Is it legal for the president to shake down a state?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
I’m sure by now, everybody is familiar with President Trump threatening the state of Michigan because he thought the Secretary of State, Joycelyn Benson, sent out ballots for the next election.

she was actually sending out applications for mail in ballots.

But the president threatened to withhold funding from the state if they sent out ballots which they didn’t do.

so do you think that’s OK? I’m pretty sure withholding federal funds for a political favor is illegal, but is it OK?

we know it’s not legal if one country does it to another, which is why Trump was impeached. But is it legal for a president to do that to a state?

so whether or not it’s legal, do you guys believe it should be OK?

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Dean welcome back buddy! Where you been? But in your fake news fallacies,, I don’t think that’s what trumps wants to do
What do you think it was he was trying to do?

because it was a real threat. So there had to be something behind it.
I’m sure by now, everybody is familiar with President Trump threatening the state of Michigan because he thought the Secretary of State, Joycelyn Benson, sent out ballots for the next election.

she was actually sending out applications for mail in ballots.

But the president threatened to withhold funding from the state if they sent out ballots which they didn’t do.

so do you think that’s OK? I’m pretty sure withholding federal funds for a political favor is illegal, but is it OK?

we know it’s not legal if one country does it to another, which is why Trump was impeached. But is it legal for a president to do that to a state?

so whether or not it’s legal, do you guys believe it should be OK?

was it okay when Obama did it?

Dean welcome back buddy! Where you been? But in your fake news fallacies,, I don’t think that’s what trumps wants to do
What do you think it was he was trying to do?

because it was a real threat. So there had to be something behind it.
Legally no. The courts deal with that if he chooses.

He did that to put fire under peoples asses that needed fire under their asses
I’m sure by now, everybody is familiar with President Trump threatening the state of Michigan because he thought the Secretary of State, Joycelyn Benson, sent out ballots for the next election.

she was actually sending out applications for mail in ballots.

But the president threatened to withhold funding from the state if they sent out ballots which they didn’t do.

so do you think that’s OK? I’m pretty sure withholding federal funds for a political favor is illegal, but is it OK?

we know it’s not legal if one country does it to another, which is why Trump was impeached. But is it legal for a president to do that to a state?

so whether or not it’s legal, do you guys believe it should be OK?

I think that President Trump has good reason to do what he can to protect the sanctity of the elections here in America. Remember, the libs threw the first dirty punch here by backing Red China's Kung Fluey shenanigans to try and take down out president.
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I’m sure by now, everybody is familiar with President Trump threatening the state of Michigan because he thought the Secretary of State, Joycelyn Benson, sent out ballots for the next election.

she was actually sending out applications for mail in ballots.

But the president threatened to withhold funding from the state if they sent out ballots which they didn’t do.

so do you think that’s OK? I’m pretty sure withholding federal funds for a political favor is illegal, but is it OK?

we know it’s not legal if one country does it to another, which is why Trump was impeached. But is it legal for a president to do that to a state?

so whether or not it’s legal, do you guys believe it should be OK?

was it okay when Obama did it?

I don’t know was it? That was my question.

but since you brought it up, the very states that refused the Medicaid expansion are about to get hit with a prairie fire called the coronavirus that they never imagined.
And we know that Obamacare became extremely popular and that’s why Republicans were devastated during the 2018 midterms.
The reason was because one they don’t like Americans to have help from the government whether it’s food stamps or healthcare or anything that really helps them. Only billionaires deserve that kind of help. And two, if it came from Obama it had to be awful because he’s black.
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I’m sure by now, everybody is familiar with President Trump threatening the state of Michigan because he thought the Secretary of State, Joycelyn Benson, sent out ballots for the next election.

she was actually sending out applications for mail in ballots.

But the president threatened to withhold funding from the state if they sent out ballots which they didn’t do.

so do you think that’s OK? I’m pretty sure withholding federal funds for a political favor is illegal, but is it OK?

we know it’s not legal if one country does it to another, which is why Trump was impeached. But is it legal for a president to do that to a state?

so whether or not it’s legal, do you guys believe it should be OK?

I think that President Trump has good reason to do what he can to protect the sanctity of the elections here in America. Remember, the libs threw the first dirty punch here by backing Red China's Kung Fluey shenanigans to try and take down out president.
But don’t like a half dozen red states have mail in voting and isn’t that how Trump votes? So is this another one of those things that only Republicans deserve and not Democrats?
Like stand your ground. That only works for white people and not for anybody else.
I’m sure by now, everybody is familiar with President Trump threatening the state of Michigan because he thought the Secretary of State, Joycelyn Benson, sent out ballots for the next election.

she was actually sending out applications for mail in ballots.

But the president threatened to withhold funding from the state if they sent out ballots which they didn’t do.

so do you think that’s OK? I’m pretty sure withholding federal funds for a political favor is illegal, but is it OK?

we know it’s not legal if one country does it to another, which is why Trump was impeached. But is it legal for a president to do that to a state?

so whether or not it’s legal, do you guys believe it should be OK?

was it okay when Obama did it?

I don’t know was it? That was my question.

but since you brought it up, the very states that refused the Medicaid expansion are about to get hit with a prairie fire called the coronavirus that they never imagined.
And we know that Obamacare became extremely popular and that’s why Republicans were devastated during the 2018 midterms.
The reason was because one they don’t like Americans to have help from the government whether it’s food stamps or healthcare or anything that really helps them. Only billionaires deserve that kind of help. And two, if it came from Obama it had to be awful because he’s black.

