Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts

Because it’s not their job.
we have a general welfare clause; ensuring liquidity in our markets falls under our Commerce Clause.
The government is not your nanny.
Your right wing insecurity is not a Cause for a warfare state economy.
What does that even mean?
Now you know how I feel. :biggrin:
Actually I don’t know how you feel. But I have a good idea.
we have a general welfare clause; ensuring liquidity in our markets falls under our Commerce Clause.
The government is not your nanny.
Your right wing insecurity is not a Cause for a warfare state economy.
What does that even mean?
Now you know how I feel. :biggrin:
Actually I don’t know how you feel. But I have a good idea.
What does that even mean? :biggrin:
You pray to it so that it keeps you safe, and listen to it as though it were in charge of you.
Nope. Try again.
Ya you do.
Nope. That’s not even close to how I pray.
So why do you pray?
Now you are changing questions. From how to why.
No, I said that you pray to keep you safe, that's a why. Now you're dodging the subject, as per usual. carry on.
The government is not your nanny.
Your right wing insecurity is not a Cause for a warfare state economy.
What does that even mean?
Now you know how I feel. :biggrin:
Actually I don’t know how you feel. But I have a good idea.
What does that even mean? :biggrin:
It means that while I don’t know how you feel I have a good idea of how you feel.
[QUOWTE="ding, post: 16938935, member: 59921"]Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms
We don't need what you say we do the playing field is level, and if a Black man is very good he can beat any man to get the job. Education Counts.
Education does count. But only for so much. Going to college might help one maximize their potential. But it won’t increase their inherent potential; anymore than joining the NBA will make you taller...
"inherent potential".....View attachment 220504[/QUOTE]
My brother makes more than my cousin who has a MBA and he is a Master Welder. LOL
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms

Is it ethical for the Democratic States to keep Red States on the plantation?

High-tax, traditionally Democratic states (blue), subsidize low-tax, traditionally Republican states (red) — in a big way.

these states send far more tax dollars to Washington than residents in low-tax states.

In fact, most high-tax states send more money to Washington than they get back in federal spending. Most low-tax states make a profit from the federal government’s system of taxing and spending.


Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.

California residents paid an average of $10,510.

At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.

Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.

Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.

Hey Red states. Get off the Federal Government plantation! Stop sucking off the federal governments tit.

What a con game. The Republicans in Red states cry about the federal government and they cry about democrats but then they are taking more from the Federal Government than they pay in and we in the blue states run by Democrats pay more than we get back. Isn't that interesting?

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states
I pay 4 times more than the Connecticut average.
The rich and the poor only pay those taxes we are legally obligated to pay.
Which is why it is silly for someone to complain others aren’t paying enough.
Soros hides his in off shore banks and Tax exempt foundations much like the Clinton's and others do.
And why not?

I pay enough for it, I might as well get something for my money.
Because it’s not their job.
we have a general welfare clause; ensuring liquidity in our markets falls under our Commerce Clause.
The government is not your nanny.
Your right wing insecurity is not a Cause for a warfare state economy.
What does that even mean?
the general welfare clause is general the common defense clause is not.
we have a general welfare clause; ensuring liquidity in our markets falls under our Commerce Clause.
The government is not your nanny.
Your right wing insecurity is not a Cause for a warfare state economy.
What does that even mean?
Now you know how I feel. :biggrin:
Actually I don’t know how you feel. But I have a good idea.
same here, bro's.
Because it’s not their job.
we have a general welfare clause; ensuring liquidity in our markets falls under our Commerce Clause.
The government is not your nanny.
Your right wing insecurity is not a Cause for a warfare state economy.
What does that even mean?
the general welfare clause is general the common defense clause is not.
Still not making sense.
Your right wing insecurity is not a Cause for a warfare state economy.
What does that even mean?
Now you know how I feel. :biggrin:
Actually I don’t know how you feel. But I have a good idea.
What does that even mean? :biggrin:
It means that while I don’t know how you feel I have a good idea of how you feel.
Now you know how I feel/
[QUOWTE="ding, post: 16938935, member: 59921"]Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms
We don't need what you say we do the playing field is level, and if a Black man is very good he can beat any man to get the job. Education Counts.
Education does count. But only for so much. Going to college might help one maximize their potential. But it won’t increase their inherent potential; anymore than joining the NBA will make you taller...
"inherent potential".....View attachment 220504
My brother makes more than my cousin who has a MBA and he is a Master Welder. LOL [/QUOTE]
And what is the degree in?More over is he employed in that field? If it isn’t STEM related; it’s almost certainly a garbage degree. Where as Trades are always in demand, and command a high price for their services. Better still; those who pursue trades start making money almost immediately, and their wages only go up from there. People who somehow manage to get into college, even when they aren’t truly qualified to do so, start accruing debt immediately, and often end up with worthless degrees, that aren’t in demand, don’t command a premium, and often aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. The debt however...
Last edited:
Is it ethical for the Democratic party to keep blacks on the plantation needing government handouts?

"...Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart as whites..."

Articles: Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms

Is it ethical for the Democratic States to keep Red States on the plantation?

High-tax, traditionally Democratic states (blue), subsidize low-tax, traditionally Republican states (red) — in a big way.

these states send far more tax dollars to Washington than residents in low-tax states.

In fact, most high-tax states send more money to Washington than they get back in federal spending. Most low-tax states make a profit from the federal government’s system of taxing and spending.


Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.

California residents paid an average of $10,510.

At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.

Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.

Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.

Hey Red states. Get off the Federal Government plantation! Stop sucking off the federal governments tit.

What a con game. The Republicans in Red states cry about the federal government and they cry about democrats but then they are taking more from the Federal Government than they pay in and we in the blue states run by Democrats pay more than we get back. Isn't that interesting?

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states
I pay 4 times more than the Connecticut average.
The rich and the poor only pay those taxes we are legally obligated to pay.
Which is why it is silly for someone to complain others aren’t paying enough.
Soros hides his in off shore banks and Tax exempt foundations much like the Clinton's and others do.
Like Trump? But you applaud Trump for it.
we have a general welfare clause; ensuring liquidity in our markets falls under our Commerce Clause.
The government is not your nanny.
Your right wing insecurity is not a Cause for a warfare state economy.
What does that even mean?
the general welfare clause is general the common defense clause is not.
Still not making sense.
we have a general welfare clause, not a limited, or common welfare clause.
The government is not your nanny.
Your right wing insecurity is not a Cause for a warfare state economy.
What does that even mean?
the general welfare clause is general the common defense clause is not.
Still not making sense.
we have a general welfare clause, not a limited, or common welfare clause.
You said that already.

It still doesn't mean jack shit.
Your right wing insecurity is not a Cause for a warfare state economy.
What does that even mean?
the general welfare clause is general the common defense clause is not.
Still not making sense.
we have a general welfare clause, not a limited, or common welfare clause.
You said that already.

It still doesn't mean jack shit.
it must mean something if it is written in our Constitution.

discretionary spending has to go first; there is no imperative to promote the general warfare over the general welfare.
What does that even mean?
the general welfare clause is general the common defense clause is not.
Still not making sense.
we have a general welfare clause, not a limited, or common welfare clause.
You said that already.

It still doesn't mean jack shit.
it must mean something if it is written in our Constitution.

discretionary spending has to go first; there is no imperative to promote the general warfare over the general welfare.
Not what you have stretched it to mean.

See Locke.

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