Is Hillary Clinton the only Dem capable of winning in 2016?

Really Redfish? And who would she lose to....A dunce who can't even remember and articulate his own arguments? Religious and ideological fanatics? Civil rights and equitable wage deniers? "9-9-9"? War mongers? Another Bush? Women's rights blockers? An exposed corrupt NJ pol who doesn't mind hurting citizenry for personal vendettas?

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I really don't think the DNC is dumb enough to run her, but they may have no choice. She will lose to whoever the GOP runs, the american people are tired of this failed liberal bullshit and they are tired of the clintons.

Almost there. . . Americans are tired of the far right reactionary nonsense. Your day is over, bud.
The cons couldn't win if they were the only party in the election. They'd slime each other to death. Rand Paul is proving they even hate each other.

Actually, a generic Democrat would win 300 Electoral votes. Its just the way the vote breaks out

Hillary would win 330-350

So you think we should turn the country over to those living in our 5 or 6 largest cities? and you are happy about that? would you be happy about it if those voters suddenly became conservatives?

Do you know that Rand Paul got a standing ovation at UC Berkley last night?

you libs are losing your base, you have failed, its over.

Read the Constitution
That is where the rules of a Presidential Election are established

Personally, I think the President should be elected by the popular vote

Each persons vote counts the same
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"Our top story tonight, Hillary won't get the Democrat Nomination. Good Night and have a pleasant tomorrow"
Is there really anyone else the Democrats can run with in 2015 and win with?

Hillary was unable to get the nomination last time she tried and she was also not able to successfully run the campaign for healthcare when Bill was in office. She would probably be a better president than she is a campaigner but if she is nominated, she will leave the Democrats more vulnerable.
I doubt any democrat will win this next time. It'll be a republican, that's just the way in works. Very seldom has a new democrat or republican taken over as president from his/her same party. Odds are against it.
I doubt any democrat will win this next time. It'll be a republican, that's just the way in works. Very seldom has a new democrat or republican taken over as president from his/her same party. Odds are against it.

You are usually correct unless one party screws up pretty badly

Democrats held the Presidency for 20 years after Hoover and the Great Depresssion
Republicans held it for 12 years after Carter

I guess it will all depend on how long the stink of Bush lingers
Actually, a generic Democrat would win 300 Electoral votes. Its just the way the vote breaks out

Hillary would win 330-350

So you think we should turn the country over to those living in our 5 or 6 largest cities? and you are happy about that? would you be happy about it if those voters suddenly became conservatives?

Do you know that Rand Paul got a standing ovation at UC Berkley last night?

you libs are losing your base, you have failed, its over.

Read the Constitution
That is where the rules of a Presidential Election are established

Personally, I think the President should be elected by the popular vote

Each persons vote counts the same

then the votes of people in rural areas would be worthless, the EC was put in place to try to give equal representation to all proportionally. It kind of works, but its far from perfect.

Rand Paul got a standing ovation at UC Berkley last night, one of the most liberal places in the entire world. Even those kids understand that the obama version of liberalism is a fraud and a miserable failure that it stealing their futures from them.

liberalism, socialism, marxism, communism, progrressivism--------------all failures, every place every time.

the left wing experiment in the USA is over. FDR started it, obama finished it. Now, back to FREEDOM and the constitution.
So you think we should turn the country over to those living in our 5 or 6 largest cities? and you are happy about that? would you be happy about it if those voters suddenly became conservatives?

Do you know that Rand Paul got a standing ovation at UC Berkley last night?

you libs are losing your base, you have failed, its over.

Read the Constitution
That is where the rules of a Presidential Election are established

Personally, I think the President should be elected by the popular vote

Each persons vote counts the same

then the votes of people in rural areas would be worthless, the EC was put in place to try to give equal representation to all proportionally. It kind of works, but its far from perfect.

Rand Paul got a standing ovation at UC Berkley last night, one of the most liberal places in the entire world. Even those kids understand that the obama version of liberalism is a fraud and a miserable failure that it stealing their futures from them.

liberalism, socialism, marxism, communism, progrressivism--------------all failures, every place every time.

the left wing experiment in the USA is over. FDR started it, obama finished it. Now, back to FREEDOM and the constitution.

