Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

I browsed through most of this thread the past couple nights and I didn't see it mentioned that not one species on the planet has been found in which homosexual behavior has not been shown to exist (with the exception of species that don't have sex)

Your God created all those creatures too, so unless he made a crap ton of mistakes, it's "normal" so just stop.

People are more than welcome to believe it is a sin and abstain from doing it themselves - and I believe they also have the right to teach their children (and anyone else who wishes to be taught) that they believe it is a sin.

However, it is not the churches place to force their personal religious beliefs upon fellow Americans. It is also not acceptable for the happiness and civil unions of same-sex couples to be denied based upon said religious belief.

The only plausible argument I hear from the faithful boils down to them feeling that God invented marriage and thus the church has the right to dictate that it is a union between a man and a woman alone.

Basically a copyright on coining the term and its meaning - and I can accept that.

So make up a new word for same-sex couples and add "or <new term for &#8216;other&#8217; civil unions>" to all the instances of "marriage" on the books and just be done with it.

I personally think it would be easier to strike it off the legal/government side entirely. Eliminate &#8220;married&#8221; tax brackets (average out "Single" and "Married" rates or w/e,) and do some extra paperwork for legal &#8220;assumption&#8221; type situations (custody, property, wills, etc.) Folks can then, if they so desire, have whatever on the side ceremony to show (other people) or (God) they are together and, everyone&#8217;s happy.

Somewhat ironically, the term marriage has now been so extensively integrated within our legal system that its religious context has necessarily become meaningless in order that it comply with the law of the land it was unwittingly injected into. I do not believe there is, nor ever was, any malicious intent to specifically degrade or deface the religious context of marriage, it was merely a lack of foresight on the part of legal writers who did not prophesize how integrated marriage would become in laws, and further, had no societal context for a possible conversation about same-sex union rights.

Perhaps with the term &#8220;marriage&#8221; returned to full church control, and freed of social/government onus and obligation, the sanctity of marriage in the eyes of the Lord could be reclaimed and brought to its former importance and respect, not only within the walls of the churches, but in the eyes of the country, and perhaps even the world. I mean I&#8217;m agnostic and I find the way people flippantly marry and divorce disturbing - I cannot imagine how frustrating it is for those that &#8216;truly&#8217; believe in the words written in the bible regarding marriage.
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Let's sum up and go get brunch. :)

- If homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, then homosexuals can't be faulted for being that way.

- If homosexuality is a choice or preference, they can be condemned for choosing what some religions consider a sin.

Choose your position and move on. Sheesh.

Science has conclusively proven that homosexuality is not genetic, so your first point is moot.

Why do you believe that people can be condemned based on a religion they don't believe?
Dear Quantum Windbag and Inevitable :
Are you still around on here?
A new member OffensivelyOpenMinded just posted on another thread
about the genetic research done on identical twins:
There Is No Such Thing As Gay "PRIDE"

So that makes 3 of us saying the research on identical twins
shows it's not genetic or there would be 100% correlation.

Do you know of any research into possible hormonal
changes in the womb that could explain forming the
opposite gender identity or orientation? That's one theory
I read somewhere. If you are still around, can we consolidate
the threads asking the same thing, and reach agreement that
genetic research shows no correlation between identical twins,
but it could still be that changes in the womb could lead to born conditions.

Where do you suggest we start? I will look for other threads
and see who else seemed serious about the research on this. Thanks!
All things being equal, (perhaps homosexuality is genetic). Let's give the devil his due. So? What if, ( I think this is probably true) "Racism" may also be GENETIC? Wouldn't that blow a lot of holes through liberals minds?And if so, do we just accept it? Or perhaps this is more about which delusions you accept and which you reject. Maybe they are all equally as invalid?
I browsed through most of this thread the past couple nights and I didn't see it mentioned that not one species on the planet has been found in which homosexual behavior has not been shown to exist (with the exception of species that don't have sex)

I understand that amoebas sex themselves....
All things being equal, (perhaps homosexuality is genetic). Let's give the devil his due. So? What if, ( I think this is probably true) "Racism" may also be GENETIC? Wouldn't that blow a lot of holes through liberals minds?And if so, do we just accept it? Or perhaps this is more about which delusions you accept and which you reject. Maybe they are all equally as invalid?
I have a bush that burns but is never consumed, in my garden..
All things being equal, (perhaps homosexuality is genetic). Let's give the devil his due. So? What if, ( I think this is probably true) "Racism" may also be GENETIC? Wouldn't that blow a lot of holes through liberals minds?And if so, do we just accept it? Or perhaps this is more about which delusions you accept and which you reject. Maybe they are all equally as invalid?
I have a bush that burns but is never consumed, in my garden..
Did you name it George and kneel and say lots of stupid things to it, too?
All things being equal, (perhaps homosexuality is genetic). Let's give the devil his due. So? What if, ( I think this is probably true) "Racism" may also be GENETIC? Wouldn't that blow a lot of holes through liberals minds?And if so, do we just accept it? Or perhaps this is more about which delusions you accept and which you reject. Maybe they are all equally as invalid?
I have a bush that burns but is never consumed, in my garden..
Did you name it George and kneel and say lots of stupid things to it, too?
I named it Holy Shit!
IF homosexuality is genetic, IF racism is genetic, where is free will? Hello? I am talking to YOU.
I browsed through most of this thread the past couple nights and I didn't see it mentioned that not one species on the planet has been found in which homosexual behavior has not been shown to exist (with the exception of species that don't have sex)

I understand that amoebas sex themselves....
A dog tried to hump (have sex with) my leg. I was none to happy and gave the dog a swift kick. There are many perverts in the animal kingdom.
Doesn't the existence of bisexuals prove that homosexuality is a choice for many people?
Doesn't the existence of bisexuals prove that homosexuality is a choice for many people?
Not sure what it proves, but if we do have a conscience and free will, we aren't slaves to passions, either. And nobody has to accept X cause out of political correctness. No, we don't.
Doesn't the existence of bisexuals prove that homosexuality is a choice for many people?
Not sure what it proves, but if we do have a conscience and free will, we aren't slaves to passions, either. And nobody has to accept X cause out of political correctness. No, we don't.
Seems like there is a lot of switching back and forth between same sex relationships and heterosexual relationships.
I'm not a psychologist, and I don't know the answer. (I'm pretty sure psychologists don't know the answer either.)

