Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

IF homosexuality is genetic, IF racism is genetic, where is free will? Hello? I am talking to YOU.
I was born bi-polar.
Basically I was born with a predilection to tell my bosses to go fuck themselves.
Where is my free will.
Just think, when you sleep all those insects are having their way with you...
And I'm having my way with them.

Off Topic:
You know....One need not be asleep to have one's way with insects.

(Click the pic for details.)​
Does cricket flour have crickets in it?
Yes. That's why it's called cricket flour, although you wouldn't know there are crickets in it if you just looked at the flour. Powdered cricket isn't obviously cricket.


I'd be interested in seeing national poll results on this topic that included where respondents were born and raised.

I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I barely give a crap about this topic. To me, it's pretty obvious that a vast majority of gays were "born that way", and we all just move on with our freakin' lives.

Surely much of this stuff is regional, so that data would be interesting.
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I'd be interested in seeing national poll results on this topic that included where respondents were born and raised.

I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I barely give a crap about this topic. To me, it's pretty obvious that a vast majority of gays were "born that way", and we all just move on with our freakin' lives.

Surely much of this stuff is regional, so that data would be interesting.

I was born on the completely opposite side of the country, albeit in a similarly small city, but I share your view.

I don't much care for national polls because I believe they inspire people to follow the crowd rather than gathering credible information and making well informed choices. Obviously, I don't care what a poll would reveal. I have no problem with research surveys provided they are rigorously and neutrally (re: the questions asked) composed.
I see homosexuality as a product of genetics, hormones experienced in the womb, and various experiences during life.

The more important question has to do with morality, however -- true morality rather than arbitrary prejudice, as the basis for morality lies in the harm principle. The persecution of people who are not causing harm is the true exhibition of immorality.

One might as well discuss the causes of left-handedness as far as the significance.

From where I sit, I'd say that there is a large portion of the right that does not question what they have been taught. Since people living 2000 years ago thought homosexuality was icky-poo, that's good enough for them. It doesn't matter WHY these views came about, only that hey have been taught to hate homosexuals.

Interestingly enough, an equally large part of the left is quick to defend the absolutely most heinous homophobes on God's green earth. The recent shooting in Orlando is a prime example, as leftist after leftist indulged in nothing but apologia for the culture that produces this extreme homophobia. They do so for the same reason the homophobes of the right do what they do -- they never question WHY they must defend Islamists as all they know is defend them they must.

At the psychological level, what motivates both is the desire to conform. Whenever a person's identity is tied to a group, the stronger this group identification, the greater the need to conform. Conformists do not question why they hold certain attitudes, as all they know is that thinking for themselves runs the risk of ostracism. This is so evident in both the left and the right as to be obvious, yet extremely few people are free enough thinkers to notice. That is because their partisanship is hardwired to their ego and anything non conformist makes them uncomfortable.

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