You would not be voting as a person from a rural area.......just as a person

Your vote would count the same whether you are a billionaire, farmer, citydweller or homeless

Your vote = 1
I doubt any democrat will win this next time. It'll be a republican, that's just the way in works. Very seldom has a new democrat or republican taken over as president from his/her same party. Odds are against it.

You are usually correct unless one party screws up pretty badly

Democrats held the Presidency for 20 years after Hoover and the Great Depresssion
Republicans held it for 12 years after Carter

I guess it will all depend on how long the stink of Bush lingers

The Republican Party will be a big factor. They need to bring a better ticket than McCain/Palin or Romney/whatshisname. The last panel of choices was a joke. The first thing the Republicans need to do is stop scaring people away with Rick Perry, Michelle Bachman, and Newt Gingrich. The fact that Rick Perry was ever a frontrunner is beyond belief.
I doubt any democrat will win this next time. It'll be a republican, that's just the way in works. Very seldom has a new democrat or republican taken over as president from his/her same party. Odds are against it.

You are usually correct unless one party screws up pretty badly

Democrats held the Presidency for 20 years after Hoover and the Great Depresssion
Republicans held it for 12 years after Carter

I guess it will all depend on how long the stink of Bush lingers

Nope, it will depend on how long the stink of Obama lingers. Its that stink that you dem/libs will have to deal with.

but fear not "if you like your healthcare you can keep it, period"

"what difference, at this point, does it make"

"57 states"


"ah aint no ways tarred"
Resorting to Benghazi just shows desperation at this point. No one is going to listen to more GOP witch-hunts, especially after they tried to make fast and furious something serious, which it wasn't.
I'm looking for a dark-horse.

I'm not too thrilled about any of the "front runners"

But I think the Republicans have plenty of ammo left to shoot themselves in the foot with - Clinton could win. Scary.
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Generally, if they have to resort to screetching old hag crap or Benghazi-then that means they have nothing.

those tactics worked for you dem/libs against Palin. scared that your own tactics will be used against you?

Yeah but Palin is dumb as a post and most who support her are of the same ilk.

Say what you like about Hillary, she ain't dumb...
Nope, it will depend on how long the stink of Obama lingers. Its that stink that you dem/libs will have to deal with.

but fear not "if you like your healthcare you can keep it, period"

"what difference, at this point, does it make"

"57 states"


"ah aint no ways tarred"

As opposed to "I can see Russia from my house!"

I always thought it was corpsman too. Didn't know you didn't pronounce the s. "Oh, no, that must mean I'm a failure in life!!" <sarcasm>

"Our top story tonight, Hillary won't get the Democrat Nomination. Good Night and have a pleasant tomorrow"

You use liberals to make your wish. Cool. They definitely have more credibility than Limpballs and FUX NEWS, but it's fraud.

Con integrity.....
kwc57 said.
I want EVERYONE to succeed in life. That is the Republican and conservative motto.
The cons don't even want their own president of the United States to succeed, and have done everything they could to make him fail. That's how low cons are.
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Nope, it will depend on how long the stink of Obama lingers. Its that stink that you dem/libs will have to deal with.

but fear not "if you like your healthcare you can keep it, period"

"what difference, at this point, does it make"

"57 states"


"ah aint no ways tarred"

As opposed to "I can see Russia from my house!"

I always thought it was corpsman too. Didn't know you didn't pronounce the s. "Oh, no, that must mean I'm a failure in life!!" <sarcasm>

You are obviously not presidential material
I simply won't vote for someone that wants to go after one group over another. WE need a moderate!
If the GOP puts up another putz, and a true conservative democrat decides to run, I would likely vote for the conservative democrat.

I'm tired of the liars like Clinton and Boner, and Schumer, and Biden, and Graham and that putz down in N. Carolina...

Now that makes sense. But I doubt that will happen. I am hoping that Huntsman lands on the GOP ticket.

he got 1% of the primary vote last time…. he's too smart for them

yeah we want candidates you endorse, you know democrats with an by their name......pass
Nope, it will depend on how long the stink of Obama lingers. Its that stink that you dem/libs will have to deal with.

but fear not "if you like your healthcare you can keep it, period"

"what difference, at this point, does it make"

"57 states"


"ah aint no ways tarred"

As opposed to "I can see Russia from my house!"

I always thought it was corpsman too. Didn't know you didn't pronounce the s. "Oh, no, that must mean I'm a failure in life!!" <sarcasm>

You are obviously not presidential material

So now much did you make today?

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