Is Hillary Clinton the only Dem capable of winning in 2016?

Well if she's that masculine, I need some furniture moved......

Looks like she uses a rather greasy makeup base......

Call Mooch, she's got the testicles in that family!

Come on girl's, no one mentioned the Mooch in come, you all starting to be racists?

Is she a hermaphrodite then? well since women only have one testate for you know, pee-pee....I also notice you have a large amount of fecal matter on your nose from me lady ...
maybe you need a hobby offline....

No, the Mooch is a transgender, Just look at what she spends on depilatories!

Although I'm a DEM and like Hillary...I would actually consider Huntsman for prez...He's intelligent, resourceful and has the "inside scoop" on China..a growing power we can't ignore. I also think that he's the only GOPer that could give Hillary a run for her money...

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Although I'm a DEM and like Hillary...I would actually consider Huntsman for prez...He's intelligent, resourceful and has the "inside scoop" on China..a growing power we can't ignore. I also think that he's the only GOPer that could give Hillary a run for her money...

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But Doc, we got CHRIS CHRISTIE, even the KOS loves him!:badgrin:
the dems have no choice, its her turn. they dumped on her last time and ran the kenyan, now they have to run her. She is their Dole and McCain.

she will run and lose. can't wait !!!!

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Hillary is the obvious choice. Republicans have nobody that can beat her right now. Add in the stupid Benghazi, Blowjobs and Old hag campaign Republicans will run against her and she is a shoe in
Really Redfish? And who would she lose to....A dunce who can't even remember and articulate his own arguments? Religious and ideological fanatics? Civil rights and equitable wage deniers? "9-9-9"? War mongers? Another Bush? Women's rights blockers? An exposed corrupt NJ pol who doesn't mind hurting citizenry for personal vendettas?

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Really Redfish? And who would she lose to....A dunce who can't even remember and articulate his own arguments? Religious and ideological fanatics? Civil rights and equitable wage deniers? "9-9-9"? War mongers? Another Bush? Women's rights blockers? An exposed corrupt NJ pol who doesn't mind hurting citizenry for personal vendettas?

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I really don't think the DNC is dumb enough to run her, but they may have no choice. She will lose to whoever the GOP runs, the american people are tired of this failed liberal bullshit and they are tired of the clintons.
Hillary is the obvious choice. Republicans have nobody that can beat her right now. Add in the stupid Benghazi, Blowjobs and Old hag campaign Republicans will run against her and she is a shoe in

benghazi is real, HRC failed in her job as secstate and then lied about it. she is an old hag, nothing will change that.

and the RNC wil have thousands of minutes of clips of her screeching and ranting like a banshee with briers up her ass.

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