Is he even President anymore?

If he would have acted like this (not constantly needing attention) when he was president he might have won again.
You liberal imps would have behaved the same regardless.

Hows that? I didn't vote for Biden.

What's that got to do with it? Did you vote for Trump?

Nope. Jo Jorgensen. I get it, that makes me a liberal. To note, Conservatives used to at least pretend to care about the deficit.
ā€˜Is he even president anymore?ā€™ Loser Trump ā€˜more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White Houseā€™

rump has basically given up on doing the job that heā€™s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
ā€œThe administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,ā€ Politicoā€™s Jake Sherman told MSNBCā€™s ā€œMorning Joe.ā€ ā€œThere needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ā€˜Playbookā€™ this morning, is he even president anymore? Heā€™s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.ā€
ā€œIā€™m in the Capitol every day,ā€ he added. ā€œI havenā€™t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So itā€™s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. Itā€™s like when bars go up on the TV. Itā€™s stunning. I donā€™t know if itā€™s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we donā€™t know the results of the election, but allowed itā€™s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. Heā€™s in a bubble, alternate reality.ā€

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgiaā€™s runoff elections.
ā€œThere is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,ā€ Lemire said, ā€œis going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.ā€

Trump knows nothing about public service and public policy; he doesnā€™t care about public service and public policy.

There are fundamental responsibilities a president must meet, separate and apart from politics, a political agenda, and political ideology ā€“ Trump has failed to meet those responsibilities.

Not really. Politicians are what you describe. I liked Trump's "fuck the swamp" attitude.

Pelosi said the same thing and accomplished as much.
Was he ever? Outside of doling out trillions WTF did he do ?
Face it friends We dodged a bullet with this election How can we trust republicans EVER again after they kissed the ass of this trump moron for 4 years ? Afraid to speak out

Again, I feel vindicated here because I've been saying all along that Trump never had any interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He was just interested in adoration, adulation, and the pomp that came along with constantly running for it. That's why he held pep rallies constantly. He could gather a friendly, adoring crowd and stand at that podium whilst leaning on it and riff the first thing that came into his mind. And people would come and eat it up. For three years, he reaped being the beneficiary of a growing economy left to him by his predecessor and very little in the way of issue on the international front. Those of us who've been watching him for four decades knew that the first time his presidency was tested, he would likely be outed as unfit for the job. And that's exactly what happened. So the voters showed him the door. Now, there's no point in even pretending anymore. He can display who he is and revert to full blown narcissism...all while having his loyal minions go out and fight his battles for him.

As soon as he reached the bottom of that golden escalator at Trump Tower in 2015, his run for President should have been over.
If he would have acted like this (not constantly needing attention) when he was president he might have won again.
You liberal imps would have behaved the same regardless.

Hows that? I didn't vote for Biden.

What's that got to do with it? Did you vote for Trump?

Nope. Jo Jorgensen. I get it, that makes me a liberal. To note, Conservatives used to at least pretend to care about the deficit.
To note, next time a pandemic comes up, make one of those notes about who is president. It takes some spending to climb back to a level of military preparedness we should have, and to reinvigorate an economy that was slogging along at a < 2% growth rate under Zippy the Pinhead (aka Obama).
ā€˜Is he even president anymore?ā€™ Loser Trump ā€˜more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White Houseā€™

rump has basically given up on doing the job that heā€™s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
ā€œThe administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,ā€ Politicoā€™s Jake Sherman told MSNBCā€™s ā€œMorning Joe.ā€ ā€œThere needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ā€˜Playbookā€™ this morning, is he even president anymore? Heā€™s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.ā€
ā€œIā€™m in the Capitol every day,ā€ he added. ā€œI havenā€™t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So itā€™s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. Itā€™s like when bars go up on the TV. Itā€™s stunning. I donā€™t know if itā€™s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we donā€™t know the results of the election, but allowed itā€™s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. Heā€™s in a bubble, alternate reality.ā€

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgiaā€™s runoff elections.
ā€œThere is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,ā€ Lemire said, ā€œis going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.ā€

Trump knows nothing about public service and public policy; he doesnā€™t care about public service and public policy.

