Is God punishing us with this lawless administration?

Is God punishing us with this lawless administration?

  • Y

  • N

  • I tend to think so

  • God doesn't punish anyone

  • Punishing is an antiquated term from the Old Testament

  • We're too enlightened to believe in punishment

  • I sometimes think He is

  • I don't know. Who knows God anyway?

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found this (War History Online) RE the Hitler saved from drowning legend:

After analyzing the newspaper article and hearing the opinion of historians across the world, the little boy [saved by a priest] is believed to have been Adolf Hitler, who was plucked from an icy River Inn in Passau, Germany, in January 1894.

Those (highlighted) words actually mean something to people who care about the truth rather than myths or legends unproven
It works just like Christianity. Believing it makes it true.
This has to be a trolling post. Be careful what you wish for. God doesn't punish nations for lawless administrations.

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