Seriously, I blame Protestantism for just about all America's current woes

No, there is no proven medical benefits. None. There maybe some temporary psychological benefits. But that is fleeting. There are plenty of documented cases of those who were mutilated speaking out about how wrong it is and wish they never were fooled into doing it.

Put a number to it. How many?

There are 11,000 bottom surgeries performed a year... how many of them have regretted it?

There are some that mutilate themselves only to again, later wish they didn’t do it. Wished they went to a psychologist or psychiatrist instead. Gender affirming care is a made up term by sick people who love to mutilate people. Especially children. If you think it’s okay then you must be psychologically sick too. A sadist. Or, we really do have spirits and they ended up in the opposite sex from their spirit sex. Which is it?

Numbers or you have nothing.

There are no "Spirits", "souls", or "ghosts".

There is just the human brain and how it is wired.
Put a number to it. How many?

There are 11,000 bottom surgeries performed a year... how many of them have regretted it?

Numbers or you have nothing.

There are no "Spirits", "souls", or "ghosts".

There is just the human brain and how it is wired.
Back at you…Numbers please of those who don’t complain later and who won’t in the future.
If people feel they are in the wrong body, what is then in the wrong body? Either spirits or they need psychiatric help, not mutilation.
Back at you…Numbers please of those who don’t complain later and who won’t in the future.
If people feel they are in the wrong body, what is then in the wrong body? Either spirits or they need psychiatric help, not mutilation.

Do you say that to the people who get cleft palates repaired? God intended for them to have a hairlip; how dare we interfere?

How about people who get hair transplants?
Breast Augmentation?
Laparoscopic surgery to lose weight?
Asian people, who get Blephloroplasties so their eyes aren't so Asian-looking?
I had a double bunionectomy back in the 1980s. Was I defying God's plan? (Well, no, because there is no God.)
Do you say that to the people who get cleft palates repaired? God intended for them to have a hairlip; how dare we interfere?

How about people who get hair transplants?
Breast Augmentation?
Laparoscopic surgery to lose weight?
Asian people, who get Blephloroplasties so their eyes aren't so Asian-looking?
I had a double bunionectomy back in the 1980s. Was I defying God's plan? (Well, no, because there is no God.)
There a great difference. You are talking about healing factual physical imperfections. Gender affirming mutilation Is taking perfectly fine human beings physically and destroying that physical body. If you can’t see the difference, you are mentally incompetent.
There a great difference. You are talking about healing factual physical imperfections. Gender affirming mutilation Is taking perfectly fine human beings physically and destroying that physical body. If you can’t see the difference, you are mentally incompetent.

Do you see a blepharoplasty on an Asian who wants her eyes to be less slanty as healing a factual physical imperfection?

I see it for what it is: a racial minority being bullied by white folks into thinking that she doesn't match an arbitrary standard of beauty.
Do you see a blepharoplasty on an Asian who wants her eyes to be less slanty as healing a factual physical imperfection?

I see it for what it is: a racial minority being bullied by white folks into thinking that she doesn't match an arbitrary standard of beauty.
That’s silly reasoning. Why don’t you ask them instead of assuming. And, you are talking about adults and their ambitions that require acceptance. Where you get the idea that whites are bullying an Asian to change their looks is stupid since Blacks have the same shape of eyes as Whites. It’s their looks, not their feelings that people get plastic surgery. They are still staying the same gender. Even men are getting plastic surgery and Botox injections for their employment opportunities.
I would object for any surgical procedures on anyone under 18 for the purpose of employment or to look better for the sake of others. When I was teaching high school, a track coach mentioned to the athletic director that one of his star girl athletes was too too heavy to win state and national championships and be a world class athlete. He was going to approach her mother about breast reduction. I objected and told him that was a really stupid idea to think the girl didn’t have a life outside of track. And that I thought her mother would get really pissed for suggesting it. Especially at a private Catholic school. Sure enough, when he approached the mom, she flew off the handle and pulled her daughter out of school and went to their public school. It’s cruel to insert your prejudice into a child’s like purpose and mutilate them for any of your stupid reasons you think will help. Idiotic just writing about your line of illogical reasoning.
That’s silly reasoning. Why don’t you ask them instead of assuming. And, you are talking about adults and their ambitions that require acceptance. Where you get the idea that whites are bullying an Asian to change their looks is stupid since Blacks have the same shape of eyes as Whites. It’s their looks, not their feelings that people get plastic surgery. They are still staying the same gender. Even men are getting plastic surgery and Botox injections for their employment opportunities.