There are fundamental responsibilities a president must meet, separate and apart from politics, a political agenda, and political ideology ā€“ Trump has failed to meet those responsibilities.

Not really. Politicians are what you describe. I liked Trump's "fuck the swamp" attitude.

The problem is the swamp ate Trump.
Good grief. The lengths a liberal will go to have something to complain about with Trump. I don't know how they will be able to harness all that hatred when he's gone. I guess they will take it out on innocent people that don't think like they do.

You know liberals will never be happy, no matter what. They'll be saying the same about Joe Bidet in a year or two, while they're eating their cold oatmeal in a house that has no heat or electricity, and suffocating from the Rona virus.
ā€˜Is he even president anymore?ā€™ Loser Trump ā€˜more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White Houseā€™

rump has basically given up on doing the job that heā€™s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
ā€œThe administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,ā€ Politicoā€™s Jake Sherman told MSNBCā€™s ā€œMorning Joe.ā€ ā€œThere needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ā€˜Playbookā€™ this morning, is he even president anymore? Heā€™s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.ā€
ā€œIā€™m in the Capitol every day,ā€ he added. ā€œI havenā€™t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So itā€™s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. Itā€™s like when bars go up on the TV. Itā€™s stunning. I donā€™t know if itā€™s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we donā€™t know the results of the election, but allowed itā€™s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. Heā€™s in a bubble, alternate reality.ā€

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgiaā€™s runoff elections.
ā€œThere is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,ā€ Lemire said, ā€œis going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.ā€

Trump knows nothing about public service and public policy; he doesnā€™t care about public service and public policy.

There are fundamental responsibilities a president must meet, separate and apart from politics, a political agenda, and political ideology ā€“ Trump has failed to meet those responsibilities.

Not really. Politicians are what you describe. I liked Trump's "fuck the swamp" attitude.

Pelosi said the same thing and accomplished as much.

Pelosi?????? Oh for the love of all that is Holy.
If he would have acted like this (not constantly needing attention) when he was president he might have won again.
You liberal imps would have behaved the same regardless.

Hows that? I didn't vote for Biden.

What's that got to do with it? Did you vote for Trump?

Nope. Jo Jorgensen. I get it, that makes me a liberal. To note, Conservatives used to at least pretend to care about the deficit.
To note, next time a pandemic comes up, make one of those notes about who is president. It takes some spending to climb back to a level of military preparedness we should have, and to reinvigorate an economy that was slogging along at a < 2% growth rate under Zippy the Pinhead (aka Obama).

Trump said balancing the budget would be no problem. He was racing to a record deficit long before the pandemic came along.
ā€˜Is he even president anymore?ā€™ Loser Trump ā€˜more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White Houseā€™

rump has basically given up on doing the job that heā€™s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
ā€œThe administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,ā€ Politicoā€™s Jake Sherman told MSNBCā€™s ā€œMorning Joe.ā€ ā€œThere needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ā€˜Playbookā€™ this morning, is he even president anymore? Heā€™s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.ā€
ā€œIā€™m in the Capitol every day,ā€ he added. ā€œI havenā€™t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So itā€™s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. Itā€™s like when bars go up on the TV. Itā€™s stunning. I donā€™t know if itā€™s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we donā€™t know the results of the election, but allowed itā€™s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. Heā€™s in a bubble, alternate reality.ā€

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgiaā€™s runoff elections.
ā€œThere is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,ā€ Lemire said, ā€œis going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.ā€

Trump knows nothing about public service and public policy; he doesnā€™t care about public service and public policy.

There are fundamental responsibilities a president must meet, separate and apart from politics, a political agenda, and political ideology ā€“ Trump has failed to meet those responsibilities.

Not really. Politicians are what you describe. I liked Trump's "fuck the swamp" attitude.

Pelosi said the same thing and accomplished as much.

Pelosi?????? Oh for the love of all that is Holy.

Facts are facts.
If he would have acted like this (not constantly needing attention) when he was president he might have won again.
You liberal imps would have behaved the same regardless.

Hows that? I didn't vote for Biden.

