Is it fair to blame junk food companies for people being overweight?

Got lucky enough to see an article and investigated it.

I mean, how can you tell which companies are doing this?

Pretty much all of them do. They all use the same ingredients with a couple thrown in to produce a patent.

Ahh.. so it's not like they're being deceptive or anything? Then what's the issue?
I think I mentioned they are being deceptive. Have you ever seen a food label that mentioned any of the ingredients in their food products are addictive? France makes it mandatory now.

Processed Foods and Addiction - 3 Things That Are Making You Fat

"Scientists have known for years that sugar is highly addictive. Sugar may be the most addictive substance, similar to a drug because of the effect it has on pleasure centers of the brain. Did you know there are fifty different names for sugars used in processed foods?"

Perhaps the government should put a warning about the addictive nature when issuing social welfare programs to those that couldn't make any more by working based on their skills.
The fact you had to deflect to another subject makes your argument less credible.
I can speak for you because I know the truth. You do many things...not out of choice but because of marketing. Sorry but scientists and marketers have already figured this out long ago. There is a reason you brush your teeth everyday. You were marketed the idea and you bit on it.

You can't speak for anyone but yourself fuckhead. Thinking you can shows you're nothing more than the typical Liberal asshole that thinks he knows what's better for people than they do. It's people like you as to why we have an unqualified piece of shit in the White House. He controlled you into believing you should vote for him because he's black. He marketed it to you.
I'm speaking for you specifically. Now youre trying to divert the issue because you are angry I pointed out the truth to you.

All you do is run your mouth like the true piece of shit you are. I speak specifically for you on that matter. On that I don't have a choice because you've marketed that level of character leaving only one option.
I can see you are emotionally invested in your supposed choice. Feel free to disregard anything I said.

I don't have to disregard what you said. I disregard you as worthless, therefore, anything you say fits that same classification boy.
The fact you are conversing with me belies your words. Like I said. you are free to disregard since you are emotionally invested.
Just my take on the whole bit, "junk food" companies are in business to make MONEY, the nutrition of people who may indulge in the product isn't a consideration, its about the MONEY.
I personally do NOT drink "soft drinks" I do NOT spend my money at the fast "food" shop.
There is the consideration of genetics, I recognize that it ( because of genetics ) may be simpler for me to avoid some of the "bad food choices" than others with different genetic predisposition ( obesity... or? )

For both health reasons, & political reasons, I most strongly recommend that everyone simply stop drinking the "soft drink" products & never spend their money at the fast "food" shop(s), there is both a political & health component to my suggestion.
I mean, how can you tell which companies are doing this?

Pretty much all of them do. They all use the same ingredients with a couple thrown in to produce a patent.

Ahh.. so it's not like they're being deceptive or anything? Then what's the issue?
I think I mentioned they are being deceptive. Have you ever seen a food label that mentioned any of the ingredients in their food products are addictive? France makes it mandatory now.

Processed Foods and Addiction - 3 Things That Are Making You Fat

"Scientists have known for years that sugar is highly addictive. Sugar may be the most addictive substance, similar to a drug because of the effect it has on pleasure centers of the brain. Did you know there are fifty different names for sugars used in processed foods?"

Yep.The point is, it's easy enough to avoid those foods if you want to. The obesity problem isn't caused by deceptive food vendors.
That doesnt even make sense. How can you avoid the foods if you are unaware they are addictive?

The addictive qualities of the products and services we consume vary wildly, and it's a subjective judgement at best. As long as the vendors are clear as to the contents of their products, it's ridiculous to require them to warn the consumer of every possible misuse of their product. Grown ups can make these kinds of decisions for themselves. Really.
Pretty much all of them do. They all use the same ingredients with a couple thrown in to produce a patent.

Ahh.. so it's not like they're being deceptive or anything? Then what's the issue?
I think I mentioned they are being deceptive. Have you ever seen a food label that mentioned any of the ingredients in their food products are addictive? France makes it mandatory now.

Processed Foods and Addiction - 3 Things That Are Making You Fat

"Scientists have known for years that sugar is highly addictive. Sugar may be the most addictive substance, similar to a drug because of the effect it has on pleasure centers of the brain. Did you know there are fifty different names for sugars used in processed foods?"

