Is God invisible?

Quoting yourself to prove your own point?

Dipping into the kool-aid a little mucho there my friend?
GotZoom said:
Quoting yourself to prove your own point?

Dipping into the kool-aid a little mucho there my friend?
The quote just helped to renforce my point.
I did that to show that when you were out of answers...
The quote just helped to renforce my point.
I did that to show that when you were out of answers...

Not out of answers. Just know that what I say won't convince you. But that is ok.

I don't need a breakdown and explanation of everything little thing for me to know it's true. Some things I accept, others I don't.

I have seen pictures of UFOs. Have watched interviews with people who have seen or been snatched up by them. I still don't know if I believe all that.

I have seen how God works, everyday. I know I believe that though. I have all the proof I need. It's good enough for me.

And apparently it isn't for you. Nothing wrong with that. My arguing that I believe it because "I just do" or because I have "faith" isn't going to convince you.
GotZoom said:
Not out of answers. Just know that what I say won't convince you. But that is ok.

I don't need a breakdown and explanation of everything little thing for me to know it's true. Some things I accept, others I don't.

I have seen pictures of UFOs. Have watched interviews with people who have seen or been snatched up by them. I still don't know if I believe all that.

I have seen how God works, everyday. I know I believe that though. I have all the proof I need. It's good enough for me.

And apparently it isn't for you. Nothing wrong with that. My arguing that I believe it because "I just do" or because I have "faith" isn't going to convince you.
I believe that God is invisible because I believe he created the sense of sight and stuff you can see, so how can these things that he created apply to him? This also applies to the question that can God create something so heavy he can't lift it, physics and the law of gravity were created by God so he is not limited to them and they don't apply to him.
Oceanic said:
I believe that God is invisible because I believe he created the sense of sight and stuff you can see, so how can these things that he created apply to him? This also applies to the question that can God create something so heavy he can't lift it, physics and the law of gravity were created by God so he is not limited to them and they don't apply to him.
Interesting take...

Welcome to the board :)
Oceanic said:
I believe that God is invisible because I believe he created the sense of sight and stuff you can see, so how can these things that he created apply to him? This also applies to the question that can God create something so heavy he can't lift it, physics and the law of gravity were created by God so he is not limited to them and they don't apply to him.

Maybe you can answer this. Why does gender apply to "him."
Powerman said:
Maybe you can answer this. Why does gender apply to "him."

why does it matter which gender-word people use for God? Small thing to take issue with...
Powerman said:
Maybe you can answer this. Why does gender apply to "him."

Because people will use associations they are familiar with. Generally male is associated with strength and father figure. Additionally those that believe in Jesus know obviously that he was male and being the son of God naturally a male image comes to mind when thinking or speaking about God. Don't look to discredit those who believe in God by implying there is an element of sexism there when none exists.

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