Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts

I didn't resort to fallacy, dipshit. :smile:

Or cede anything to you.
i merely, gainsay your contention.
But that isn’t what you did in your last post, now is it. I in the other hand have been gainsaying your contentions.
it is about equality and that form of socialism; not capitalism and market friendly morality.
What is about that?
specifically about my this, and not your that.
I didn’t think you knew.
i merely, gainsay your contention.
But that isn’t what you did in your last post, now is it. I in the other hand have been gainsaying your contentions.
it is about equality and that form of socialism; not capitalism and market friendly morality.
What is about that?
specifically about my this, and not your that.
I didn’t think you knew.
yes, i do know about my this, and your that; that is why i know what i know.
But that isn’t what you did in your last post, now is it. I in the other hand have been gainsaying your contentions.
it is about equality and that form of socialism; not capitalism and market friendly morality.
What is about that?
specifically about my this, and not your that.
I didn’t think you knew.
yes, i do know about my this, and your that; that is why i know what i know.
No, you don’t.
it is about equality and that form of socialism; not capitalism and market friendly morality.
What is about that?
specifically about my this, and not your that.
I didn’t think you knew.
yes, i do know about my this, and your that; that is why i know what i know.
No, you don’t.
yes, i do. Government must be socialism.
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, but teach him how to fish, and he will never go hungry again. That means jobs, job training, self esteem, dignity, pride in workmanship, land and home ownership, education, and compassion, but make sure it's the right kind of compassion that is not given or found in handouts.

The Dems have proven with their extreme race baiting, exploitation, and usery of the black community (all due to it's past struggles), that they (the Dems) will use unethical practice's in order to gain and/or hold continued power over the blacks and us (by way of this usery for political advantage), where as they are seeking usually to manipulate, brainwash, gain power, and sadly do it at any cost it seems.

Just think about all that has transpired lately with them, and you can easily see the dots connecting unless one is just totally blind or totally stupid.
What is about that?
specifically about my this, and not your that.
I didn’t think you knew.
yes, i do know about my this, and your that; that is why i know what i know.
No, you don’t.
yes, i do. Government must be socialism.
I can see how you would believe that but mustn’t always be the case.
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, but teach him how to fish, and he will never go hungry again. That means jobs, job training, self esteem, dignity, pride in workmanship, land and home ownership, education, and compassion, but make sure it's the right kind of compassion that is not given or found in handouts.

The Dems have proven with their extreme race baiting, exploitation, and usery of the black community (all due to it's past struggles), that they (the Dems) will use unethical practice's in order to gain and/or hold continued power over the blacks and us (by way of this usery for political advantage), where as they are seeking usually to manipulate, brainwash, gain power, and sadly do it at any cost it seems.

Just think about all that has transpired lately with them, and you can easily see the dots connecting unless one is just totally blind or totally stupid.
if "learning how to fish" is so important to the right wing, why do you have nothing but "red herrings" to show for it? not very "nourishing".
specifically about my this, and not your that.
I didn’t think you knew.
yes, i do know about my this, and your that; that is why i know what i know.
No, you don’t.
yes, i do. Government must be socialism.
I can see how you would believe that but mustn’t always be the case.
Yes, it Must as long as there is a form of Government; even a True Democracy, where you may exercise an office one year and not the next.
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms
What plantation are you referring to?

Blacks in general aren't as smart as whites because they don't value education as much as whites do.
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms
What plantation are you referring to?

Blacks in general aren't as smart as whites because they don't value education as much as whites do.
it is about equal protection of the law, in our at-will employment States. the left is for that natural right, the right wing doesn't care about natural rights, as long as the rich get richer.
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms
What plantation are you referring to?

Blacks in general aren't as smart as whites because they don't value education as much as whites do.
it is about equal protection of the law, in our at-will employment States. the left is for that natural right, the right wing doesn't care about natural rights, as long as the rich get richer.
The rule of law is an illusion, dipshit.

Some rich people get poorer and some poor people get richer but for the poor that get poorer and the rich that get richer there is a very simple explanation. They keep doing the same thing.
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms
What plantation are you referring to?

Blacks in general aren't as smart as whites because they don't value education as much as whites do.
it is about equal protection of the law, in our at-will employment States. the left is for that natural right, the right wing doesn't care about natural rights, as long as the rich get richer.
The rule of law is an illusion, dipshit.

Some rich people get poorer and some poor people get richer but for the poor that get poorer and the rich that get richer there is a very simple explanation. They keep doing the same thing.
we have our Constitutions. the rule of law, is no illusion.

the left cannot rely on right wing fantasy.
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms
What plantation are you referring to?

Blacks in general aren't as smart as whites because they don't value education as much as whites do.
it is about equal protection of the law, in our at-will employment States. the left is for that natural right, the right wing doesn't care about natural rights, as long as the rich get richer.
The rule of law is an illusion, dipshit.