Yep.The point is, it's easy enough to avoid those foods if you want to. The obesity problem isn't caused by deceptive food vendors.
That doesnt even make sense. How can you avoid the foods if you are unaware they are addictive?

The addictive qualities of the products and services we consume vary wildly, and it's a subjective judgement at best. As long as the vendors are clear as to the contents of their products, it's ridiculous to require them to warn the consumer of every possible misuse of their product. Grown ups can make these kinds of decisions for themselves. Really.

No its not ridiculous to require them to warn the customer. Eating is not misuse and yes like other things including drugs and cigarettes they have warnings on them and require to by law regarding misuse.

The question is not whether we should have them label the food with warnings, the question in the OP asks is it fair to blame them. I say yes since they are purposefully adding unnecessary ingredients that are addictive without warning us and advertising to push the products.
People across all lines have been sedentary and not become obese. Secretaries, office workers, etc. The reason they're getting obese now is clearly revealed in countries who didn't have western style foods until recently, and their explosion in obesity afterwords. It's the food. It's specially formulated to be addictive and in the process is also unhealthy. While personal choices play their part, it's not the primary reason, nor is our sedentary lifestyle. It's the food. China didn't have an obesity problem until they got western style foods via McDonald's and the like.

If you are human ... You were born addicted to sugars and fats. If you eat too many sugars and fats you will get fat. Go ahead and blame food companies for stuffing your face with Moon Pies and washing them down with RC Cola ... It with probably help you lose weight.


If you eat more than you utilize and burn off you'll get fat. Eat 3000 cals a day but only burn off 1000, 2000's going to storage in the body, usually as fat. But fat, protein, and carbs burn at different rates. Think it's protein, carbs, then fat will be burned off in order.

Food today has so many calories, so much fat, salt, and sugar that's it's literally impossible to burn it off unless a competetive athlete of some kind. Single McDonald's milkshake has I think 800 cals. That's an entire meal. And yet it's only the beverage part of a McDonald's meal. And since it's almost entirely sugar, which'll turn into fat inside the body, if you're drinking that every day plus all the other crap it isn't difficult to see how you're gonna get fat. As illustrated well in "Supersize Me."

Eating in the US has become a recreational activity and stress mangement activity. We're under so much stress in our society from any number of factors than managing that stress via pleasure is what many do. Some exercise, some drink, some eat, some have lots of sex. But when a society overvalues the wrong things, and undervalues the right things, as we do in the US, imbalances are created. Instead of encouraging bodily pleasure and intimacy we demonize it. Bereft of such a basic human need as touch and intimate contact we turn to alternatives not demonized, like eating and subtance abuse.

If the PERSON doesn't choose to drink that milkshake, it doesn't matter how many calories it has. The choice comes first. Without the choice of the PERSON, caloric intake doesn't happen.

Again, this is one of those topics where the democrats use their stupid voting base as the moronic pawns they are.

They disguise it as though they actually care about the kids. They use the tired ole narrative that it is evil white corporate right wing America. They use that narrative to push for more control over the lives of the people. Taking choices away where ever and whenever they can. All under the guise of caring.

The hopelessly brainwashed hacks on the left fall right in line and respond to their marching orders.

Read the responses from those on the left. They have been convinced it's not their fault that choosing to eat such things cause obesity. They blame a company for making what, if they chose not to eat it, wouldn't be a problem.
Pretty much all of them do. They all use the same ingredients with a couple thrown in to produce a patent.

Ahh.. so it's not like they're being deceptive or anything? Then what's the issue?
I think I mentioned they are being deceptive. Have you ever seen a food label that mentioned any of the ingredients in their food products are addictive? France makes it mandatory now.

Processed Foods and Addiction - 3 Things That Are Making You Fat

"Scientists have known for years that sugar is highly addictive. Sugar may be the most addictive substance, similar to a drug because of the effect it has on pleasure centers of the brain. Did you know there are fifty different names for sugars used in processed foods?"

Yep.The point is, it's easy enough to avoid those foods if you want to. The obesity problem isn't caused by deceptive food vendors.
That doesnt even make sense. How can you avoid the foods if you are unaware they are addictive?

