Is it murder to kick a pregnant woman in the belly until her fetus dies?


No, they're life no matter what. They're living cells. The real heart of the conversation is whether or not that child is desired to come into the world. It is the mother's body that nourishes the fetus, provides it with the ability to sustain life. It is her choice.

You can't expect everybody to be forced to bend to your religious will of what life means on the grand universal scale of things.

Besides, so many people just use babies as a philosophical weapon. Have you ever had a conversation with somebody who thinks that white babies are being outnumbered by minority babies and how whites will be outnumbered and made into a minority in this country in a few decades time? And that the answer is people need to be birthing more white babies so they can win the war and preserve the race? Yeah... don't have that conversation.

How many abortions occur in nature every year?

What is the point of this question? We're talking about humans. Other animals in nature are irrelevant.

Yea, you're right. It only counts if there are homos in nature..
How many abortions occur in nature every year?

What is the point of this question? We're talking about humans. Other animals in nature are irrelevant.

Yea, you're right. It only counts if there are homos in nature..

You know, when it comes right down to it, humans DO only matter when discussing human sexuality. Homosexuality has been displayed in humans for countless thousands of years. It doesn't matter what other animals do(which is also exhibiting homosexual behavior).
When does life begin? Why is it considered murder in many states to kill an unborn fetus?

Life begins when cells are distinguishable as basic parts of a human body.
So i guess to answer your question, depends on the stage of pregnancy.

Either way, don't kick women (or people in general) it's just plain rude.

Oh, before you all start pointing and saying pro abortion, not.

That is like saying you are not pro murder, you would never murder anyone but you respect another person's choice if they choose to murder.
Yes. At Conception. Because it is murder.

I highly recommend not doing such a thing.

Of course i would never harm or kill anyone. I was just wondering how the pro-abortion crowd could condone such laws.

Probably the violence against the mother part. But yes it's inconsistant.

i said when they passed those laws, it would be a problem.

but don't look at me... i didn't think they should pass them in the first place, for exactly that reason. but them doing something they shouldn't doesn't divest me of my right to exercise dominion over MY OWN body.

on the other hand, i'm ok with NO ONE ELSE, including an assailant, interfering with my choice either way.

Yes, I think it is.

When does life begin?

Irrelevent to the issue at hand, dude.

Why is it considered murder in many states to kill an unborn fetus?

If a woman carrying a fetus elects NOT to bring it to term, that is her decision, and her HUMAN RIGHT.

If an outside party kills that fetus without her permission?

THAT is murder.

Is that distinction too confusing for you to understand, lad?

Or is it just that you don't think WOMAN have the right to control their own bodies?

OK, so you are saying that the mother has the right to decide whether her fetus is a life or just a mass of unwanted cells. The mother can choose between life and death for her potential child..
It's either murder or manslaughter, yes.

And yes, it's not if the baby is aborted in the second trimester. or sooner.

Sorry, but we will not live by your silly religious morals.

HAHA. So you say you dont murder the child if YOU CHOSE To end the pregnancy but if someone kicks you it is. WOW , JUST WOW. You cant have it both ways. Its either a child or not .. Just because you dont feel like it is because you decide to do it doesnt make it so..

Yes, you CAN have it both ways. And we do have it both ways.

OK at least you are honest about it. Women can kill their unborn child with impunity if they "choose" but someone else can be sent to prison with a life sentence for doing the same thing.

Yes, I think it is.

Irrelevent to the issue at hand, dude.

Why is it considered murder in many states to kill an unborn fetus?

If a woman carrying a fetus elects NOT to bring it to term, that is her decision, and her HUMAN RIGHT.

If an outside party kills that fetus without her permission?

THAT is murder.

Is that distinction too confusing for you to understand, lad?

Or is it just that you don't think WOMAN have the right to control their own bodies?

OK, so you are saying that the mother has the right to decide whether her fetus is a life or just a mass of unwanted cells. The mother can choose between life and death for her potential child..

You know how many annoyed moms tell their children with the cliche, "I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it?"

Well, they're far too late.
HAHA. So you say you dont murder the child if YOU CHOSE To end the pregnancy but if someone kicks you it is. WOW , JUST WOW. You cant have it both ways. Its either a child or not .. Just because you dont feel like it is because you decide to do it doesnt make it so..

Yes, you CAN have it both ways. And we do have it both ways.

OK at least you are honest about it. Women can kill their unborn child with impunity if they "choose" but someone else can be sent to prison with a life sentence for doing the same thing.

So I take it your against abortion.
Yes, you CAN have it both ways. And we do have it both ways.

OK at least you are honest about it. Women can kill their unborn child with impunity if they "choose" but someone else can be sent to prison with a life sentence for doing the same thing.

So I take it your against abortion.

Well, I look at it this way. I was a fetus once. At that time I was strongly against abortion. I haven't changed my mind.

Ultra sounds of abortions show that the fetus does resist.
When does life begin? Why is it considered murder in many states to kill an unborn fetus?

Many right wingers feel abortion is murder. Which is why they would be very upset, if, for instance, one of their leaders took millions from a billionaire who made his money selling morning after "abortion" pills. Who is probably behind more abortions than all the clinics put together.

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So, if your daughter was pregnant and she were to be kicked in the stomach and that kick aborted your daughter's pregnancy, should it be considered murdered?
Yes, I think it is.

Irrelevent to the issue at hand, dude.

If a woman carrying a fetus elects NOT to bring it to term, that is her decision, and her HUMAN RIGHT.

If an outside party kills that fetus without her permission?

THAT is murder.

Is that distinction too confusing for you to understand, lad?

Or is it just that you don't think WOMAN have the right to control their own bodies?

OK, so you are saying that the mother has the right to decide whether her fetus is a life or just a mass of unwanted cells. The mother can choose between life and death for her potential child..

You know how many annoyed moms tell their children with the cliche, "I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it?"

Well, they're far too late.

When you were a fetus, weren't you against abortion? When did you change your mind?

Ultra sounds show that fetuses resist being aborted.
Yes. At Conception. Because it is murder.

I highly recommend not doing such a thing.

Of course i would never harm or kill anyone. I was just wondering how the pro-abortion crowd could condone such laws.

so you anti choice people cant fugure it out huh?

Heres the deal.

what happens inside someones body is their own business.

You dont get to deside what happens inside someone elses body.

Kicking a pregnant woman in the stomach until HER fetus dies is a crime.

She wanted the fetus inside her by her own choice.

Your religion does NOT trump what others believe.

YOU dont get to choose for other people.

This country already made the wise choice on choice for women.

You lost the arguement already.

We will NEVER go back to your prefered dark ages.

That is one choice you do not get to make
Yes. At Conception. Because it is murder.

I highly recommend not doing such a thing.

Of course i would never harm or kill anyone. I was just wondering how the pro-abortion crowd could condone such laws.

so you anti choice people cant fugure it out huh?

Heres the deal.

what happens inside someones body is their own business.

You dont get to deside what happens inside someone elses body.

Kicking a pregnant woman in the stomach until HER fetus dies is a crime.

She wanted the fetus inside her by her own choice.

Your religion does NOT trump what others believe.

YOU dont get to choose for other people.

This country already made the wise choice on choice for women.

You lost the arguement already.

We will NEVER go back to your prefered dark ages.

That is one choice you do not get to make

So what would be the crime? Murder is defined as unlawfully taking of a life. Is the fetus a child, thus being a life, or is it a fetus?

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