I think you fail to realize why so many Asians get this surgery, even in countries like Korea where all they encounter are other Asians. It's not because they are being bullied, but because they are hit with tons of media that tells them white folks are the standard of beauty that we should all aspire to.

Quick, name as many Asian Actresses as you can! It would be a very short list. Not because these women aren't beautiful but because they aren't white enough.

I would object for any surgical procedures on anyone under 18 for the purpose of employment or to look better for the sake of others. When I was teaching high school, a track coach mentioned to the athletic director that one of his star girl athletes was too too heavy to win state and national championships and be a world class athlete. He was going to approach her mother about breast reduction. I objected and told him that was a really stupid idea to think the girl didn’t have a life outside of track. And that I thought her mother would get really pissed for suggesting it. Especially at a private Catholic school. Sure enough, when he approached the mom, she flew off the handle and pulled her daughter out of school and went to their public school. It’s cruel to insert your prejudice into a child’s like purpose and mutilate them for any of your stupid reasons you think will help. Idiotic just writing about your line of illogical reasoning.
Wait, I thought you were a Mormon. What's a Mormon doing teaching at a Catholic School?

I would agree, this teacher was out of line. Of course, it really would depend on how big her titties were. Was she having back problems because they were humongous?

This has nothing to do with gender-affirming care, which is necessary to treat gender dysphoria.
I think you fail to realize why so many Asians get this surgery, even in countries like Korea where all they encounter are other Asians. It's not because they are being bullied, but because they are hit with tons of media that tells them white folks are the standard of beauty that we should all aspire to.

Quick, name as many Asian Actresses as you can! It would be a very short list. Not because these women aren't beautiful but because they aren't white enough.

Wait, I thought you were a Mormon. What's a Mormon doing teaching at a Catholic School?

I would agree, this teacher was out of line. Of course, it really would depend on how big her titties were. Was she having back problems because they were humongous?

This has nothing to do with gender-affirming care, which is necessary to treat gender dysphoria.
Again, you miss the logical conclusion. If they are changing their eyes it has to do with the beauty and not the color of their skin. White women have liposuction, nose jobs and other fixes to win beauty pageants and the money and prestige. They are adults. No one is forcing them. Children are being manipulated and lied to in order for doctors to make money by committing mayhem.
Again, you miss the logical conclusion. If they are changing their eyes it has to do with the beauty and not the color of their skin. White women have liposuction, nose jobs and other fixes to win beauty pageants and the money and prestige. They are adults. No one is forcing them. Children are being manipulated and lied to in order for doctors to make money by committing mayhem.
First, they are doing plastic surgery on children.

If a teen is mature enough to get a boob job, she's mature enough for a sex change operation.
First, they are doing plastic surgery on children.

If a teen is mature enough to get a boob job, she's mature enough for a sex change operation.
Not even a close likeness. Changing sex, which can’t be done, mutilates. Boob change doesn’t.
That happens to be your opinion.

Man, I think there's nothing worse than a badly done boob job. I was with this one lady, and when I finally got to second base, it was like feeling up a couple of plastic spheres... Immediate mood killer.
Imagine if you found out her vagina wasn’t a vagina. The difference is clear. Not even close. Bigger or smaller boobs versus thinking you a girl in a man’s body? Come on. Especially when we are talking about kids. It’s completely immoral and unethical. Let them grow up and experience life and then make the decision. What the majority are saying that did it is they should’ve waited.
Imagine if you found out her vagina wasn’t a vagina. The difference is clear. Not even close. Bigger or smaller boobs versus thinking you a girl in a man’s body? Come on. Especially when we are talking about kids. It’s completely immoral and unethical. Let them grow up and experience life and then make the decision. What the majority are saying that did it is they should’ve waited.

A majority of whom? You mean that own mentally ill woman who is getting all the attention she wants now from the Chrisitan Right?

You can't be cool with other cosmetic surgeries but draw the line at a vaginoplasty because you hate the trannies. Either we are all the way God meant us to be or there is no God and surgery can help us be who we want.
A majority of whom? You mean that own mentally ill woman who is getting all the attention she wants now from the Chrisitan Right?