The addictive qualities of the products and services we consume vary wildly, and it's a subjective judgement at best. As long as the vendors are clear as to the contents of their products, it's ridiculous to require them to warn the consumer of every possible misuse of their product. Grown ups can make these kinds of decisions for themselves. Really.

Grownups can except for those on the left that have to find an excuse for what amounts to a choice they made to eat something.
People across all lines have been sedentary and not become obese. Secretaries, office workers, etc. The reason they're getting obese now is clearly revealed in countries who didn't have western style foods until recently, and their explosion in obesity afterwords. It's the food. It's specially formulated to be addictive and in the process is also unhealthy. While personal choices play their part, it's not the primary reason, nor is our sedentary lifestyle. It's the food. China didn't have an obesity problem until they got western style foods via McDonald's and the like.

If you are human ... You were born addicted to sugars and fats. If you eat too many sugars and fats you will get fat. Go ahead and blame food companies for stuffing your face with Moon Pies and washing them down with RC Cola ... It with probably help you lose weight.


If you eat more than you utilize and burn off you'll get fat. Eat 3000 cals a day but only burn off 1000, 2000's going to storage in the body, usually as fat. But fat, protein, and carbs burn at different rates. Think it's protein, carbs, then fat will be burned off in order.

Food today has so many calories, so much fat, salt, and sugar that's it's literally impossible to burn it off unless a competetive athlete of some kind. Single McDonald's milkshake has I think 800 cals. That's an entire meal. And yet it's only the beverage part of a McDonald's meal. And since it's almost entirely sugar, which'll turn into fat inside the body, if you're drinking that every day plus all the other crap it isn't difficult to see how you're gonna get fat. As illustrated well in "Supersize Me."

Eating in the US has become a recreational activity and stress mangement activity. We're under so much stress in our society from any number of factors than managing that stress via pleasure is what many do. Some exercise, some drink, some eat, some have lots of sex. But when a society overvalues the wrong things, and undervalues the right things, as we do in the US, imbalances are created. Instead of encouraging bodily pleasure and intimacy we demonize it. Bereft of such a basic human need as touch and intimate contact we turn to alternatives not demonized, like eating and subtance abuse.

If the PERSON doesn't choose to drink that milkshake, it doesn't matter how many calories it has. The choice comes first. Without the choice of the PERSON, caloric intake doesn't happen.

Again, this is one of those topics where the democrats use their stupid voting base as the moronic pawns they are.

They disguise it as though they actually care about the kids. They use the tired ole narrative that it is evil white corporate right wing America. They use that narrative to push for more control over the lives of the people. Taking choices away where ever and whenever they can. All under the guise of caring.

The hopelessly brainwashed hacks on the left fall right in line and respond to their marching orders.

Read the responses from those on the left. They have been convinced it's not their fault that choosing to eat such things cause obesity. They blame a company for making what, if they chose not to eat it, wouldn't be a problem.
Maybe instead of reading responses you should read the OP. Your lack of reading comprehension seems to be the major issue with your assessment of the posts on this thread.
Or course it's fair to blame the companies!

I mean, after all, personal responsibility is such an outdated, downright quaint concept....
People across all lines have been sedentary and not become obese. Secretaries, office workers, etc. The reason they're getting obese now is clearly revealed in countries who didn't have western style foods until recently, and their explosion in obesity afterwords. It's the food. It's specially formulated to be addictive and in the process is also unhealthy. While personal choices play their part, it's not the primary reason, nor is our sedentary lifestyle. It's the food. China didn't have an obesity problem until they got western style foods via McDonald's and the like.

If you are human ... You were born addicted to sugars and fats. If you eat too many sugars and fats you will get fat. Go ahead and blame food companies for stuffing your face with Moon Pies and washing them down with RC Cola ... It with probably help you lose weight.


If you eat more than you utilize and burn off you'll get fat. Eat 3000 cals a day but only burn off 1000, 2000's going to storage in the body, usually as fat. But fat, protein, and carbs burn at different rates. Think it's protein, carbs, then fat will be burned off in order.

