Is increasing population a primary component of Dem platforms..Does that improve the quality of life

Conservatives are having babies.

Leftists are having immigrants.

And immigrants (and whomever "leftists" are) are having babies. If my ancestors had not immigrated to the U.S., I wouldn't be here, which holds true for all of us who are not descendants of native peoples. My mother's parents were fresh off the boat (came separately), found each other, got married, got pregnant, and then there was my mother, and then came me after she married an American whose ancestors settled in the U.S. in the 1800's. What are you fighting about? How much do you know of your own background?
WE aren't talking about how things were in your grandmother's time. We're talking about now.

Yes. We are. But what is your point?
Why are you bringing up your mother and grandmother? They are irrelevant.

They are far from irrelevant (all of my Nana's children were part of the war effort in WWII, some in battle).Their story, and my story, illustrates how immigration works and the process by which folks from many nations join together to form the American People, which you apparently do not respect. I speak of E pluribus unum. Unless you are a Native American, your ancestors went through the same process. Perhaps you should go back to the land of your ancestors, since you don't want to be part of our loving, raucous crowd of Americans.
Irrelevant. This country is full. We don't need any more immigration.
how is it "killing" it? Japan is still a pleasant place to live, unlike states in American that have imported millions of people from Mexico.

They have poverty in Japan, too.

Poverty in Japan - Wikipedia

Japan's welfare ministry, put forward a request in 2012 national budget to come up with a new poverty index. This request was submitted so that the new index could include important factors affecting poverty, namely, health, food, clothing and living conditions. In 2013, the Japanese government recorded relative poverty rates of 16%. This was the highest on record. Another study showed that 1 out of 3 Japanese women ages 20-64 and living alone were living in poverty. Japan has some of the highest rates of child poverty in the developed world, according to a Unicef report. It ranked Japan 34th out of 41 industrialised countries. According to Japan's Health Ministry statistics, as of May 2017, 16% of Japanese children live below the poverty line.

The big problem Japan has right now is that because there are more people retiring than entering the workforce, they can't sustain their society.


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So.....There is no such thing, dope.
"No such thing" as what?
You don't know the thread subject? Not surprising.
Population growth as either a policy or a problem, dope.
how is it "killing" it? Japan is still a pleasant place to live, unlike states in American that have imported millions of people from Mexico.

They have poverty in Japan, too.

Poverty in Japan - Wikipedia

Japan's welfare ministry, put forward a request in 2012 national budget to come up with a new poverty index. This request was submitted so that the new index could include important factors affecting poverty, namely, health, food, clothing and living conditions. In 2013, the Japanese government recorded relative poverty rates of 16%. This was the highest on record. Another study showed that 1 out of 3 Japanese women ages 20-64 and living alone were living in poverty. Japan has some of the highest rates of child poverty in the developed world, according to a Unicef report. It ranked Japan 34th out of 41 industrialised countries. According to Japan's Health Ministry statistics, as of May 2017, 16% of Japanese children live below the poverty line.

The big problem Japan has right now is that because there are more people retiring than entering the workforce, they can't sustain their society.
UNICEF is a communist propaganda organ.

So.....There is no such thing, dope.
"No such thing" as what?
You don't know the thread subject? Not surprising.
Population growth as either a policy or a problem, dope.
I don't know what the hell you're referring to when you posted "no such thing." Try mentioning what the fuck you're talking about. Every country has either a positive or negative population growth. "No such thing" is meaningless babble.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

Progs are just corrupt is all, they can't and don't think for themselves.

On one hand they claim they're not for population explosion, because they approve of mother killing her child.

On the other hand they desire massive immigration and sharing misery (aka socialism), and they're just too stupid to understand the result is population explosion.
You don't know the thread subject? Not surprising.
Population growth as either a policy or a problem, dope.
I don't know what the hell you're referring to when you posted "no such thing." Try mentioning what the fuck you're talking about. Every country has either a positive or negative population growth. "No such thing" is meaningless babble.

There is no policy or problem, dope.
After the "death spiral" Japan will still be Japan.

After our immigration plan America will no longer be America, which is of course what you want.

Will it?

hey funny thing, a Modern Japanese would probably find Pre-war Japan a pretty alien place...

Now, some SHITSTAIN like you made the same kinds of complaints about how "America wouldn't be America" with the Irish 150 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago, the Poles 50 years ago. Now you are going on and on about how we "won't be America"

We not only turned out fine, we actually became a better place for it.

