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Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

Tinmore, Kondor is absolutely right. none of what you say has any relevance today.
Even if what you said was true, it would still not have any relevance . And you know that full well.

It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. ~ Samuel Adams
Sam Adams wasn't likening revolutionaries to murdering terrorists, like Hamas. Now was he?

Is playing the terrorist card all you got?

Feel free to continue deluding yourself in such terms...

This way, you won't have to worry about it until Eviction Day...

"Eviction Day"?

you're the one in a delusion.


As you like...

Look at your own propaganda maps concerning shrinking territories, and barrier walls, and settlements, and the like...

How much longer do you think it's going to be before you're simply shoved aside altogether?

That will be Eviction Day...

And it's-a-comin'... just as sure as Christmas...

The metaphorical two-minute end-of-game-clock is already in motion...

And you don't even understand the game, never mind that it's almost over...

Tick, tick, tick...
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As you like...

Look at your own propaganda maps concerning shrinking territories, and barrier walls, and settlements, and the like.....

walls can be easily torn down.

houses can be easily demolished.

God has something very special coming for his Chosen but defiant children.
As you like...

Look at your own propaganda maps concerning shrinking territories, and barrier walls, and settlements, and the like.....

walls can be easily torn down.

houses can be easily demolished.

God has something very special coming for his Chosen but defiant children.

Of course.

Now, all you need is the muscle to cause that to materialize.

And, as I said, there is no Arab Cavalry coming over the hill next time.

One way or the other, we are probably going to find out fairly soon, as history measures time.
Of course.

Now, all you need is the muscle to cause that to materialize.

And, as I said, there is no Arab Cavalry coming over the hill next time.

One way or the other, we are probably going to find out fairly soon, as history measures time.

The Crusades.

The Inquisition.

The Pogroms.

The Holocaust.

The Lord works in mysterious ways. Keep doing as they do and the next punishment will be a bad one.
Of course.

Now, all you need is the muscle to cause that to materialize.

And, as I said, there is no Arab Cavalry coming over the hill next time.

One way or the other, we are probably going to find out fairly soon, as history measures time.

The Crusades.

The Inquisition.

The Pogroms.

The Holocaust.

The Lord works in mysterious ways. Keep doing as they do and the next punishment will be a bad one.

We (The West) are done picking on them for a few thousand years.

We've apologized - we've made-nice - we've given ourselves a guilt-trip and a penance - and we've got their backs now.

Which means we won't let you start picking on them, now that we've stopped.

They'll be fine.

And, finally, they're in a position to guarantee that for themselves, rather than 'relying upon the kindness of strangers', as they've been obliged to do, for much of the past 2,000 years.

It's your bad luck to be standing on their old ancestral and spiritual homeland at the moment in time when they regained their strength and ability to carve-out their own destiny.

Your collective delusion is rather like a kid playing chicken with oncoming high-speed locomotives, day after day...

Sooner or later, you're gonna get run over, and that'll be the end of it...

Better to get out of the way, first...

If not for yourselves, then for your children...

No point in condemning them to another generation in their shitholes and on the barricades and the rocket-launchers, for no good reason that will ever come to fruition...

Your time in that land is over...

Time to leave...

It's the Jews' turn for a while...
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Sad, you say? Thats what the game is about these days. Terrorists against peaceful people.


you mean thieves, racists, and murderers.
Oh, Miss, Hoffstra, you certainly are a funny duck. You are so obsessed with the Jews that you completely overlook what the Muslims are doing to so many innocent people. What do you care how many they are killing if the Jews are not involved? I don't think you really realize how silly you sound. I bet you don't even know what is going on in the Philippines with regard to your friends.
Muslim rebels tie up civilians with rope in human shield standoff in Philippines - World News
Of course.

Now, all you need is the muscle to cause that to materialize.

And, as I said, there is no Arab Cavalry coming over the hill next time.

One way or the other, we are probably going to find out fairly soon, as history measures time.

The Crusades.

The Inquisition.

The Pogroms.

The Holocaust.

The Lord works in mysterious ways. Keep doing as they do and the next punishment will be a bad one.

We (The West) are done picking on them for a few thousand years.

We've apologized - we've made-nice - we've given ourselves a guilt-trip and a penance - and we've got their backs now.

Which means we won't let you start picking on them, now that we've stopped.

They'll be fine.

And, finally, they're in a position to guarantee that for themselves, rather than 'relying upon the kindness of strangers', as they've been obliged to do, for much of the past 2,000 years.

It's your bad luck to be standing on their old ancestral and spiritual homeland at the moment in time when they regained their strength and ability to carve-out their own destiny.

Your collective delusion is rather like a kid playing chicken with oncoming high-speed locomotives, day after day...