Food today has so many calories, so much fat, salt, and sugar that's it's literally impossible to burn it off unless a competetive athlete of some kind. Single McDonald's milkshake has I think 800 cals. That's an entire meal. And yet it's only the beverage part of a McDonald's meal. And since it's almost entirely sugar, which'll turn into fat inside the body, if you're drinking that every day plus all the other crap it isn't difficult to see how you're gonna get fat. As illustrated well in "Supersize Me."

Eating in the US has become a recreational activity and stress mangement activity. We're under so much stress in our society from any number of factors than managing that stress via pleasure is what many do. Some exercise, some drink, some eat, some have lots of sex. But when a society overvalues the wrong things, and undervalues the right things, as we do in the US, imbalances are created. Instead of encouraging bodily pleasure and intimacy we demonize it. Bereft of such a basic human need as touch and intimate contact we turn to alternatives not demonized, like eating and subtance abuse.

If the PERSON doesn't choose to drink that milkshake, it doesn't matter how many calories it has. The choice comes first. Without the choice of the PERSON, caloric intake doesn't happen.

Again, this is one of those topics where the democrats use their stupid voting base as the moronic pawns they are.

They disguise it as though they actually care about the kids. They use the tired ole narrative that it is evil white corporate right wing America. They use that narrative to push for more control over the lives of the people. Taking choices away where ever and whenever they can. All under the guise of caring.

The hopelessly brainwashed hacks on the left fall right in line and respond to their marching orders.

Read the responses from those on the left. They have been convinced it's not their fault that choosing to eat such things cause obesity. They blame a company for making what, if they chose not to eat it, wouldn't be a problem.

I have most of those wastes of socialist shit, who are nothing but pawns for their democrat gods, on ignore. They are pointless to debate and so therefore pointless to read or listen to.

Could not care less what those morons have to say.
If you are human ... You were born addicted to sugars and fats. If you eat too many sugars and fats you will get fat. Go ahead and blame food companies for stuffing your face with Moon Pies and washing them down with RC Cola ... It with probably help you lose weight.


If you eat more than you utilize and burn off you'll get fat. Eat 3000 cals a day but only burn off 1000, 2000's going to storage in the body, usually as fat. But fat, protein, and carbs burn at different rates. Think it's protein, carbs, then fat will be burned off in order.

Food today has so many calories, so much fat, salt, and sugar that's it's literally impossible to burn it off unless a competetive athlete of some kind. Single McDonald's milkshake has I think 800 cals. That's an entire meal. And yet it's only the beverage part of a McDonald's meal. And since it's almost entirely sugar, which'll turn into fat inside the body, if you're drinking that every day plus all the other crap it isn't difficult to see how you're gonna get fat. As illustrated well in "Supersize Me."

Eating in the US has become a recreational activity and stress mangement activity. We're under so much stress in our society from any number of factors than managing that stress via pleasure is what many do. Some exercise, some drink, some eat, some have lots of sex. But when a society overvalues the wrong things, and undervalues the right things, as we do in the US, imbalances are created. Instead of encouraging bodily pleasure and intimacy we demonize it. Bereft of such a basic human need as touch and intimate contact we turn to alternatives not demonized, like eating and subtance abuse.

If the PERSON doesn't choose to drink that milkshake, it doesn't matter how many calories it has. The choice comes first. Without the choice of the PERSON, caloric intake doesn't happen.

Again, this is one of those topics where the democrats use their stupid voting base as the moronic pawns they are.

They disguise it as though they actually care about the kids. They use the tired ole narrative that it is evil white corporate right wing America. They use that narrative to push for more control over the lives of the people. Taking choices away where ever and whenever they can. All under the guise of caring.

The hopelessly brainwashed hacks on the left fall right in line and respond to their marching orders.

Read the responses from those on the left. They have been convinced it's not their fault that choosing to eat such things cause obesity. They blame a company for making what, if they chose not to eat it, wouldn't be a problem.

I have most of those wastes of socialist shit, who are nothing but pawns for their democrat gods, on ignore. They are pointless to debate and so therefore pointless to read or listen to.

Could not care less what those morons have to say.