What's that got to do with it? Did you vote for Trump?

Nope. Jo Jorgensen. I get it, that makes me a liberal. To note, Conservatives used to at least pretend to care about the deficit.
To note, next time a pandemic comes up, make one of those notes about who is president. It takes some spending to climb back to a level of military preparedness we should have, and to reinvigorate an economy that was slogging along at a < 2% growth rate under Zippy the Pinhead (aka Obama).

Trump said balancing the budget would be no problem. He was racing to a record deficit long before the pandemic came along.
And you fail to grasp what I said.
Good grief. The lengths a liberal will go to have something to complain about with Trump. I don't know how they will be able to harness all that hatred when he's gone. I guess they will take it out on innocent people that don't think like they do.
Dude....they're communists.
They lie compulsively.
Everything they say is 180 from the truth.
I agree but please, don't call me dude. It sounds like you are pulling on your 10th bong hit of the morning.
Dude is just a term of endearment.

It has nothing to do with pot smoking.
ā€˜Is he even president anymore?ā€™ Loser Trump ā€˜more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White Houseā€™

rump has basically given up on doing the job that heā€™s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
ā€œThe administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,ā€ Politicoā€™s Jake Sherman told MSNBCā€™s ā€œMorning Joe.ā€ ā€œThere needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ā€˜Playbookā€™ this morning, is he even president anymore? Heā€™s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.ā€
ā€œIā€™m in the Capitol every day,ā€ he added. ā€œI havenā€™t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So itā€™s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. Itā€™s like when bars go up on the TV. Itā€™s stunning. I donā€™t know if itā€™s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we donā€™t know the results of the election, but allowed itā€™s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. Heā€™s in a bubble, alternate reality.ā€

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgiaā€™s runoff elections.
ā€œThere is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,ā€ Lemire said, ā€œis going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.ā€

Trump knows nothing about public service and public policy; he doesnā€™t care about public service and public policy.

There are fundamental responsibilities a president must meet, separate and apart from politics, a political agenda, and political ideology ā€“ Trump has failed to meet those responsibilities.

Not really. Politicians are what you describe. I liked Trump's "fuck the swamp" attitude.

Pelosi said the same thing and accomplished as much.

Pelosi?????? Oh for the love of all that is Holy.

Facts are facts.

Please give me something on Pelosi's accomplishments. Be specific. I'll wait.
ā€˜Is he even president anymore?ā€™ Loser Trump ā€˜more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White Houseā€™

rump has basically given up on doing the job that heā€™s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
ā€œThe administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,ā€ Politicoā€™s Jake Sherman told MSNBCā€™s ā€œMorning Joe.ā€ ā€œThere needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ā€˜Playbookā€™ this morning, is he even president anymore? Heā€™s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.ā€
ā€œIā€™m in the Capitol every day,ā€ he added. ā€œI havenā€™t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So itā€™s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. Itā€™s like when bars go up on the TV. Itā€™s stunning. I donā€™t know if itā€™s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we donā€™t know the results of the election, but allowed itā€™s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. Heā€™s in a bubble, alternate reality.ā€

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgiaā€™s runoff elections.
ā€œThere is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,ā€ Lemire said, ā€œis going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.ā€

The ghettos will end a day after he is sworn in then. Suckers! At least us Deplorables know they are.
Was he ever? Outside of doling out trillions WTF did he do ?
Face it friends We dodged a bullet with this election How can we trust republicans EVER again after they kissed the ass of this trump moron for 4 years ? Afraid to speak out

Again, I feel vindicated here because I've been saying all along that Trump never had any interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He was just interested in adoration, adulation, and the pomp that came along with constantly running for it. That's why he held pep rallies constantly. He could gather a friendly, adoring crowd and stand at that podium whilst leaning on it and riff the first thing that came into his mind. And people would come and eat it up. For three years, he reaped being the beneficiary of a growing economy left to him by his predecessor and very little in the way of issue on the international front. Those of us who've been watching him for four decades knew that the first time his presidency was tested, he would likely be outed as unfit for the job. And that's exactly what happened. So the voters showed him the door. Now, there's no point in even pretending anymore. He can display who he is and revert to full blown narcissism...all while having his loyal minions go out and fight his battles for him.

