Seriously, I blame Protestantism for just about all America's current woes

Your first statement has two issues with it. Are you agreeing? Thank you. However, there have been plenty of people for eons who have functioned just fine and normally. Those who haven't simply have to go to a psychiatrist and be delt with for bipolar or schizophrenia. Two personalities is a very old condition. Cutting off manhoods isn't going to solve a mental issue.

Bipolar and Schizophrenia are legit mental illnesses, gender dysphoria is not.

I don't know what the if the mental associations will bend to the knees of the wokers. There seems to be a good effort from those who don't agree with the direction of the Leftist Democrat woke communists to turn around lots of this nonsense. Big corporations are reversing their decisions to go along with crazy.

No, they really aren't.

I realize transphobia is like the last great prejudice you guys have, since racism and homophobia are now frowned on. But this too, shall pass.

The main reason why they haven't taken GD off the DSM is because they don't want insurance companies to start calling Gender-Affirming care "elective", which you know the bastards would do if given the chance.

I've known many gay people. Still know many whom I work with as well. Have family members who are gay. There were studies done back in the 1940's that showed the overwhelming reason homosexuals were the way they were because of their environment. Not because they felt born that way. I have a cousin who is gay that sexual abuse had gone on for generations in their immediate line. He was abused and that resulted in him abusing a neighbor boy. He got very good help from psychologists and from family that helped out. He was 13 when he did this and it was my wife who would see him every day to make sure he knew he was still loved. He still ended up with a reprobate mind and eventually dated and married another guy.

Okay, it would seem that if he were abused, he would be repelled by the thought of gay sex, not wanting to emulate it.

A woman I went to high school with and now work in the same company with started out straight and had two kids with her husband. He ended up an alcoholic and abused her. She left him and turned to the same sex for a relationship. We are still good friends. There are many others so you are wrong.

Wow, you can't be very good friends if this is the conclusion you drew. The reality is a LOT of lesbians try to fake their way through a straight relationship. I had an aunt who did that. The same with a very good friend of mine who had two kids with a guy before she admitted to herself she was gay. They usually do this to please overly religious families.

Yes, they have come for our children through our polluted leftist educational system. Mutilating through chemicals and surgeries to attempt to change outward appearances is a very evil way to deal with a mental issue. Anyone who thinks this is okay is a pedophile sadist.

Wow, seriously. Is this some Mormon Talking point, because Bob used to spew this kind of nonsense before they finally permabanned him.

The reality is, if some children are transgender, the best time to treat them is before they complete the maturation cycle, and they are stuck with an adult body of the wrong gender. THat said, very few trans kids are getting even the most basic care of drugs. (Compared, again, to any kid who acts up a little being drugged into zombies so the teachers find them more manageable.)

I've known and see trans people. I'm sure you do to. It's very sad. Their mental issues aren't being delt with.

I've known two. Both of them seemed perfectly well adjusted to who they were and functioned well in society.
More History of the Church ("modern era")

After Henry VIII died and maybe even before, the king's servants seized land from the Catholic Churches.

But again, you won't hear that part of history from the Protestants; they keep quiet about that.

Then priests were hunted down and sometimes killed for celebrating Mass (which Hviii used to attend but then he grew up, I guess... outgrew Jesus's Church)
Actually, the dissolution of the Monestaries was very openly talked about in English history.

But this was hardly a new thing. The King of France dissolved the order of the Knights Templar because he owed them money and didn't want to pay his debts.
Bipolar and Schizophrenia are legit mental illnesses, gender dysphoria is not.

No, they really aren't.

I realize transphobia is like the last great prejudice you guys have, since racism and homophobia are now frowned on. But this too, shall pass.

The main reason why they haven't taken GD off the DSM is because they don't want insurance companies to start calling Gender-Affirming care "elective", which you know the bastards would do if given the chance.

Okay, it would seem that if he were abused, he would be repelled by the thought of gay sex, not wanting to emulate it.

Wow, you can't be very good friends if this is the conclusion you drew. The reality is a LOT of lesbians try to fake their way through a straight relationship. I had an aunt who did that. The same with a very good friend of mine who had two kids with a guy before she admitted to herself she was gay. They usually do this to please overly religious families.

Wow, seriously. Is this some Mormon Talking point, because Bob used to spew this kind of nonsense before they finally permabanned him.

The reality is, if some children are transgender, the best time to treat them is before they complete the maturation cycle, and they are stuck with an adult body of the wrong gender. THat said, very few trans kids are getting even the most basic care of drugs. (Compared, again, to any kid who acts up a little being drugged into zombies so the teachers find them more manageable.)

I've known two. Both of them seemed perfectly well adjusted to who they were and functioned well in society.
So why then would they need to be butchered by cutting off their manhood if they are well adjusted and functional in society? Hmmm?

Gender dysphoria is clearly a mental illness and classified as such. It is bipolar and sometimes skizo. Cutting off protruding parts of the body doesn’t change that. Never has and never will.
So why then would they need to be butchered by cutting off their manhood if they are well adjusted and functional in society? Hmmm?

Gender dysphoria is clearly a mental illness and classified as such. It is bipolar and sometimes skizo. Cutting off protruding parts of the body doesn’t change that. Never has and never will.

Same reason we give out glass eyes and prosthetic legs.

Also, why to you only focus on Male-to-female transitions? This seems like your own insecurities shining through.
Same reason we give out glass eyes and prosthetic legs.