They constantly yap about choice and when they make one to eat that crap and it causes obesity, they blame anything they can for what they chose to do. I care what they say, not for the content, because they're quick to want to create more bureaucracy that if they would accept responsibility for their choices, we wouldn't need.
Perhaps the government should put a warning about the addictive nature when issuing social welfare programs to those that couldn't make any more by working based on their skills.

Hell ... It would do wonders for my blood pressure if the government restricted junk food from EBT cards. Sitting in line behind a fat person who uses food stamps and whatnot ... I will admit it really pisses me of when all they have in their basket is junk food and Koolaid and they are fat as hell.


As long as those voting for a living are allowed to use EBT to buy such crap, we'll continue to pay for the healthcare they think they have a right to have. Those of us that work for a living are expected to maintain those that vote for one and plenty of bleeding hearts allow it to happen.
People across all lines have been sedentary and not become obese. Secretaries, office workers, etc. The reason they're getting obese now is clearly revealed in countries who didn't have western style foods until recently, and their explosion in obesity afterwords. It's the food. It's specially formulated to be addictive and in the process is also unhealthy. While personal choices play their part, it's not the primary reason, nor is our sedentary lifestyle. It's the food. China didn't have an obesity problem until they got western style foods via McDonald's and the like.

If you are human ... You were born addicted to sugars and fats. If you eat too many sugars and fats you will get fat. Go ahead and blame food companies for stuffing your face with Moon Pies and washing them down with RC Cola ... It with probably help you lose weight.


If you eat more than you utilize and burn off you'll get fat. Eat 3000 cals a day but only burn off 1000, 2000's going to storage in the body, usually as fat. But fat, protein, and carbs burn at different rates. Think it's protein, carbs, then fat will be burned off in order.

Food today has so many calories, so much fat, salt, and sugar that's it's literally impossible to burn it off unless a competetive athlete of some kind. Single McDonald's milkshake has I think 800 cals. That's an entire meal. And yet it's only the beverage part of a McDonald's meal. And since it's almost entirely sugar, which'll turn into fat inside the body, if you're drinking that every day plus all the other crap it isn't difficult to see how you're gonna get fat. As illustrated well in "Supersize Me."

Eating in the US has become a recreational activity and stress mangement activity. We're under so much stress in our society from any number of factors than managing that stress via pleasure is what many do. Some exercise, some drink, some eat, some have lots of sex. But when a society overvalues the wrong things, and undervalues the right things, as we do in the US, imbalances are created. Instead of encouraging bodily pleasure and intimacy we demonize it. Bereft of such a basic human need as touch and intimate contact we turn to alternatives not demonized, like eating and subtance abuse.

If the PERSON doesn't choose to drink that milkshake, it doesn't matter how many calories it has. The choice comes first. Without the choice of the PERSON, caloric intake doesn't happen.
The choice is not made in a vacuum. Its impossible to make a choice without considering prior knowledge..Thats why they call it a decision. All decisions are shaped by what you know.

And when people know better but make bad decisions, they want to blame anyone but themselves for having made it. Not one bit of junk food can be bad for your health unless you choose to eat it. If you do choose, blame yourself and no one or nothing else but the choice and the person making it. I know cigarettes are bad for me, therefore, I make the choice not to smoke them. Marketing had nothing to do with it. Witnessing what can happen to people based on personal experience did.
I mean, how can you tell which companies are doing this?

Pretty much all of them do. They all use the same ingredients with a couple thrown in to produce a patent.

Ahh.. so it's not like they're being deceptive or anything? Then what's the issue?
I think I mentioned they are being deceptive. Have you ever seen a food label that mentioned any of the ingredients in their food products are addictive? France makes it mandatory now.

Processed Foods and Addiction - 3 Things That Are Making You Fat

"Scientists have known for years that sugar is highly addictive. Sugar may be the most addictive substance, similar to a drug because of the effect it has on pleasure centers of the brain. Did you know there are fifty different names for sugars used in processed foods?"

Perhaps the government should put a warning about the addictive nature when issuing social welfare programs to those that couldn't make any more by working based on their skills.
The fact you had to deflect to another subject makes your argument less credible.