As soon as he reached the bottom of that golden escalator at Trump Tower in 2015, his run for President should have been over.
You might be right. From the first day he surrounded himself with establishment swamp creatures, while claiming he would empty the swamp.

Either he didnā€™t care or heā€™s not very smart. In the end the swamp he so lamented, ate him.
Good grief. The lengths a liberal will go to have something to complain about with Trump. I don't know how they will be able to harness all that hatred when he's gone. I guess they will take it out on innocent people that don't think like they do.
Dude....they're communists.
They lie compulsively.
Everything they say is 180 from the truth.
I agree but please, don't call me dude. It sounds like you are pulling on your 10th bong hit of the morning.
Dude is just a term of endearment.

It has nothing to do with pot smoking.

The dude abides.
If he would have acted like this (not constantly needing attention) when he was president he might have won again.
You liberal imps would have behaved the same regardless.

Hows that? I didn't vote for Biden.

What's that got to do with it? Did you vote for Trump?

Nope. Jo Jorgensen. I get it, that makes me a liberal. To note, Conservatives used to at least pretend to care about the deficit.
To note, next time a pandemic comes up, make one of those notes about who is president. It takes some spending to climb back to a level of military preparedness we should have, and to reinvigorate an economy that was slogging along at a < 2% growth rate under Zippy the Pinhead (aka Obama).

Trump said balancing the budget would be no problem. He was racing to a record deficit long before the pandemic came along.
And you fail to grasp what I said.

I addressed what you said. I simply dismissed it as false.
If he would have acted like this (not constantly needing attention) when he was president he might have won again.
You liberal imps would have behaved the same regardless.

Hows that? I didn't vote for Biden.

What's that got to do with it? Did you vote for Trump?

Nope. Jo Jorgensen. I get it, that makes me a liberal. To note, Conservatives used to at least pretend to care about the deficit.
To note, next time a pandemic comes up, make one of those notes about who is president. It takes some spending to climb back to a level of military preparedness we should have, and to reinvigorate an economy that was slogging along at a < 2% growth rate under Zippy the Pinhead (aka Obama).

Yes. Obama. Who nipped the H1N1 and Ebola threats in the bud. Who had already rescued and invigorated the economy after the last Republican administration left in shambles. Who handed off a growing economy and falling unemployment to the incoming carnival barker..who promised 3, 4, 5% growth every quarter and never delivered on it......and who drops the baton the first time his presidency is tested. 250K dead? 7% unemployment? If this is your idea of success and accomplishments, you really need to rethink your life. :)
ā€˜Is he even president anymore?ā€™ Loser Trump ā€˜more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White Houseā€™

rump has basically given up on doing the job that heā€™s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
ā€œThe administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,ā€ Politicoā€™s Jake Sherman told MSNBCā€™s ā€œMorning Joe.ā€ ā€œThere needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ā€˜Playbookā€™ this morning, is he even president anymore? Heā€™s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.ā€
ā€œIā€™m in the Capitol every day,ā€ he added. ā€œI havenā€™t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So itā€™s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. Itā€™s like when bars go up on the TV. Itā€™s stunning. I donā€™t know if itā€™s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we donā€™t know the results of the election, but allowed itā€™s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. Heā€™s in a bubble, alternate reality.ā€

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgiaā€™s runoff elections.
ā€œThere is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,ā€ Lemire said, ā€œis going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.ā€

Trump knows nothing about public service and public policy; he doesnā€™t care about public service and public policy.

There are fundamental responsibilities a president must meet, separate and apart from politics, a political agenda, and political ideology ā€“ Trump has failed to meet those responsibilities.

Not really. Politicians are what you describe. I liked Trump's "fuck the swamp" attitude.

Pelosi said the same thing and accomplished as much.

Pelosi?????? Oh for the love of all that is Holy.

Facts are facts.

Quoting an MSNBC poll? Seriously? Shake my damn head. Their polls, whatever the source, are complete horseshit.

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