All I can do is guess.

But what about this scenario:

A boy is raised normally, and in all likelihood will develop into a normal, heterosexual man.

But when he's 9 or 10 years old, he's sexually abused a number of times by a twisted uncle.

This changes his course, and he winds up being homosexual.

Was he born homosexual? No.

Did he choose to be homosexual? No.

This is an (imaginary) guess at a way a person can turn out homosexual, while neither being born that way nor choosing that "lifestyle" either.
The exact nature of sexual preference isn't completely understood although it appears to have a large genetic component. People don't "turn gay" anymore than they turn straight. However, they can choose to behave one way or another.

Example; a teenage girl is attracted to boys. That's her natural sexual preference. When she chooses to blow the entire football team after a game, that's sexual behavior.
The few views I have on gayness, gay people and gay politics are informed by thought such as the following.

From My Genes Made Me Do It:
In 1993, the West was told that a scientist had discovered a “gay gene”—a gene causing homosexuality. The details were confusing for non-scientists, but the headline stuck. For Mr and Ms Average Citizen, it seemed that homosexuality might be genetic.

Actually there was no “gay gene.” Even the scientist referred to, Dean Hamer of the United States National Institutes of Health, never claimed to have found a gene determining homosexuality. “We have not found the gene—which we don’t think exists— for sexual orientation,” he said. However, he claimed to have found evidence that some male homosexuality was passed through female members of a family. More specifically, he claimed to have found a linkage between homosexuality in males and a small stretch of the DNA on the X-chromosome.

Scientists now believe large number of genes are involved in behaviours. Studies on changes in histone proteins suggest that thousands of genes may be involved in almost any trait and that their expression can be greatly impacted by environmental events and even social interactions. Gene patterns may be a recipe for bodies, but are not a reliable recipe for behaviours.

The scientific community realises that “our genes do not make us do it”. Hamer has always believed that. To give him the last word: “There will never be a test that will say for certain whether a child will be gay. We know that for certain.”​

What I think about the nature and origin of homosexuality in humans probably doesn't matter to or for anyone, including myself. I haven't really considered whether it is or isn't a choice. What I have considered is that:
  • Gay people declare that they are gay, and I have zero basis, will or need to tell them they are not.
  • Seeing as gay people do exist, and insofar as I don't give a damn whether they do or don't, it's irrelevant to me why they exist.
  • I have no need or desire to alter gay folks' sexual orientation, so unless they do have such a desire, I don't know why they give a damn why they are gay. I don't enter into relationships with an aim of "fixing" the other person, and I certainly have no desire to "fix" someone with whom I have no relationship.
  • There are literally thousands of things and people that attempt to interject themselves into my life. I have no difficulty dismissing any and all of them that hold no appeal for me. If and when any gay person or group thereof merits my disregard, I will have neither joy nor pain giving it to them.
  • Gay people are just that, people. Accordingly, I will treat them in all respects as I do every other person on the planet.
  • It is not in my or the U.S.' economic interest to deny to anyone that which may enable their contributing to the productivity and growth of our nation. That is so of whites, blacks, men, women, old and young. It's my observation that individuals in each of those groups may consider themselves gay. Since their contributions are beneficial to the whole, I am not about to take actions that disincline, fetters or extirpates their efforts to contribute as best they can.
The human mind, when a disease or dysfunction takes place , is a riddle. "The man that mistook his wife for a hat" , for instance, by the late great Oliver Sacks. The Human brain and it's maladies are still a great unexplored area. And sexuality, wow, that adds even more mystery. I am astounded by how defending what is obviously a major brain malfunction, is disturbing and humorous in much the same sad way.
The APA lists no known causes for homosexual, though there are some hypotheses. What do you think and why?

I believe that homosexuality is genetic. I also believe that geneticists probably already know the genetic connection / cause but they (for whatever reason) don't want the rest of the world to know. I am willing to be wrong about that because it's just a gut feeling that I have at this point.

As it's a little related to this issue, I have wondered what the reaction would be to someone requesting a government grant to "find the genetic link" to homosexuality, develop a prenatal test and then offer a genetic remedy or even abortions to parents who decide they don't want a gay child.

After all, it's not a human being or a baby or a person before it is "born." Right?

And of course, if the woman / couple WANT a gay child?. . . the diagnosis might be good for them too.
I browsed through most of this thread the past couple nights and I didn't see it mentioned that not one species on the planet has been found in which homosexual behavior has not been shown to exist (with the exception of species that don't have sex)

I understand that amoebas sex themselves....
A dog tried to hump (have sex with) my leg. I was none to happy and gave the dog a swift kick. There are many perverts in the animal kingdom.
Just think, when you sleep all those insects are having their way with you...
I browsed through most of this thread the past couple nights and I didn't see it mentioned that not one species on the planet has been found in which homosexual behavior has not been shown to exist (with the exception of species that don't have sex)

I understand that amoebas sex themselves....
A dog tried to hump (have sex with) my leg. I was none to happy and gave the dog a swift kick. There are many perverts in the animal kingdom.
Just think, when you sleep all those insects are having their way with you...
And I'm having my way with them.

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