That you can't see how things relate makes you just another moron on the left. You're the one that said things don't operate in a vacuum. Not being able to argue a principle and apply it to other things shows your low level of intellect. I'm not surprised. Your people are like that on lots of things.
You can't speak for anyone but yourself fuckhead. Thinking you can shows you're nothing more than the typical Liberal asshole that thinks he knows what's better for people than they do. It's people like you as to why we have an unqualified piece of shit in the White House. He controlled you into believing you should vote for him because he's black. He marketed it to you.
I'm speaking for you specifically. Now youre trying to divert the issue because you are angry I pointed out the truth to you.

All you do is run your mouth like the true piece of shit you are. I speak specifically for you on that matter. On that I don't have a choice because you've marketed that level of character leaving only one option.
I can see you are emotionally invested in your supposed choice. Feel free to disregard anything I said.

I don't have to disregard what you said. I disregard you as worthless, therefore, anything you say fits that same classification boy.
The fact you are conversing with me belies your words. Like I said. you are free to disregard since you are emotionally invested.

I'm not conversing with you. I'm telling you what it is. You simply aren't listening and keep yapping like what comes out of your mouth amounts to anything boy.
If you are human ... You were born addicted to sugars and fats. If you eat too many sugars and fats you will get fat. Go ahead and blame food companies for stuffing your face with Moon Pies and washing them down with RC Cola ... It with probably help you lose weight.


If you eat more than you utilize and burn off you'll get fat. Eat 3000 cals a day but only burn off 1000, 2000's going to storage in the body, usually as fat. But fat, protein, and carbs burn at different rates. Think it's protein, carbs, then fat will be burned off in order.

Food today has so many calories, so much fat, salt, and sugar that's it's literally impossible to burn it off unless a competetive athlete of some kind. Single McDonald's milkshake has I think 800 cals. That's an entire meal. And yet it's only the beverage part of a McDonald's meal. And since it's almost entirely sugar, which'll turn into fat inside the body, if you're drinking that every day plus all the other crap it isn't difficult to see how you're gonna get fat. As illustrated well in "Supersize Me."

Eating in the US has become a recreational activity and stress mangement activity. We're under so much stress in our society from any number of factors than managing that stress via pleasure is what many do. Some exercise, some drink, some eat, some have lots of sex. But when a society overvalues the wrong things, and undervalues the right things, as we do in the US, imbalances are created. Instead of encouraging bodily pleasure and intimacy we demonize it. Bereft of such a basic human need as touch and intimate contact we turn to alternatives not demonized, like eating and subtance abuse.

If the PERSON doesn't choose to drink that milkshake, it doesn't matter how many calories it has. The choice comes first. Without the choice of the PERSON, caloric intake doesn't happen.

Again, this is one of those topics where the democrats use their stupid voting base as the moronic pawns they are.

They disguise it as though they actually care about the kids. They use the tired ole narrative that it is evil white corporate right wing America. They use that narrative to push for more control over the lives of the people. Taking choices away where ever and whenever they can. All under the guise of caring.

The hopelessly brainwashed hacks on the left fall right in line and respond to their marching orders.

Read the responses from those on the left. They have been convinced it's not their fault that choosing to eat such things cause obesity. They blame a company for making what, if they chose not to eat it, wouldn't be a problem.
Maybe instead of reading responses you should read the OP. Your lack of reading comprehension seems to be the major issue with your assessment of the posts on this thread.

Maybe you should listen to what I'm telling you and learn something boy. You seem to have trouble grasping simple concepts.
If you eat more than you utilize and burn off you'll get fat. Eat 3000 cals a day but only burn off 1000, 2000's going to storage in the body, usually as fat. But fat, protein, and carbs burn at different rates. Think it's protein, carbs, then fat will be burned off in order.

Food today has so many calories, so much fat, salt, and sugar that's it's literally impossible to burn it off unless a competetive athlete of some kind. Single McDonald's milkshake has I think 800 cals. That's an entire meal. And yet it's only the beverage part of a McDonald's meal. And since it's almost entirely sugar, which'll turn into fat inside the body, if you're drinking that every day plus all the other crap it isn't difficult to see how you're gonna get fat. As illustrated well in "Supersize Me."