Sooner or later, you're gonna get run over, and that'll be the end of it...

Better to get out of the way, first...

If not for yourselves, then for your children...

No point in condemning them to another generation in their shitholes and on the barricades and the rocket-launchers, for no good reason that will ever come to fruition...

Your time in that land is over...

Time to leave...

It's the Jews' turn for a while...

Jews for a While.....Says it ALL
I have asked many times for documents showing when Israel legally acquired any land.
So, who was that shakh, emir, pasha, sultan, effendi, president, prime-minister of that "palestine" to legally have any land in support of that "illegal land acquisition" allegation understatement?
P F Tinmore, et al,

And the question has been answered many times. It is a nonsensical question.

I have asked many times for documents showing when Israel legally acquired any land.

Under HAMAS philosophy, you deny the validity of of anything presented that doesn't agree with your predetermined outcome.

You know very well that General Assembly Resolution 181(II) was the foundational document. Hell, even the Palestinians use it when it is to their advantage.

  • You already know that PART II - Boundaries, Section A, set the original boundaries for the Arab State.
  • You already know that PART II - Boundaries, Section B, set the original boundaries for the Jewish State.
  • You already know that PART II - Boundaries, Section C, and PART III, Sections A thru D, and MAP in Annex B, set the original boundaries for the internationalization of Jerusalem.
  • You already know that the MAP in Annex A, attached to the Resolution outlines the original boundaries for the Arab State.

You know all this, yet you always find some frivolous reasoning to deny the validity of these documents. Conversely, you also know that land acquisition (real estate purchasing and assignment of property rights) have nothing to do with sovereignty. You know that there are no such documents for any of the other Middle Eastern countries. You know that sovereignty is based on the declaration of independence by the people.

You also know that the armies of five Arab Nations, in collaboration with Arab Palestinian fifth columnists living in the region, immediately crossed the borders outlined in GA/RES/181(II) in open hostility and engaged Israeli Forces. And you know that the Armistice Lines were established based on the outcome of those military engagements and that areas of control shifted in favor of the newly formed State of Israel.


You have already been presented with the facts and we already know that you deny all these facts. What more is there to say?

Most Respectfully,

"Absentee Property Law (1950)

"Classifies the personal property of Palestinians who fled during the Zionist terror campaign of 1947/48 as 'absentee property' and places it within the power of the Custodian of Absentee Property.

"According to the law, even the property of Palestinians who are present within the newly created state of Israel, but are not physically present on their property ('internal refugees'), becomes 'absentee property.' This creates the category of 'present absentees.'

"Land Acquisition (Validity of Acts and Compensation) Law (1953)

"Confiscates the land of more than 400 Palestinian villages; "validates" retroactively their use for military purposes and for Jewish settlements.

"Development Authority (Transfer of Property Law) (1950)

"Transfers confiscated Palestinian villages and private property to the Development Authority, which is empowered to dispose of it in the interests of the State, giving priority to the Jewish National Fund - a Zionist organization aimed at settling Jewish immigrants to Israel.

"Both the JNF and the Jewish Agency - organizations that act exclusively in the interest of Jews - take on the status of quasi-governmental organizations within the framework of the Development Authority Law."

Racist Europeans transfer land taken by force of arms from indigenous Arabs to Jews from Poland and then blame the Arabs for resisting the "only democracy in the Middle East."

For a while.
georgephillip, et al,

This is clearly a "anti-Zionist" and "anti-Jewish" web site that uses inflammatory language.


"Absentee Property Law (1950)

"Classifies the personal property of Palestinians who fled during the Zionist terror campaign of 1947/48 as 'absentee property' and places it within the power of the Custodian of Absentee Property.

"According to the law, even the property of Palestinians who are present within the newly created state of Israel, but are not physically present on their property ('internal refugees'), becomes 'absentee property.' This creates the category of 'present absentees.'

"Land Acquisition (Validity of Acts and Compensation) Law (1953)

"Confiscates the land of more than 400 Palestinian villages; "validates" retroactively their use for military purposes and for Jewish settlements.

"Development Authority (Transfer of Property Law) (1950)

"Transfers confiscated Palestinian villages and private property to the Development Authority, which is empowered to dispose of it in the interests of the State, giving priority to the Jewish National Fund - a Zionist organization aimed at settling Jewish immigrants to Israel.

"Both the JNF and the Jewish Agency - organizations that act exclusively in the interest of Jews - take on the status of quasi-governmental organizations within the framework of the Development Authority Law."

Racist Europeans transfer land taken by force of arms from indigenous Arabs to Jews from Poland and then blame the Arabs for resisting the "only democracy in the Middle East."

For a while.

The presentation suggests that nowhere else in the world are there laws on the abandonment of property; when clearly there are.