Actually the states that refused medicaid expansion were hit just lightly with the Wuhan Chop Fluey. It was NY, NJ, Massachusetts, that got slammed.
I’m sure by now, everybody is familiar with President Trump threatening the state of Michigan because he thought the Secretary of State, Joycelyn Benson, sent out ballots for the next election.

she was actually sending out applications for mail in ballots.

But the president threatened to withhold funding from the state if they sent out ballots which they didn’t do.

so do you think that’s OK? I’m pretty sure withholding federal funds for a political favor is illegal, but is it OK?

we know it’s not legal if one country does it to another, which is why Trump was impeached. But is it legal for a president to do that to a state?

so whether or not it’s legal, do you guys believe it should be OK?

Is it legal for deanturd to BE such a turd? We shall see...........
I’m sure by now, everybody is familiar with President Trump threatening the state of Michigan because he thought the Secretary of State, Joycelyn Benson, sent out ballots for the next election.

she was actually sending out applications for mail in ballots.

But the president threatened to withhold funding from the state if they sent out ballots which they didn’t do.

so do you think that’s OK? I’m pretty sure withholding federal funds for a political favor is illegal, but is it OK?

we know it’s not legal if one country does it to another, which is why Trump was impeached. But is it legal for a president to do that to a state?

so whether or not it’s legal, do you guys believe it should be OK?

was it okay when Obama did it?

I don’t know was it? That was my question.

but since you brought it up, the very states that refused the Medicaid expansion are about to get hit with a prairie fire called the coronavirus that they never imagined.
And we know that Obamacare became extremely popular and that’s why Republicans were devastated during the 2018 midterms.
The reason was because one they don’t like Americans to have help from the government whether it’s food stamps or healthcare or anything that really helps them. Only billionaires deserve that kind of help. And two, if it came from Obama it had to be awful because he’s black.
If you guys want to be helpful pay taxes and stop demanding more taxes from working people! Thanks in advance.
I’m sure by now, everybody is familiar with President Trump threatening the state of Michigan because he thought the Secretary of State, Joycelyn Benson, sent out ballots for the next election.

she was actually sending out applications for mail in ballots.

But the president threatened to withhold funding from the state if they sent out ballots which they didn’t do.

so do you think that’s OK? I’m pretty sure withholding federal funds for a political favor is illegal, but is it OK?

we know it’s not legal if one country does it to another, which is why Trump was impeached. But is it legal for a president to do that to a state?

so whether or not it’s legal, do you guys believe it should be OK?

Let Trump take the actions he claims he has authority to exercise over State Governors. He's been impeached once already!

He'll get his chance next Tuesday after the Memorial Day Holiday since Gov. Newsom of CA. has ordered that places of worship will remain closed tomorrow in his State. Fuck the Orange Idiot!

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
I’m sure by now, everybody is familiar with President Trump threatening the state of Michigan because he thought the Secretary of State, Joycelyn Benson, sent out ballots for the next election.

she was actually sending out applications for mail in ballots.

But the president threatened to withhold funding from the state if they sent out ballots which they didn’t do.

so do you think that’s OK? I’m pretty sure withholding federal funds for a political favor is illegal, but is it OK?

we know it’s not legal if one country does it to another, which is why Trump was impeached. But is it legal for a president to do that to a state?

so whether or not it’s legal, do you guys believe it should be OK?

They do it all the time. For decades the Federal government has threatened states with withholding federal funds, unless they states do as they say.

Obama did this.

So I have to basic problems. One: that left-wingers right now would not have any problem with the President threatening states, if it was your guy. So as much as you say "this should be illegal", you don't believe that. If it was your guy in office, you would have no problem with this at all, because your guys have been doing this for decades, and no one cared.

Trump does it, and he's not your guy, so suddenly it should be illegal. And the next time you get a left-winger in place, you won't have a single problem with it again.

This is just like believe all women.... When Bill Clinton, a left-winger, was getting accused, it was women are sluts and whores. Then when someone blames Bret Kavanough, a Trump appointee that you hate, it was "believe all women". Then when Biden was accused... we're back to can't trust those women.

The second thing is..... I agree with you, but on a completely different basis.

The problem with your position is that you have a problem with people who are handing out the money, making the rules.

Well.... that's life. If you ask me to pay your bills, I might agree, but I'll have rules you have to follow.

If my broke brother in law, wants me to cover his mortgage, I'm going to demand he make a budget, take finance classes, work a second job, and change how he lives, so he can get back to being self sufficient again.

That's how life works. If you want my money, I make the rules.

Same with employment. You want me to pay you? Then you do what I need you to do. If you don't, you're fired, and you don't get my money anymore.

That's how all of the life on this planet works. It's the same in Venezuela, and France, and German, and the Congo, and everywhere else. The people who are giving out the money, make the rules.

Now where I agree with you, is that I don't think the Federal Government should be making rules on states.

So how do I reconcile the two seemingly contradictory positions?

The Federal Government has no business giving out money. Period. There should be no money going from the Federal Government to the states. None.

As long as the Federal Government is giving money to states, then the Feds can dictate the rules to the states.

Solution? No money. No more handing out money to the states.

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