Eating in the US has become a recreational activity and stress mangement activity. We're under so much stress in our society from any number of factors than managing that stress via pleasure is what many do. Some exercise, some drink, some eat, some have lots of sex. But when a society overvalues the wrong things, and undervalues the right things, as we do in the US, imbalances are created. Instead of encouraging bodily pleasure and intimacy we demonize it. Bereft of such a basic human need as touch and intimate contact we turn to alternatives not demonized, like eating and subtance abuse.

If the PERSON doesn't choose to drink that milkshake, it doesn't matter how many calories it has. The choice comes first. Without the choice of the PERSON, caloric intake doesn't happen.

Again, this is one of those topics where the democrats use their stupid voting base as the moronic pawns they are.

They disguise it as though they actually care about the kids. They use the tired ole narrative that it is evil white corporate right wing America. They use that narrative to push for more control over the lives of the people. Taking choices away where ever and whenever they can. All under the guise of caring.

The hopelessly brainwashed hacks on the left fall right in line and respond to their marching orders.

Read the responses from those on the left. They have been convinced it's not their fault that choosing to eat such things cause obesity. They blame a company for making what, if they chose not to eat it, wouldn't be a problem.
Maybe instead of reading responses you should read the OP. Your lack of reading comprehension seems to be the major issue with your assessment of the posts on this thread.

Maybe you should listen to what I'm telling you and learn something boy. You seem to have trouble grasping simple concepts.
I would listen if you knew what you were talking about. Its obvious your grasp of the subject is tenuous at best.
I don't want any laws passed or anything like that, but everyone should be made aware....

Sugar IS ADDICTIVE....and it gives us "feel good" responses after eating it, such as a burst of energy. stimulates our "happy hormones'' as well I believe.

And I did see a Discovery Chanel program I believe that showed the Food industry, many decades ago, when "Fat Content" and trans fats, saturated fats etc were the BIG BAD GUY that processed food producers removed the bad fats from their products and advertised such on their products, but the initial run of these type of goods just didn't taste good or satisfy the customers as they once did so these food producers added sugar to their products to make them taste better while still being able to advertise that they were fat free, of Half the Fat...
If the PERSON doesn't choose to drink that milkshake, it doesn't matter how many calories it has. The choice comes first. Without the choice of the PERSON, caloric intake doesn't happen.

Again, this is one of those topics where the democrats use their stupid voting base as the moronic pawns they are.

They disguise it as though they actually care about the kids. They use the tired ole narrative that it is evil white corporate right wing America. They use that narrative to push for more control over the lives of the people. Taking choices away where ever and whenever they can. All under the guise of caring.

The hopelessly brainwashed hacks on the left fall right in line and respond to their marching orders.

Read the responses from those on the left. They have been convinced it's not their fault that choosing to eat such things cause obesity. They blame a company for making what, if they chose not to eat it, wouldn't be a problem.
Maybe instead of reading responses you should read the OP. Your lack of reading comprehension seems to be the major issue with your assessment of the posts on this thread.

Maybe you should listen to what I'm telling you and learn something boy. You seem to have trouble grasping simple concepts.
I would listen if you knew what you were talking about. Its obvious your grasp of the subject is tenuous at best.

No you wouldn't. It's not in your nature boy.
I don't want any laws passed or anything like that, but everyone should be made aware....

Sugar IS ADDICTIVE....and it gives us "feel good" responses after eating it, such as a burst of energy. stimulates our "happy hormones'' as well I believe.

And I did see a Discovery Chanel program I believe that showed the Food industry, many decades ago, when "Fat Content" and trans fats, saturated fats etc were the BIG BAD GUY that processed food producers removed the bad fats from their products and advertised such on their products, but the initial run of these type of goods just didn't taste good or satisfy the customers as they once did so these food producers added sugar to their products to make them taste better while still being able to advertise that they were fat free, of Half the Fat...

Look, who can't walk down the cookie aisle and think "Hmm those Double Stuffed Oreos are tasty , but probably not good for me"

I mean my God, I LOVE Oreos, but I eat 3 or 4 of them at a time, and usually that's all I get out of a bag.

And I don't show up to Wal Mart, and climb on my motorized scooter because I'm too lazy to walk to get them either.

Same with prepackaged meals. Who the hell doesn't know by now that those things are unhealthy? Buy some ingredients and cook dinner once in awhile.

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