Is Homosexuality a Mental Disorder ?


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 only after years of political pressure from gay activists. The American Psychiatric association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure !

Removing homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss.

In subsequent years the APA has become so politicized , that it has lost any credibility as a Scientific organization and in the words of one former APA President it is totally "Beholden to the Gay Rights Movement"

Myself and many others , who for fear of reprisals remain silent believe that Homosexuality is and always has been a Mental Disorder and Homosexuals should not be deterred from seeking Psychological / Psychiatric Help.
Psychology and Psychiatry are focused on what is "normal."

The historical reason why phychiatry cosidered homosexual orientation to be "abnormal" was that it flies in the face of biological reality. In short, the penis, testes, and so on have a reproductive purpose, defined clearly in nature. Semen has a natural purpose.

Homosexual acts use male reproductive organs (and mainly parts of the digestive system) in ways that are contrary to their obvious natural functions. There is nothing normal about a man sticking his penis up another man's ass in a bizarre parody of sexual intercourse. The that fact that it is physically possible does not make it "natural" or "normal"; it's possible to simulate sexual intercourse with a wide variety of animals and plants. So what? I've heard homosexuals make the argument that since it is (and I have to take this entirely on faith) "pleasant" to be the buggee, that means it must be normal to bugger. Baloney.

Homosexuality is the inexplicable desire on the part of a man to "copulate" with other men. Since this copulation is biologically abnormal, then by necessity the sexual urge to do it must be psychologically abnormal, and if it is abnormal then it should be treatable from a psychiatric standpoint.

But it is not difficult to see why the APA decided to "concede the point," so to speak. Many, if not most homosexuals, do not consider themselves to be "flawed," and even if they do, they prefer their homosexual orientation. Consider: a homosexual can go out to any gay bar in the country and "get laid" on any night he chooses. What heterosexual can say the same?
As a footnote, I will say that in my totally uneducated opinion, homosexuality and lesbianism are totally different phenomena. Lesbians are not sexually attracted to other women in the same way that homosexuals are attracted to men. Most just crave affection and cannot relate to men, for one reason or another.
Yeah. We all know how much pull those gay activists had in the 1970s. Idiot.
As a footnote, I will say that in my totally uneducated opinion, homosexuality and lesbianism are totally different phenomena. Lesbians are not sexually attracted to other women in the same way that homosexuals are attracted to men. Most just crave affection and cannot relate to men, for one reason or another.

Well then.
Yeah. We all know how much pull those gay activists had in the 1970s. Idiot.

Kindly refrain from flagging yourself as an "Idiot" - Simply let your opinions do the work for you.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness. Freud had alluded to homosexuality numerous times in his writings, and had concluded that paranoia and homosexuality were inseparable. Other psychiatrists wrote copiously on the subject, and homosexuality was “treated” on a wide basis.

.... in 1970 gay activists protested against the APA convention in San Francisco. These scenes were repeated in 1971, and as people came out of the “closet” and felt empowered politically and socially, the APA directorate became increasingly uncomfortable with their stance.

When homosexuality was declassified - Dr. Ronald Bayer, a pro-homosexual psychiatrist has described what actually occurred in his book, Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis.

In Chapter 4, "Diagnostic Politics: Homosexuality and the American Psychiatric Association," Dr. Bayer says that the first attack by homosexual activists against the APA began in 1970 when this organization held its convention in San Francisco. Homosexual activists decided to disrupt the conference by interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1971, homosexual activist Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate against the APA's convention. At the 1971 conference, Kameny grabbed the microphone and yelled, "Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a declaration of war against you."

Homosexuals forged APA credentials and gained access to exhibit areas in the conference. They threatened anyone who claimed that homosexuals needed to be cured.
Freud had alluded to homosexuality numerous times in his writings, and had concluded that paranoia and homosexuality were inseparable.

Freud is a laughingstock. Is that really the best you can do?

Freud and his protege Carl Jung are the founding fathers of Modern Psychiatry . But perhaps we should fast forward to a more modern example. I'll start with Charles Socarides.

Charles Socarides , a prominent psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, physician, educator and author wrote that the removal of homosexuality from the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was a serious mistake, and theorized that it contributed to the AIDS epidemic. He compared the gay community to confused children. Socarides claimed that the vote to delete homosexuality from the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, was heavily influenced by pressure from gay activists, in particular a letter sent by the National Gay Task Force to 18,000 APA members asking them to support its removal.

