Is God punishing us with this lawless administration?

Is God punishing us with this lawless administration?

  • Y

  • N

  • I tend to think so

  • God doesn't punish anyone

  • Punishing is an antiquated term from the Old Testament

  • We're too enlightened to believe in punishment

  • I sometimes think He is

  • I don't know. Who knows God anyway?

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Only God knows how badly he will punish Trump

God has a lot of experience in this stuff…..It won’t be pretty
meanwhile, YOU need not worry about being punished by God, as I am sure you are pure as the driven snow
What fool... I mean what poster said that God doesn't punish anyone?

Sin punishes

And God allows that to happen. So you could indeed say that God punishes. He doesn't step in when the painful consequences of sin ensue. Nope. He lets you suffer. And some say that is cruel. But hey...
I will be glad to sit down and have a Beer with God
God reads my posts
As someone once said long ago

Some people, when they die and meet their Judge are in for a big shock

Jesus said FEW make it to Heaven
As someone once said long ago

Some people, when they die and meet their Judge are in for a big shock

Jesus said FEW make it to Heaven

I will gladly have a beer or two with Jesus
He doesn’t just drink wine
I will even pay

Jesus reads my posts, he thinks I am funny
Sadly, the victims of the PA escapee

were punished cruelly and unusually by the open border disaster after this sicko crossed the border (or was it before he crossed.. Maybe he murdered his g/friend in Brazil? In any case---)

I wonder if people are still buying a lot of guns like they were a few years ago? In some states, the illegals have rights y'all wouldn't dream of...
Is God punishing us with this lawless administration?

If you don't see open borders
the Afghanistan tragedy
abortion at any stage for any reason
cackling VP
kissing China's ass.....

as a punishment

Well.... we would like to know what you WOULD consider punishment
The "lawless administration" was displaced a couple of years ago.

Did you forget? Or have you just been under that rock all this time?
If watching our president shake hands with the air... and stumble in his efforts to find the way off the stage

are not embarrassing and punishing... :eusa_wall::eusa_wall:
Who voted for God doesn't punish anyone?

Those are folks who have not read (or believed) the Old Testament.

Or maybe they haven't seen what sin does to a person.. which is really about sin punishing, not God per se.

I mean, libtards don't want to talk about it but trans people commit suicide more often than normal people. I've heard gays, ditto.

But the libs couldn't care less about anyone but themselves, so they don't talk about this.. couldn't care less. They are on a roll pushing their agenda on Americans and by God, they aren't going to be bothered by a few (or even a lot) of casualties that happen along the way
I've read books on Hitler and NEVER saw this story

you allege. How about this

Imagine how many problems can be avoided if libtards kept their hands off America!

So you missed it. Big deal. The title of this thread makes clear how you feel about America. You have no use for democracy. You're a theocrat.
found this (War History Online) RE the Hitler saved from drowning legend:

After analyzing the newspaper article and hearing the opinion of historians across the world, the little boy [saved by a priest] is believed to have been Adolf Hitler, who was plucked from an icy River Inn in Passau, Germany, in January 1894.

Those (highlighted) words actually mean something to people who care about the truth rather than myths or legends unproven

Even so, the implication is sinister as hell: Don't save a child from drowning. The child may grow up to do evil.

Well, guess what? According to Jesus (remember him?) ALL OF US do evil...

hard to believe, I know.. but true

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