Is it even Tenable?... Trump vs. the ubiquitous tentacles of MSM, 'Deep State', Hollywood etc. etc.!


VIP Member
Mar 2, 2018
From Day One, President Trump has been fighting a war for survival on x2 (primary) fronts. One front involves law enforcement, led first by James Comey’s FBI and now by special counsel Robert Mueller. The other front is political, where Trump faces the resistance movement led by congressional Democrats. But sift through the fog of last week’s dizzying headlines about guilty pleas, immunity deals and possible impeachment, and a clear picture emerges.

The two fronts have united, with the anti-Trumpers in the Justice Department and those in politics now openly working hand-in-hand against him. In the long slog to unseat the president, the official merger of the anti-Trump forces marks a dramatic turning point. For one thing, it shows beyond doubt that the Mueller probe is fundamentally tainted by partisan politics, with the latest example involving Michael Cohen. Inexplicably, Cohen’s case remains in control of Manhattan federal prosecutors.

Where do y'all see this going? Is it just partisan 'strategery' for the midterms & possibly the 2020 election? If impeached, would it impact the Trump Presidency in any way except for 'electability'?

Revenge of the Deep State | RealClearPolitics
Major tactical mistake by the Left. Pence is far more electable than Trump in 2020. But they thought Hillary was so good last time, they stole the primaries from Bernie.
My prediction is that the overt lunacy of all the entities listed and alluded to in my OP will only serve as fodder for the same Republican, Independent (& YES even Democratic) turnout that we saw in 16! Even the 'low info. voters' are savvy to the scurrilous lunacy & even criminality of the cabal of 'anti's' who are desperately working overtime, lol... !
From Day One, President Trump has been fighting a war for survival on x2 (primary) fronts. One front involves law enforcement, led first by James Comey’s FBI and now by special counsel Robert Mueller. The other front is political, where Trump faces the resistance movement led by congressional Democrats. But sift through the fog of last week’s dizzying headlines about guilty pleas, immunity deals and possible impeachment, and a clear picture emerges.

The two fronts have united, with the anti-Trumpers in the Justice Department and those in politics now openly working hand-in-hand against him. In the long slog to unseat the president, the official merger of the anti-Trump forces marks a dramatic turning point. For one thing, it shows beyond doubt that the Mueller probe is fundamentally tainted by partisan politics, with the latest example involving Michael Cohen. Inexplicably, Cohen’s case remains in control of Manhattan federal prosecutors.

Where do y'all see this going? Is it just partisan 'strategery' for the midterms & possibly the 2020 election? If impeached, would it impact the Trump Presidency in any way except for 'electability'?

Revenge of the Deep State | RealClearPolitics

Trump is from Hollywood, draws a SAG pension as I understand.

The last thing that blob ever fought with was tying his shoes.

If he didn't surround himself with felons, he probably would look more innocent than he does.
Major tactical mistake by the Left. Pence is far more electable than Trump in 2020. But they thought Hillary was so good last time, they stole the primaries from Bernie.
Pence has the appeal and persona of a piece of plywood and wasn't a good governor. He would be a lame duck.
From Day One, President Trump has been fighting a war for survival on x2 (primary) fronts. One front involves law enforcement, led first by James Comey’s FBI and now by special counsel Robert Mueller. The other front is political, where Trump faces the resistance movement led by congressional Democrats. But sift through the fog of last week’s dizzying headlines about guilty pleas, immunity deals and possible impeachment, and a clear picture emerges.

The two fronts have united, with the anti-Trumpers in the Justice Department and those in politics now openly working hand-in-hand against him. In the long slog to unseat the president, the official merger of the anti-Trump forces marks a dramatic turning point. For one thing, it shows beyond doubt that the Mueller probe is fundamentally tainted by partisan politics, with the latest example involving Michael Cohen. Inexplicably, Cohen’s case remains in control of Manhattan federal prosecutors.

Where do y'all see this going? Is it just partisan 'strategery' for the midterms & possibly the 2020 election? If impeached, would it impact the Trump Presidency in any way except for 'electability'?

Revenge of the Deep State | RealClearPolitics

On one hand, broadly, we the American people are victims of an amalgamated normative ideology, the social, pop cultural and political ethos of which is--on the surface layer at least--is one of unintentional Perspectivism. Our America is under a "spell" wherein so very many different perspectives of sources claiming to publish or represent the truth must each be studied in order to have any hope of knowing somewhere in the vicinity of what is actually going down, from day to day.

On the other hand, the war on President Trump is a publicly visible face of America's ideological borne cultural war, raging behind the scenes for no less than a victory which will determine America's philosophical and cultural and socio-political future for many decades--perhaps even centuries--to come. As obsessed with President Trump as the American Left seems to be, He is not their primary target by a very long shot. What our President represents to the anti-American combatant in the current ideological war is a threat to the maximum stretching point of the radical Left's cultural revolution.