You can't be cool with other cosmetic surgeries but draw the line at a vaginoplasty because you hate the trannies. Either we are all the way God meant us to be or there is no God and surgery can help us be who we want.
Since they are mentally ill, performing surgery on anything but the brain won’t cure their mental illness. It simply sets them up with disease and other conditions that are worse. The evidence says this. Taking off sex parts doesn’t change the sex. The feelings won’t and don’t go away. If there is relief, it’s only temporary.
If you don’t agree then we all come from a more exalted sphere as spirits and were placed in our bodies. God doesn’t make mistakes. So, we are all in the correct body. If we “feel” otherwise, then we have mental problems. Changing the body won’t change the sex we are born with and we would still have the same feelings.
Either way, sex change doesn’t help. It’s not gender affirming care since perfectly good parts are being mutilated and discarded which is sick. Mental illness on the parts of the trans person, the doctors, politicians and those fake people who claim tolerance like you. Like you who keep dodging the bigger problem of doing this to children whose brains haven’t fully developed. It’s child abuse and you refuse to acknowledge this.
Since they are mentally ill, performing surgery on anything but the brain won’t cure their mental illness. It simply sets them up with disease and other conditions that are worse. The evidence says this. Taking off sex parts doesn’t change the sex. The feelings won’t and don’t go away. If there is relief, it’s only temporary.

Your premise is that they are mentally ill. Homosexuality was considered a mental illness until the 1970's, when the APA realized that "I think it's icky" isn't a valid diagnostic method.

The point is, we do procedures to make people feel better about the reality of their bodies all the time. We give people glass eyes to give the illusion that the have two eyes when they only have one. We put artificial limbs on people- not as functional as the original parts, but still helpful.

If you don’t agree then we all come from a more exalted sphere as spirits and were placed in our bodies. God doesn’t make mistakes. So, we are all in the correct body. If we “feel” otherwise, then we have mental problems.
So are you saying that a person with a cleft palate shouldn't get reconstructive surgery because that's the way God Made Her? That seems... cruel.

There was a school of thought that you shouldn't give women pain killers during delivery because God decreed that birth should be painful. Thankfully, we got past that kind of superstion.

Changing the body won’t change the sex we are born with and we would still have the same feelings.
Either way, sex change doesn’t help. It’s not gender affirming care since perfectly good parts are being mutilated and discarded which is sick. Mental illness on the parts of the trans person, the doctors, politicians and those fake people who claim tolerance like you.

Oh, actually, I support Trans rights mostly to watch the Religious assholes lose their shit. But you haven't convinced me it's a mental illness. There are a lot of trans people living their lives, who are just fine. In fact, most of them are. I can give you examples like Amy Schneider, the Jeopardy champion, or Col. Jennifer Pritzker, a decorated military officer and philanthropist.

Like you who keep dodging the bigger problem of doing this to children whose brains haven’t fully developed. It’s child abuse and you refuse to acknowledge this.

Because I don't accept it.

First, there are probably 300,000 transgender youth in this country; less than 5000 of them are getting hormone therapy, and even fewer are getting gender-affirmation surgery. Now, compare this to how frequently kids are diagnosed with ADHD and forced on a regimen of SSRIs. to make them more manageable.
Your premise is that they are mentally ill. Homosexuality was considered a mental illness until the 1970's, when the APA realized that "I think it's icky" isn't a valid diagnostic method.

The point is, we do procedures to make people feel better about the reality of their bodies all the time. We give people glass eyes to give the illusion that the have two eyes when they only have one. We put artificial limbs on people- not as functional as the original parts, but still helpful.

So are you saying that a person with a cleft palate shouldn't get reconstructive surgery because that's the way God Made Her? That seems... cruel.

There was a school of thought that you shouldn't give women pain killers during delivery because God decreed that birth should be painful. Thankfully, we got past that kind of superstion.

Oh, actually, I support Trans rights mostly to watch the Religious assholes lose their shit. But you haven't convinced me it's a mental illness. There are a lot of trans people living their lives, who are just fine. In fact, most of them are. I can give you examples like Amy Schneider, the Jeopardy champion, or Col. Jennifer Pritzker, a decorated military officer and philanthropist.

Because I don't accept it.

First, there are probably 300,000 transgender youth in this country; less than 5000 of them are getting hormone therapy, and even fewer are getting gender-affirmation surgery. Now, compare this to how frequently kids are diagnosed with ADHD and forced on a regimen of SSRIs. to make them more manageable.
I don’t know if you are just argumentative or just plain stupid. Why are you unable to understand the difference of a physical deformity and a non-physical deformity? One needs to be fixed or the person can’t function normally on a physical level. The other the person is totally able to function physically normally. Stop being obtuse. That is possibly a mental illness you have. Like Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Gender confusion is also still seen as a mental disorder by the Psychological organizations. Doctors are trying to fix a mental disorder with a physical procedure of mutilation.
As far as homosexual behavior, that too is a mental issue lots of times because of abuse. Other times it is due to reprobative brainwashing where a person young or old sees the perversion and can’t stop thinking about it eventually succumbing to the “feelings.”
In any event, the leftist method of trying to get their way with all subjects including racism is to personally attack someone with a phobia. With me, that falls on deaf ears. I’m not afraid of any people.
I don’t know if you are just argumentative or just plain stupid. Why are you unable to understand the difference of a physical deformity and a non-physical deformity? One needs to be fixed or the person can’t function normally on a physical level. The other the person is totally able to function physically normally. Stop being obtuse. That is possibly a mental illness you have. Like Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Clearly, if you trapped in a body that doesn't match your state of mind, you are not able to function normally.

