Is it ok to read the Bible?

Is it ok to read the Bible?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 21 87.5%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 12.5%

  • Total voters
Actually I rarely stereotype or generalize except in humor and I make it obvious it's humor. As for how many Christians and non Christians interpret the bible is their business, not mine. Also pursuant your last question....... How the fuck do I know, I wasn't there. :dunno:

You give me a degree of perfection to which I aspire but will most certainly never attain.

I am truly humbled in the presence of greatness.

You should, unfortunately you have no idea how, you're too involved in finding the ultimate lowest common insult/derision in all your interactions.
You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:
Is it ok to read the Bible?

You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:

it's true, to a religious fanatic a person daring to even ask the question "is it ok" proves their mortal soul will be condemned to misery for all eternity ...
That's not what I'm responding to and if you don't know that then it's nothing more than a deflection on your part. It's not the title moron, it's the content that matters. Care to try again?
That's not what I'm responding to ...

I looked, there was nothing there. maybe it's you that should make it clear before proselytizing.
You give me a degree of perfection to which I aspire but will most certainly never attain.

I am truly humbled in the presence of greatness.

You should, unfortunately you have no idea how, you're too involved in finding the ultimate lowest common insult/derision in all your interactions.
You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:
Is it ok to read the Bible?

You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:

it's true, to a religious fanatic a person daring to even ask the question "is it ok" proves their mortal soul will be condemned to misery for all eternity ...
That's not what I'm responding to and if you don't know that then it's nothing more than a deflection on your part. It's not the title moron, it's the content that matters. Care to try again?
That's not what I'm responding to ...

I looked, there was nothing there. maybe it's you that should make it clear before proselytizing.
Then you don't know Luddy or me, you being relatively new I can understand that. I have issues with both far right religious nutjobs that want to turn this country into some form of theocracy and far left atheists who want to relegate religion to back rooms and dark alleys.
As for not seeing it of course you wouldn't, his bias appears to fit yours but to the fair and impartial this speaks volumes;

Is it ok to read the Bible?
If I want to read the Bible, I'll read the Bible, liberals can't take those freedoms away as much as they would like to.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well, apparently the truth is that nobody believes what's written in the bible and you have to make shit up for it to make sense for yourself, and that I won't find anything in the book because it's already in me. Is that close?
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
The stories are pretty accurate. Its your lack of ability to see.
So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?
Marsupials are not in the Bible. What does the name Noah mean? Maybe you should look into that first and figure out what that Ark is while your at it.
2 of every animal on his boat. That means kangaroos. So how did they get to the boat?
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
The stories are pretty accurate. Its your lack of ability to see.
So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?
Marsupials are not in the Bible. What does the name Noah mean? Maybe you should look into that first and figure out what that Ark is while your at it.
2 of every animal on his boat. That means kangaroos. So how did they get to the boat?
Only in your mind. Your precepts and the Lord's are not one in the same. Perhaps you could read about the begotten of the spiritual host Jacob to be more enlightened on that subject.
Matthew 24:10-12 “And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold

Wow the bible even speaks of how people would act about God in the last days. How did it know?
It is the proof that is required by nonbelievers, and yet overlooked completely and attributed to humans. God is dimensional. He can go from one dimension to another with just a thought. Time is a dimension. We are tethered to it. God is outside of the dimension. He can look back at what has happened and look forward to what will be. 1/4 of the Bible is prophecy so that we would know who the author really is.
You should, unfortunately you have no idea how, you're too involved in finding the ultimate lowest common insult/derision in all your interactions.
You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:
Is it ok to read the Bible?

You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:

it's true, to a religious fanatic a person daring to even ask the question "is it ok" proves their mortal soul will be condemned to misery for all eternity ...
That's not what I'm responding to and if you don't know that then it's nothing more than a deflection on your part. It's not the title moron, it's the content that matters. Care to try again?
That's not what I'm responding to ...

I looked, there was nothing there. maybe it's you that should make it clear before proselytizing.
Then you don't know Luddy or me, you being relatively new I can understand that. I have issues with both far right religious nutjobs that want to turn this country into some form of theocracy and far left atheists who want to relegate religion to back rooms and dark alleys.
As for not seeing it of course you wouldn't, his bias appears to fit yours but to the fair and impartial this speaks volumes;

Is it ok to read the Bible?

As for not seeing it of course you wouldn't, his bias appears to fit yours but to the fair and impartial this speaks volumes;

You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:

... but to the fair and impartial this speaks volumes

for whom you may be appealing, it certainly is not you.
You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:
Is it ok to read the Bible?

You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:

it's true, to a religious fanatic a person daring to even ask the question "is it ok" proves their mortal soul will be condemned to misery for all eternity ...
That's not what I'm responding to and if you don't know that then it's nothing more than a deflection on your part. It's not the title moron, it's the content that matters. Care to try again?
That's not what I'm responding to ...

I looked, there was nothing there. maybe it's you that should make it clear before proselytizing.
Then you don't know Luddy or me, you being relatively new I can understand that. I have issues with both far right religious nutjobs that want to turn this country into some form of theocracy and far left atheists who want to relegate religion to back rooms and dark alleys.
As for not seeing it of course you wouldn't, his bias appears to fit yours but to the fair and impartial this speaks volumes;

Is it ok to read the Bible?