Also, why to you only focus on Male-to-female transitions? This seems like your own insecurities shining through.
Made no logical sense again. There’s nothing wrong with the equipment with trans. Sometimes I think you are 12 years old the way you try to make your analogies. They are not comparable at all.
Going from female to male as well. Not sure why I have to do that as well. Same mutilation due to mental illness.
Made no logical sense again. There’s nothing wrong with the equipment with trans. Sometimes I think you are 12 years old the way you try to make your analogies. They are not comparable at all.
Going from female to male as well. Not sure why I have to do that as well. Same mutilation due to mental illness.

What you call mutilation, I would call a correction. Kind of depends on your point of view.
What you call mutilation, I would call a correction. Kind of depends on your point of view.
If the concept of being a doctor is do no harm, then chopping of body parts that have no disease is mutilation. Especially when the disease is mental illness. It’s really very simple.
Again, tell that to all the doctors performing cosmetic surgery, or giving kids SSRI's to make them more manageable for their parents and teachers.
Again, someone wanting to improve something that has no mental issues about it isn’t the same as a trans who is that way because they have a mental illness.
If someone wants to have plastic surgery, they should be required to first make sure they don’t have a mental illness. Trans are 100% mentally ill and need to be treated for that before hacking their bodies. Again, it’s really quite simple and easy to understand. Why you are unable to suggest ms to me you may have some mental challenges too.
Again, someone wanting to improve something that has no mental issues about it isn’t the same as a trans who is that way because they have a mental illness.
If someone wants to have plastic surgery, they should be required to first make sure they don’t have a mental illness. Trans are 100% mentally ill and need to be treated for that before hacking their bodies. Again, it’s really quite simple and easy to understand. Why you are unable to suggest ms to me you may have some mental challenges too.
Oh, I understand perfect,

You are a religious bigot with sexual issues who needs someone to hate on.

Gender affirming care has proven to have defined medical benefits.

Much more than plastic surgery.
Oh, I understand perfect,

You are a religious bigot with sexual issues who needs someone to hate on.

Gender affirming care has proven to have defined medical benefits.

Much more than plastic surgery.
And this is the response when a bigot or leftist realizes I’m right but won’t agree. The response is always some kind of phobia response because they have nothing else.

Gender affirming care is a false statement. There is no care whatsoever. It affirms nothing because their gender stays the same. A woman who has had a full hysterectomy and both breasts removed due to cancer is still a woman because she is mentally sound. As where a mentally ill woman who has a full hysterectomy, vagina and breast removed replaced by a fake penis and beard is still a woman.
And this is the response when a bigot or leftist realizes I’m right but won’t agree. The response is always some kind of phobia response because they have nothing else.

Gender affirming care is a false statement. There is no care whatsoever. It affirms nothing because their gender stays the same. A woman who has had a full hysterectomy and both breasts removed due to cancer is still a woman because she is mentally sound. As where a mentally ill woman who has a full hysterectomy, vagina and breast removed replaced by a fake penis and beard is still a woman.
I think that you are losing your own point.

If you are going to argue that a lady who loses all her lady bits is still a lady because her mind is that of a lady, I would agree.

If her mind is the mind of a man, that's a different issue, and gender-affirming care is appropriate.

Because honestly, this all sounds more like it's about your hangups than theirs.
With Luther came lawlessness in Christendom

And even HE admitted late in life that things were better when the Catholics were predominate in society.

I've never heard of him actually repenting, though... much less being sacramentally absolved
I think that you are losing your own point.

If you are going to argue that a lady who loses all her lady bits is still a lady because her mind is that of a lady, I would agree.

If her mind is the mind of a man, that's a different issue, and gender-affirming care is appropriate.

Because honestly, this all sounds more like it's about your hangups than theirs.
Again, if she’s got a mental illness, then and only then, will she thinks she’s a man. Only a professional that works with mental illness can help her. Anything else is destroying the possibility of affirming care. The DNA doesn’t change either. Still a woman. Bruce Jenner is still a man with a woman’s name. Only more people now laugh at him. It’s you with the hang ups.
Again, if she’s got a mental illness, then and only then, will she thinks she’s a man. Only a professional that works with mental illness can help her. Anything else is destroying the possibility of affirming care. The DNA doesn’t change either. Still a woman. Bruce Jenner is still a man with a woman’s name. Only more people now laugh at him. It’s you with the hang ups.
except professionals usually recommend Gender affirming care.

I have no hangups... I don't want to screw with people who aren't screwing with me.
except professionals usually recommend Gender affirming care.

I have no hangups... I don't want to screw with people who aren't screwing with me.
You are a coward. What they are doing pushing this woke crap on children and mentally ill adults is criminal.
Professional who? Those who want to abuse children and use physical mutilation instead of professional mental illness care?
You are a coward. What they are doing pushing this woke crap on children and mentally ill adults is criminal.
Professional who? Those who want to abuse children and use physical mutilation instead of professional mental illness care?
By professionals, I mean specialists who deal with transgender patients on a regular basis.

If anything, what has been found to be invalid are various forms of "Conversion" therapy where you think you can cure LGBTQ+ people by screaming "JESUS" at them.
By professionals, I mean specialists who deal with transgender patients on a regular basis.

If anything, what has been found to be invalid are various forms of "Conversion" therapy where you think you can cure LGBTQ+ people by screaming "JESUS" at them.
By professionals, the only professionals that should be considered are those who work in the mental health arena. Not physical doctors that don't know how to treat mental illness. Chopping up bodies doesn't fix the mental health issues. That is a fact.
I agree that "screeming" at people doesn't fix a mental illness condition. Nor does any kind of physical therapy including shock treatment and chopping up their bodies. Once a person has a reprobate mind, the only thing that can change that is The Holy Ghost. The gay person has to want this and have extreme faith in Christ. For most, it's like pedophilia, it's almost incurable.

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