Seriously, I blame Protestantism for just about all America's current woes

Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...
I think the 'fruits' of Catholicism are about the same as those of Protestantism.

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