Embedded in the link itself, it tells you the agenda: "Israeli_Apartheid_Laws"

(COMMENT - Some Common Sense)

HAMAS tells use that consider the start of the Arab-Jewish Conflict to have begun with Izz ad-Din al-Qassam ("Muslim preacher who was a leader in the fight against British, French, and Zionist organizations in the Levant in the 1920s and 1930s. Born in Syria, he later immigrated to British Mandate Palestine where he eventually found his death in a violent confrontation with the British authorities." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) co-founder of the Palestinian Black Hand.

Article 7 HAMAS Covenant said:
The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the links in the chain of the struggle against the Zionist invaders. It goes back to 1939, to the emergence of the martyr Izz al-Din al Kissam and his brethren the fighters, members of Moslem Brotherhood. It goes on to reach out and become one with another chain that includes the struggle of the Palestinians and Moslem Brotherhood in the 1948 war and the Jihad operations of the Moslem Brotherhood in 1968 and after.

SOURCE: The Universality of the Islamic Resistance Movement:

Since that time, the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) and the regional Jewish have been in nearly constant conflict. As HAMAS implies, it did not just suddenly start either with the passage of GA/RES/181(II) (1947) or the Israeli Declaration of Independence (1948). Not uncommon with such struggles is the emergence of refugees. And with refugees comes property abandonment. It is not unique to the Arab-Israeli conflicts. In every major conflict of the 19th and 20th Century, there was property (personal and real) abandonment associated with refugee movement to safer areas. What is unique --- is the degree to which the Arab Palestinian whines about it. Hell they even whine about lost library books in the middle of the conflict. There is nothing that the HoAP will not whine and complain about in the aftermath of the failed Arab-Palestinian attempt to dismantle the Jewish State.


"Abandoned property is one to which the owner has relinquished all rights including reasonable expectation of privacy. Generally, abandoned property becomes the property of person who finds it and takes possession of it first. Examples of abandoned property are possessions left in a house after the tenant has moved out, vehicles left beside a road for a long period of time and or patent rights of an inventor who does not apply for a patent and allows others to use his/her invention without protest. However, an easement and other land rights are not abandoned property just because of non-use."

- See more at: Abandoned Property - Abandoned Property

Most Respectfully,
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"Absentee Property Law (1950)

"Classifies the personal property of Palestinians who fled during the Zionist terror campaign of 1947/48 as 'absentee property' and places it within the power of the Custodian of Absentee Property.

"According to the law, even the property of Palestinians who are present within the newly created state of Israel, but are not physically present on their property ('internal refugees'), becomes 'absentee property.' This creates the category of 'present absentees.'

"Land Acquisition (Validity of Acts and Compensation) Law (1953)

"Confiscates the land of more than 400 Palestinian villages; "validates" retroactively their use for military purposes and for Jewish settlements.

"Development Authority (Transfer of Property Law) (1950)

"Transfers confiscated Palestinian villages and private property to the Development Authority, which is empowered to dispose of it in the interests of the State, giving priority to the Jewish National Fund - a Zionist organization aimed at settling Jewish immigrants to Israel.

"Both the JNF and the Jewish Agency - organizations that act exclusively in the interest of Jews - take on the status of quasi-governmental organizations within the framework of the Development Authority Law."

Racist Europeans transfer land taken by force of arms from indigenous Arabs to Jews from Poland and then blame the Arabs for resisting the "only democracy in the Middle East."

For a while.

that's Jewish democracy for ya.

"Absentee Property Law (1950)

"Classifies the personal property of Palestinians who fled during the Zionist terror campaign of 1947/48 as 'absentee property' and places it within the power of the Custodian of Absentee Property.

"According to the law, even the property of Palestinians who are present within the newly created state of Israel, but are not physically present on their property ('internal refugees'), becomes 'absentee property.' This creates the category of 'present absentees.'

"Land Acquisition (Validity of Acts and Compensation) Law (1953)

"Confiscates the land of more than 400 Palestinian villages; "validates" retroactively their use for military purposes and for Jewish settlements.

"Development Authority (Transfer of Property Law) (1950)

"Transfers confiscated Palestinian villages and private property to the Development Authority, which is empowered to dispose of it in the interests of the State, giving priority to the Jewish National Fund - a Zionist organization aimed at settling Jewish immigrants to Israel.

"Both the JNF and the Jewish Agency - organizations that act exclusively in the interest of Jews - take on the status of quasi-governmental organizations within the framework of the Development Authority Law."

Racist Europeans transfer land taken by force of arms from indigenous Arabs to Jews from Poland and then blame the Arabs for resisting the "only democracy in the Middle East."

For a while.

that's Jewish democracy for ya.
The best democracy those with more than two shekels to rub together can buy!
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