I heard a lot about "no account Irish" when I was a kid. The large, Irish Catholic family up the street were a prime example. 7 or 8 red-headed brats. I loved playing with the Stephenson kids. There were always enough of them around to make a team. They were allowed to climb on the furniture, chase each other around the living room and generally run amok, as long as there were no fights or injuries. Their mother was too busy doing the daily manual labour involved in feeding, clothing, and organzing the household for a family of 9 or 10, to worry about climbing on the furniture. Their furniture consisted of old, battered crap. I vowed never to have so many children that I couldn't have nice things.

To the rest of the neighbourhood, they noisy, unruly, dirty, but what could you expect. They're Irish. They're keeping PIGS in that barn. Someone should call the Town and complain.

Nobody said word one that the English family across the street, or my parents were keeping chickens. We lived on the edges of the town. Many families, including mine, and the Irish family had large barns or sheds on our properties and 2 or more acre lots. The English family across the street from the Irish family, had two riding horses for their daughters. Only the pigs were a problem according to this gossip.

But the immigration problem of the 1950's were the Italians. The movie "Breaking Away" captured the anti-Italian rhetoric perfectly. My first husband's family called them "dirty Italians", as did my mother. They treated their women badly. They lived like animals. They are ALL criminals in the Mafia. They were destroying the country. In the USA, Italians in New York and Boston basically ghettoized Italians, as they had the Irish before them.

They routinely wrote justifications for the blatant discrimination in housing and employment endured by the Irish and subsequently the Italians by pointing out that their ghettos showed high rates of crime, unemployment and violence. They were corrupt and crime ridden because those people were animals.

Now the Irish are one of the proud founding peoples in the USA and St. Patrick's Day is celebrated. The enormous contributions of generations of Irish and Italian Americans are woven into the fabric of American life. Those people who were poor, dirty, and barely human, turned out to everything those who vilified them had said they were not - hard working, honest and willing to embrace any opportunities given them.

Notice how in every case, the group on the receiving end of systemic discrimination ends up living in dirty, run down, crime and gang infested ghettos and being told it's their own damn fault for being poor, or unemployed. Crime is a function of poverty and discrimination and lack of opportunity. Not race.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

Progs are just corrupt is all, they can't and don't think for themselves.

On one hand they claim they're not for population explosion, because they approve of mother killing her child.

On the other hand they desire massive immigration and sharing misery (aka socialism), and they're just too stupid to understand the result is population explosion.
Not agreeing with a policy of restricting immigration is not the same thing as "desiring massive immigration", dope.

The US population growth has been falling for a century.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

Progs are just corrupt is all, they can't and don't think for themselves.

On one hand they claim they're not for population explosion, because they approve of mother killing her child.

On the other hand they desire massive immigration and sharing misery (aka socialism), and they're just too stupid to understand the result is population explosion.
Not agreeing with a policy of restricting immigration is not the same thing as "desiring massive immigration", dope.

The US population growth has been falling for a century.

US population growth has been falling.

We can do what Bripat and I suggested, eliminate big government, go back to limited democracy.

Women will want to have much more children when the benefits are not on the table, this is what leftists have repeatedly told to African nations.

Men keep their wallets, women get lovely American children, black people no longer live in welfare addicted single-mother plagued slums. Above all American freedoms are retained for all, as are the demographics. Win-Win-Win...
Demographics of Japan.

Japanese 98.1%, Chinese 0.5%, Korean 0.4%, other 1% (includes Filipino, Vietnamese, and Brazilian) (2016 est.)

Clear country of immigrants. They also don't bother with the birthright citizenship or even dual citizenship nonsense. You are in or you are out, and most likely (in the case you are not Japanese) you are out.
Also not true.
ROFL! I work with Indians every day, and they all agree: they prefer America.

You are both illogical and innumerate. “The Indian people I work with” do not represent ALL the people in that very large country, dumbass.
I have a good sampling. What the fuck do you have, other than bluster?

Facts, dumbass. The majority of Indians do not want to leave their country. Of those who do, not ALL would immigrate to the US (you know, that country you hate so much?).
How do you know what they want? .....


So.....There is no such thing, dope.
"No such thing" as what?
You don't know the thread subject? Not surprising.
Population growth as either a policy or a problem, dope.
I don't know what the hell you're referring to when you posted "no such thing." Try mentioning what the fuck you're talking about. Every country has either a positive or negative population growth. "No such thing" is meaningless babble.

There is no policy or problem, dope.
Right. That must be why immigration is the main topic of discussion on every message board on the internet.
ROFL! I work with Indians every day, and they all agree: they prefer America.

You are both illogical and innumerate. “The Indian people I work with” do not represent ALL the people in that very large country, dumbass.
I have a good sampling. What the fuck do you have, other than bluster?

Facts, dumbass. The majority of Indians do not want to leave their country. Of those who do, not ALL would immigrate to the US (you know, that country you hate so much?).
How do you know what they want? .....

Gallup takes polls in India?

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