Zone1 I believe God is punishing the US

It's still the sin of other people.

I never said anything about it being "universally shared" that's all you.
Christian dogma, to my knowledge, doesn't hold that sin is inheritable EXCEPT for the sin of Eve. Is that correct? If not, what is special about Eve's sin?

If Adam and Eve had not tasted the apple, would they have ever had sex and procreated? Perhaps we all suffer from the original sin because without it we wouldn't exist.
Christian dogma, to my knowledge, doesn't hold that sin is inheritable EXCEPT for the sin of Eve. Is that correct? If not, what is special about Eve's sin?

If Adam and Eve had not tasted the apple, would they have ever had sex and procreated? Perhaps we all suffer from the original sin because without it we wouldn't exist.

It's still the sin of someone else.
Christian dogma, to my knowledge, doesn't hold that sin is inheritable EXCEPT for the sin of Eve. Is that correct? If not, what is special about Eve's sin?

If Adam and Eve had not tasted the apple, would they have ever had sex and procreated? Perhaps we all suffer from the original sin because without it we wouldn't exist.

The forbidden fruit was not shown to be an apple, and there really was not ever anything wrong with apples, I am sure it was an entirely different fruit we still do not have access to anymore. There was reason for it to be forbidden. And there was reason that we have consequences for the disobedience of Adam and Eve our ancestors to God. Whether or not we each individually would have existed, there would have been procreation had there not been that disobedience, as God had declared that humanity was to fill the earth. They were to have dominion, but the context, showing Genesis 1:29-30, has it not meaning to be using the animals for whatever we want, but to be responsible for them and their environments without being destructive to them, which God will hate, Revelation 11:18.

God will have just judgment over more than the US, the cities of all civilization will collapse which is shown in Revelation 18, which corresponds to Isaiah 24.
The forbidden fruit was not shown to be an apple, and there really was not ever anything wrong with apples, I am sure it was an entirely different fruit we still do not have access to anymore. There was reason for it to be forbidden. And there was reason that we have consequences for the disobedience of Adam and Eve our ancestors to God. Whether or not we each individually would have existed, there would have been procreation had there not been that disobedience, as God had declared that humanity was to fill the earth. They were to have dominion, but the context, showing Genesis 1:29-30, has it not meaning to be using the animals for whatever we want, but to be responsible for them and their environments without being destructive to them, which God will hate, Revelation 11:18.

God will have just judgment over more than the US, the cities of all civilization will collapse which is shown in Revelation 18, which corresponds to Isaiah 24.

From apples we get hard cider ... how the Ugly get laid ... and maybe not with their lawful spouses? ... so it shouldn't be hard to understand why early humans maybe thought booze was evil when so many of your children look like the tribe's chief ... ha ha ha ...

God sacrificed His only begotten Son to be our King of Kings ... and here in the United States we don't even have a king ... how stupid is that ... that alone is punishment, but add in political parties and we've Satan wimping with pride ... God gave us a Monarchy, and we nailed it to a cross ... the United States is for money changers, not God ... being rich is punishment ...
We have become a very materialistic society, & have lost the Christian charity we once more or less had. It's all about ME these days. There are good people in the US still, but I speak generally.

I think a good % of people watch porn. No wonder society is falling and can't get up. And Christians would rather go to a Joel Olsteen like "church" than go to the Church Christ Himself established on Earth.

I think God is fed up. I can't say I know God extremely well. He surprises me often. But I just keep getting the thought that He is punishing us.

Don't believe me? Look who controls things in this country. If you find out the details on THAT story... you will be thoroughly sickened, as those of us in the know are.

It is all lies, bub. No god/s to hurt or save us. But if there were a god/s... America deserves everything it gets.

reap sow jesus.jpg
Christian dogma, to my knowledge, doesn't hold that sin is inheritable EXCEPT for the sin of Eve. Is that correct? If not, what is special about Eve's sin?

If Adam and Eve had not tasted the apple, would they have ever had sex and procreated? Perhaps we all suffer from the original sin because without it we wouldn't exist.

Right. Sex is the big sin. 😂
And that's a reason to say you are responsible for the sins of another person?

The answer to that is of course not.

Would you punish every child you ever had for the sins of its father? Grand father? How about an ancestor that lived 10000 years ago?

any god that would hold that kind of grudge isn't one I want anything to do with
if you are talking about original sin, you obviously dont get it

If a child goes outside and rolls in the mud, the parents arent going to wwant him in a house that has just been cleaned up. He has to go outside and hose off.

It's the same thing with God. His home is perfect and there is no sin there. But man on Earth sinned. Man decided to roll in the mud even though God told him he'd get dirty and not be fit for heaven if he did. So how is that GOD's fault? He warned them and they disobeyed anyway
From apples we get hard cider ... how the Ugly get laid ... and maybe not with their lawful spouses? ... so it shouldn't be hard to understand why early humans maybe thought booze was evil when so many of your children look like the tribe's chief ... ha ha ha ...

God sacrificed His only begotten Son to be our King of Kings ... and here in the United States we don't even have a king ... how stupid is that ... that alone is punishment, but add in political parties and we've Satan wimping with pride ... God gave us a Monarchy, and we nailed it to a cross ... the United States is for money changers, not God ... being rich is punishment ...

Okay... do you think that was proving something?

Christ promised our yoke would be light. Reaching all with the gospel is said and that meant for us, and it is not even just those human, it's said even said for every creature so all should have positive effect to them with reaching any with the gospel, it should be with love. This is not exclusive like nationalism is. The state itself is a foreign entity to the Christian gospel.

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