Gender confusion is also still seen as a mental disorder by the Psychological organizations. Doctors are trying to fix a mental disorder with a physical procedure of mutilation.
Only a matter of time before the APA removes gender dysphoria from the DSM. In fact, the main reason they don't remove it is because then insurance companies might deny gender affirming care from coverage.

The fact is, you guys have already lost on this issue. Companies are issuing policies to use preferred pronouns and taking HR action against those who don't. When you lost big corporations, you are done.

As far as homosexual behavior, that too is a mental issue lots of times because of abuse. Other times it is due to reprobative brainwashing where a person young or old sees the perversion and can’t stop thinking about it eventually succumbing to the “feelings.”
Why do I get the feeling you don't know any gay people in your little Mormon world? If you did, you wouldn't know how absurd that sounds.

In any event, the leftist method of trying to get their way with all subjects including racism is to personally attack someone with a phobia. With me, that falls on deaf ears. I’m not afraid of any people.


I'm guessing, you probably don't know any trans people at all.
Clearly, if you trapped in a body that doesn't match your state of mind, you are not able to function normally.

Only a matter of time before the APA removes gender dysphoria from the DSM. In fact, the main reason they don't remove it is because then insurance companies might deny gender affirming care from coverage.

The fact is, you guys have already lost on this issue. Companies are issuing policies to use preferred pronouns and taking HR action against those who don't. When you lost big corporations, you are done.

Why do I get the feeling you don't know any gay people in your little Mormon world? If you did, you wouldn't know how absurd that sounds.


I'm guessing, you probably don't know any trans people at all.
Your first statement has two issues with it. Are you agreeing? Thank you. However, there have been plenty of people for eons who have functioned just fine and normally. Those who haven't simply have to go to a psychiatrist and be delt with for bipolar or schizophrenia. Two personalities is a very old condition. Cutting off manhoods isn't going to solve a mental issue.

I don't know what the if the mental associations will bend to the knees of the wokers. There seems to be a good effort from those who don't agree with the direction of the Leftist Democrat woke communists to turn around lots of this nonsense. Big corporations are reversing their decisions to go along with crazy.

I've known many gay people. Still know many whom I work with as well. Have family members who are gay. There were studies done back in the 1940's that showed the overwhelming reason homosexuals were the way they were because of their environment. Not because they felt born that way. I have a cousin who is gay that sexual abuse had gone on for generations in their immediate line. He was abused and that resulted in him abusing a neighbor boy. He got very good help from psychologists and from family that helped out. He was 13 when he did this and it was my wife who would see him every day to make sure he knew he was still loved. He still ended up with a reprobate mind and eventually dated and married another guy. A woman I went to high school with and now work in the same company with started out straight and had two kids with her husband. He ended up an alcoholic and abused her. She left him and turned to the same sex for a relationship. We are still good friends. There are many others so you are wrong.

Yes, they have come for our children through our polluted leftist educational system. Mutilating through chemicals and surgeries to attempt to change outward appearances is a very evil way to deal with a mental issue. Anyone who thinks this is okay is a pedophile sadist.

I've known and see trans people. I'm sure you do to. It's very sad. Their mental issues aren't being delt with.
More History of the Church ("modern era")

After Henry VIII died and maybe even before, the king's servants seized land from the Catholic Churches.

But again, you won't hear that part of history from the Protestants; they keep quiet about that.

Then priests were hunted down and sometimes killed for celebrating Mass (which Hviii used to attend but then he grew up, I guess... outgrew Jesus's Church)
More History of the Church ("modern era")

After Henry VIII died and maybe even before, the king's servants seized land from the Catholic Churches.

But again, you won't hear that part of history from the Protestants; they keep quiet about that.

Then priests were hunted down and sometimes killed for celebrating Mass (which Hviii used to attend but then he grew up, I guess... outgrew Jesus's Church)
It wasn’t his church so no need to worry.

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