The New York Times in 1995 stated "Socarides offered the closest thing to hope that many gay people had in the 1960s: the prospect of a cure. Rather than brand them as immoral or regard them as criminal, Socarides told gay people that they suffered from an illness whose effects could be reversed." [ An Analyst, a Father, Battles Homosexuality - ]

Socarides theorized that homosexuality is a treatable neurotic adaptation. He wrote that classical male homosexuality generally develops in the first two years of life, "caused by a controlling mother who prevents her son from separating from her, and a weak or rejecting father who does not serve as a role model for his son ... " Socarides reported that "about a third" of his patients became heterosexual after treatment. [ How America Went Gay ]

He taught Psychiatry at Columbia University and the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, and was Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City, from 1978 to 1996.
I do not believe it is a mental disorder, but could be if a child was raised in a home where homosexuality is preferred or encouraged.
Homosexuality, it it's purity, that is, someone who is specifically attracted to their own sex is, by definition, an abnormality. There is no serious argument that could be provided based on the obvious biological purpose of male/female genitalia. Therefore homosexuality is a biological disorder.
To me, the question should be "is this abnormality unacceptable?" Should it be shunned or banned in some way. And my answer to that is no. It serves no purpose to punish people for something they cannot control, as long as it does no harm to others.
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The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 only after years of political pressure from gay activists. The American Psychiatric association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure !

Removing homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss.

In subsequent years the APA has become so politicized , that it has lost any credibility as a Scientific organization and in the words of one former APA President it is totally "Beholden to the Gay Rights Movement"

Myself and many others , who for fear of reprisals remain silent believe that Homosexuality is and always has been a Mental Disorder and Homosexuals should not be deterred from seeking Psychological / Psychiatric Help.

What would make it a mental disorder?
I do not believe it is a mental disorder, but could be if a child was raised in a home where homosexuality is preferred or encouraged.
Homosexuality, it it's purity, that is, someone who is specifically attracted to their own sex is, by definition, and abnormality. There is no serious argument that could be provided based on the obvious biological purpose of male/female genitalia. Therefore homosexuality is a biological disorder.
To me, the question should be "is this abnormality unacceptable?" Should it be shunned or banned in some way. And my answer to that is no. It serves no purpose to punish people for something they cannot control.

Is using contraception for the purpose of facilitating non-reproductive intercourse a 'biological disorder' among heterosexual humans?
I do not believe it is a mental disorder, but could be if a child was raised in a home where homosexuality is preferred or encouraged.
Homosexuality, it it's purity, that is, someone who is specifically attracted to their own sex is, by definition, and abnormality. There is no serious argument that could be provided based on the obvious biological purpose of male/female genitalia. Therefore homosexuality is a biological disorder.
To me, the question should be "is this abnormality unacceptable?" Should it be shunned or banned in some way. And my answer to that is no. It serves no purpose to punish people for something they cannot control.

Is using contraception for the purpose of facilitating non-reproductive intercourse a 'biological disorder' among heterosexual humans?

Nice strawman!
But seriously...:doubt:
And left-handed people were once considered evil.

And in the 1800s, doctors believed that women were too emotional to become artists...and that women were incapable of running machinery such as sewing machines and typewriters.
Do homophobia and transphobia arouse unfounded anxiety and stress among their practitioners?

And is it a mental defect to attempt to force others to fear those of differing sexuality?

If your answer to both questions is "yes", DING! DING! DING! you win the stuffed tiger.

Regards from Rosie
Do homophobia and transphobia arouse unfounded anxiety and stress among their practitioners?

And is it a mental defect to attempt to force others to fear those of differing sexuality?

If your answer to both questions is "yes", DING! DING! DING! you win the stuffed tiger.

Regards from Rosie
Hey wait a second. How come it can't be normal to be repulsed by homosexuality? I believe there's a much longer track record than those who think it's a phobia to not embrace it as normal.
And left-handed people were once considered evil.

And in the 1800s, doctors believed that women were too emotional to become artists...and that women were incapable of running machinery such as sewing machines and typewriters.

Another strawman...2nd one so far.
And left-handed people were once considered evil.

And in the 1800s, doctors believed that women were too emotional to become artists...and that women were incapable of running machinery such as sewing machines and typewriters.

Another strawman...2nd one so far.

Share with us how showing that people had some pretty silly thought about what was wrong or abnormal in the past is a strawman. Do you have a problem with mankind advancing?..You don't like us learning from our mistakes?
What group is best served if homosexuality was reinstated in the DSM? What group would be most harmed?

And what difference did it make dropping homosexuality as a mental disorder? What harm has open homosexuality wrought on society? Is it promiscuity that homophobes fear most? What are they doing to excuse heterosexual promiscuity?
And left-handed people were once considered evil.

And in the 1800s, doctors believed that women were too emotional to become artists...and that women were incapable of running machinery such as sewing machines and typewriters.

Another strawman...2nd one so far.

Share with us how showing that people had some pretty silly thought about what was wrong or abnormal in the past is a strawman. Do you have a problem with mankind advancing?..You don't like us learning from our mistakes?

Being left handed is not the same. There is no obvious physical or mental reason behind the old nonacceptance of this "difference". The belief was not scientific.
As I stated, pure homosexuality, where one is ONLY attracted to their own sex defies the biological makeup of man.
And again I say, the real question is should the abnormality be shunned. And to that, I say no. I will not discriminate against someone based on something that is not their control, and causes no harm against anyone else.
Believe it or not normal does exist. This is not agreeable to your average liberal, who wants to believe anything is normal.

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