal'."

One, man and woman is not the nucleus of civilization and has nothing to do with feeling equal. Two, polygamy is the nucleus if we are going to play that game, and the man and woman monogamists redefined it. Three, The institution is being "redfined" again.

Four, Key's submission is noted and accepted.
Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, the courts have no say
Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, marriage isn't either as a matter of fact, but Equality before the Law is, which isn't up for a vote of the people and why you're fucked.

Yes, and gays are treated equally, so you're fucked to a critical mind

You can go on, and on, and on but your dog doesn't hunt

You learn that from your neighbors in Green Acres, Eddie?

Guns, religion, equality, the courts step in on laws passed about all three. That's how it works here, which screws you completely and I'm very happy about that.

Yes, being black changed who you could marry for every black, being gay changed who you could marry for no gay, they are equal. Got it, Daniel Webster
What a shame it is that you can't figure out what equal is in this case? Oh well, the court already has.
Oh there's shame to be assessed here. And it's on the sexual deviant demanding a right to assert itself into an institution for which is diametrically unsuited
Demanding anything from others has only been done in the context of public free speeches. You don't like what the gays are demanding in public, you don't have to listen to them. Thus what you said is the equivalent of "Liberty is not the right to" make public demands. Making public demands is the cornerstone of free speech. Thus, what you said is the equivalent of the right to free speech is not liberty. You are arguing that free speech, if done by gays, should be prohibited

Demanding things from others is "the equivalent of" making public demands? That's just stupid. You are as mentally retarded as any leftist
ROFL Which part do you think is stupid the part about others being the public or the part about demanding things being the equivalent of making demands? ROFL If it wasn't for dumb ass statement's you'd have nothing at all it seems.

You know when Kaz starts talking about 'sucking cock' and 'butt fuck' he knows he has lost the argument and is just flailing.

I start saying that when you airheads make the conversation dull by continually not processing what you read
Here is what Kaz is saying: Waaaah I hate marriage so I want to make sure gays can't marry-

of course I am married and I want my benefits of marriage but I want to make sure to deny Gays marriage

1) I said marriage is not equal to government marriage, they have nothing to do with each other. One is a union of a man and a woman, at least with the intent being for life. Government marriage is a faux legal contract which gives some citizens perks over others. I say a faux contract because a real contract is negotiated between citizens

2) I did not say to deny gays government marriage, I said you should get it through the Constitutional legislative process instead of the criminals courts.

They can't get it through Legislation. Because, at their core, reasonable people sense the danger that is normalizing DEVIANCY; which is to say the perverse reasoning that justifies unhealthy sexual behavior as something other than what it is... a disembodied obsession with sex, acquired through the obsessive desensitization to normal sexual behavior. A 'trained' response, which separates the being from a healthy sexual apatite... a twist on sexual gluttony.

Take any deviancy and you'll find an obsession....
What part of the people don't get a vote on the rights of others are you still not getting?

Just to be clear, so the rich and corporations not paying their "fair share" of taxes doesn't infringe on anyone's rights?
No, it infringes on their finances, unfairly.
No.. It doesn't.

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