Some rich people get poorer and some poor people get richer but for the poor that get poorer and the rich that get richer there is a very simple explanation. They keep doing the same thing.
Doing what? Like not be able to afford university while rich people can?
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms
What plantation are you referring to?

Blacks in general aren't as smart as whites because they don't value education as much as whites do.
it is about equal protection of the law, in our at-will employment States. the left is for that natural right, the right wing doesn't care about natural rights, as long as the rich get richer.
The rule of law is an illusion, dipshit.

Some rich people get poorer and some poor people get richer but for the poor that get poorer and the rich that get richer there is a very simple explanation. They keep doing the same thing.
we have our Constitutions. the rule of law, is no illusion.

the left cannot rely on right wing fantasy.
It is 100% an illusion.

The left is too busy selling victimhood and external locus of control and normalization of deviance. The right is too busy acting like the left and you are too much of a dipshit to know the difference.
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms
What plantation are you referring to?

Blacks in general aren't as smart as whites because they don't value education as much as whites do.
it is about equal protection of the law, in our at-will employment States. the left is for that natural right, the right wing doesn't care about natural rights, as long as the rich get richer.
The rule of law is an illusion, dipshit.

Some rich people get poorer and some poor people get richer but for the poor that get poorer and the rich that get richer there is a very simple explanation. They keep doing the same thing.
we have our Constitutions. the rule of law, is no illusion.

the left cannot rely on right wing fantasy.
It is 100% an illusion.

The left is too busy selling victimhood and external locus of control and normalization of deviance. The right is too busy acting like the left and you are too much of a dipshit to know the difference.
We have a First Amendment and State equivalents. they are not fantasy, right winger.
What plantation are you referring to?

Blacks in general aren't as smart as whites because they don't value education as much as whites do.
it is about equal protection of the law, in our at-will employment States. the left is for that natural right, the right wing doesn't care about natural rights, as long as the rich get richer.
The rule of law is an illusion, dipshit.

Some rich people get poorer and some poor people get richer but for the poor that get poorer and the rich that get richer there is a very simple explanation. They keep doing the same thing.
we have our Constitutions. the rule of law, is no illusion.

the left cannot rely on right wing fantasy.
It is 100% an illusion.

The left is too busy selling victimhood and external locus of control and normalization of deviance. The right is too busy acting like the left and you are too much of a dipshit to know the difference.
We have a First Amendment and State equivalents. they are not fantasy, right winger.
See previous reply.
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms
What plantation are you referring to?

Blacks in general aren't as smart as whites because they don't value education as much as whites do.
it is about equal protection of the law, in our at-will employment States. the left is for that natural right, the right wing doesn't care about natural rights, as long as the rich get richer.
The rule of law is an illusion, dipshit.

Some rich people get poorer and some poor people get richer but for the poor that get poorer and the rich that get richer there is a very simple explanation. They keep doing the same thing.
Doing what? Like not be able to afford university while rich people can?
Boo hoo. Get a helmet. Life is hard.
it is about equal protection of the law, in our at-will employment States. the left is for that natural right, the right wing doesn't care about natural rights, as long as the rich get richer.
The rule of law is an illusion, dipshit.

Some rich people get poorer and some poor people get richer but for the poor that get poorer and the rich that get richer there is a very simple explanation. They keep doing the same thing.
we have our Constitutions. the rule of law, is no illusion.

the left cannot rely on right wing fantasy.
It is 100% an illusion.

The left is too busy selling victimhood and external locus of control and normalization of deviance. The right is too busy acting like the left and you are too much of a dipshit to know the difference.
We have a First Amendment and State equivalents. they are not fantasy, right winger.
See previous reply.
You need a superior argument for a superior Court.
The rule of law is an illusion, dipshit.

Some rich people get poorer and some poor people get richer but for the poor that get poorer and the rich that get richer there is a very simple explanation. They keep doing the same thing.
we have our Constitutions. the rule of law, is no illusion.

the left cannot rely on right wing fantasy.
It is 100% an illusion.

The left is too busy selling victimhood and external locus of control and normalization of deviance. The right is too busy acting like the left and you are too much of a dipshit to know the difference.
We have a First Amendment and State equivalents. they are not fantasy, right winger.
See previous reply.
You need a superior argument for a superior Court.
See post on the illusion of rule of law.
we have our Constitutions. the rule of law, is no illusion.

the left cannot rely on right wing fantasy.
It is 100% an illusion.

The left is too busy selling victimhood and external locus of control and normalization of deviance. The right is too busy acting like the left and you are too much of a dipshit to know the difference.
We have a First Amendment and State equivalents. they are not fantasy, right winger.
See previous reply.
You need a superior argument for a superior Court.
See post on the illusion of rule of law.
the Person in the black robe is the authority on the law in open Court.

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