Every political move on the Left is in defense of and for the perpetuation of their coveted cultural revolution, and all of the associated social, cultural and philosophical changes said revolution has wrought on America. A good way to visualize this is to envision an alien race invading our planet and afterward attempting to terraform our world to better suit their ability to inhabit it. In this same way--ideologically--the American Left has for decades been trying (and succeeding) in fundamentally changing the America of our Founders into what we've been experiencing culturally, socially and politically these last several years.

President Trump is an obstacle to the drastic changes the Left wants to make to our good old US of A. Thus, they are out to take him down at all costs--even if in doing so America is destroyed. Can the good guys win the ideological war? That could depend on a willingness to go farther Right than most Americans, myself included, are currently willing to go. Should Donald Trump give in, give up and stand down? Never.
From Day One, President Trump has been fighting a war for survival on x2 (primary) fronts. One front involves law enforcement, led first by James Comey’s FBI and now by special counsel Robert Mueller. The other front is political, where Trump faces the resistance movement led by congressional Democrats. But sift through the fog of last week’s dizzying headlines about guilty pleas, immunity deals and possible impeachment, and a clear picture emerges.

The two fronts have united, with the anti-Trumpers in the Justice Department and those in politics now openly working hand-in-hand against him. In the long slog to unseat the president, the official merger of the anti-Trump forces marks a dramatic turning point. For one thing, it shows beyond doubt that the Mueller probe is fundamentally tainted by partisan politics, with the latest example involving Michael Cohen. Inexplicably, Cohen’s case remains in control of Manhattan federal prosecutors.

Where do y'all see this going? Is it just partisan 'strategery' for the midterms & possibly the 2020 election? If impeached, would it impact the Trump Presidency in any way except for 'electability'?

Revenge of the Deep State | RealClearPolitics

Think of it this way.
America has been boiling over with negative hateful politics and bullying rhetoric
that escalated from prochoice prolife division during Clinton-Bush terms in office,
then to Muslim terrorism, BLM and LGBT hate bait bashing taken to new levels in the media
during this Obama-Trump era.

People are using any target or excuse to vent and get this rage out of their systems.

Similar to "sticking a feather or finger" down the throat to induce vomiting,
Clinton and Trump have been used as easy targets to induce verbal vomiting and diarrhea of the mouth.

I say, let's get all this vitriole and hostility out of our system,
and maybe after throwing up all our insides, until there's nothing left,
we might feel better when our guts are emptied out
and we are completely exhausted of this.
Major tactical mistake by the Left. Pence is far more electable than Trump in 2020. But they thought Hillary was so good last time, they stole the primaries from Bernie.
Pence has the appeal and persona of a piece of plywood and wasn't a good governor. He would be a lame duck.
Could ya expound on the meritorious (or other) virtues of his, would be, DNC competition... ROTFL! :)
(Sanders, Pocahontas, Biden, Harris, Booker etc.)
Major tactical mistake by the Left. Pence is far more electable than Trump in 2020. But they thought Hillary was so good last time, they stole the primaries from Bernie.
Pence has the appeal and persona of a piece of plywood and wasn't a good governor. He would be a lame duck.
Basically it comes down to a 'roaring economy' VS. 'besmirchment'... The partisan ideologues aren't going to be swayed (case in point USMB); so it's really up to the average citizen who thinks about politics several times a year and largely votes along the lines of "the pocketbook"... I'm quite content where the GOP is at this point! :) , lol
From Day One, President Trump has been fighting a war for survival on x2 (primary) fronts. One front involves law enforcement, led first by James Comey’s FBI and now by special counsel Robert Mueller. The other front is political, where Trump faces the resistance movement led by congressional Democrats. But sift through the fog of last week’s dizzying headlines about guilty pleas, immunity deals and possible impeachment, and a clear picture emerges.

The two fronts have united, with the anti-Trumpers in the Justice Department and those in politics now openly working hand-in-hand against him. In the long slog to unseat the president, the official merger of the anti-Trump forces marks a dramatic turning point. For one thing, it shows beyond doubt that the Mueller probe is fundamentally tainted by partisan politics, with the latest example involving Michael Cohen. Inexplicably, Cohen’s case remains in control of Manhattan federal prosecutors.

Where do y'all see this going? Is it just partisan 'strategery' for the midterms & possibly the 2020 election? If impeached, would it impact the Trump Presidency in any way except for 'electability'?

Revenge of the Deep State | RealClearPolitics
Carl Cannon can whine about the mythical ‘deep state’ all he wants; and contrive all manner of ridiculous conspiracy theories about a sinister cabal working to ‘overthrow’ Trump – the fact remains the notion of the ‘deep state’ is baseless idiocy, devoid of fact and merit.

It is neither ‘sinister’ nor ‘conspiratorial’ to oppose the malignancy that is Trump, to speak out against the danger Trump manifests, and to work to ensure that the Trump malignancy is eradicated come January 20, 2021.

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