As for not seeing it of course you wouldn't, his bias appears to fit yours but to the fair and impartial this speaks volumes;

You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:

... but to the fair and impartial this speaks volumes

for whom you may be appealing, it certainly is not you.
Coming from you I'll take that as an affirmation of my impartiality. :thup:
Was the world made in 6 days? No. Was there a worldwide flood? No. Did Jesus really turn water into wine? No... and on and on... So I can't interpret it as written? That's laughable, brah.
Is a day as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day in the spirit? Can a mere mortal perceive or understand what is in eternity? The Bible is a guide for you (the world of you, everything has patterns. I already told you that the book describes what is in you the human) Are you still walking through the garden (you that lump of earth with breath that was made into a living soul) living in your own pleasures (eden) asleep? Baptized in water which the spirit turns into wine; again within you, as each is member in the body of Christ.

Continue to laugh if it makes you feel better as it is you who has not been awaken yet.
So you have to make up alternate meanings for what's in the bible for it to make sense to you? Ya, I can see that. But here's my question: if the bible is supposed to mean something other than what is written, why didn't whomever wrote it just write it like that to start with so everyone would be on the same page, as it were?[/QUOTE]

Just as Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables......'those who have ears, let them hear'
What Jesus is supposed to have said is all hearsay, written generations after the facts.

And the Bible was written by many different people over hundreds of years........all inspired by God.

Without faith, the Bible doesn't make a lick of sense. Yet read in faith, it makes perfect sense.

But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 25Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 26For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: 27But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 28And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: 29That no flesh should glory in his presence. 30But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
The stories are pretty accurate. Its your lack of ability to see.
So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?
Marsupials are not in the Bible. What does the name Noah mean? Maybe you should look into that first and figure out what that Ark is while your at it.
2 of every animal on his boat. That means kangaroos. So how did they get to the boat?
Only in your mind. Your precepts and the Lord's are not one in the same. Perhaps you could read about the begotten of the spiritual host Jacob to be more enlightened on that subject.
So when the bible says 2 of every animal, what does it mean to you?

And, how do you know that your made up interpretation of a section that you deem not true is the right one?
Is a day as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day in the spirit? Can a mere mortal perceive or understand what is in eternity? The Bible is a guide for you (the world of you, everything has patterns. I already told you that the book describes what is in you the human) Are you still walking through the garden (you that lump of earth with breath that was made into a living soul) living in your own pleasures (eden) asleep? Baptized in water which the spirit turns into wine; again within you, as each is member in the body of Christ.

Continue to laugh if it makes you feel better as it is you who has not been awaken yet.
So you have to make up alternate meanings for what's in the bible for it to make sense to you? Ya, I can see that. But here's my question: if the bible is supposed to mean something other than what is written, why didn't whomever wrote it just write it like that to start with so everyone would be on the same page, as it were?[/QUOTE]

Just as Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables......'those who have ears, let them hear'
What Jesus is supposed to have said is all hearsay, written generations after the facts.

And the Bible was written by many different people over hundreds of years........all inspired by God.

Without faith, the Bible doesn't make a lick of sense. Yet read in faith, it makes perfect sense.

But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 25Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 26For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: 27But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 28And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: 29That no flesh should glory in his presence. 30But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
Ok, "inspired by god". Not the word of god. So you're quoting the bible, is that section true? Or is it like Noah's boat story, false? How do you tell which is true and which isn't? And then how do you know that your made up interpretation of the stuff you deem untrue is the right one?
Here, take it in context........and note, it's only referring while in church.

33For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints, 34women are to be silent in the churches. They are not permitted to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. 35If they wish to inquire about something, they are to ask their own husbands at home; for it is dishonorable for a woman to speak in the church.…

Does this qualify?

I like Joyce Meyers.
ndeed. If they did, they wouldn't be Christians any longer.

Quick question ... how do you feel about Jews? We have several scriptures in common with the Xtians. What about Muslims?

and the OT has several people in common with the Quran.
So when the bible says 2 of every animal, what does it mean to you?

And, how do you know that your made up interpretation of a section that you deem not true is the right one?
Two of every kind, host of each type, one for the carnal portion of the human, one for the spiritual portion that is the son of God.

You are the one that seems to lack understanding and are trying to "deem" the word as not being true.

Proverbs 28:5 Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

Gen 6:17
And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth (as opposed to heaven), to destroy all flesh (carnal-flesh as frail or erring portions of the human against God), wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.
Gen 6:18
But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.
Gen 6:19
And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.

The Book of Enoch also confirms this. The animals inside the Ark (that holy place in the spirit in the temple, a place in the mind which the spiritual host of 'rest' [Noah] builds) chases away the animals (beastly things) outside of the Ark .
So when the bible says 2 of every animal, what does it mean to you?

And, how do you know that your made up interpretation of a section that you deem not true is the right one?
Two of every kind, host of each type, one for the carnal portion of the human, one for the spiritual portion that is the son of God.

You are the one that seems to lack understanding and are trying to "deem" the word as not being true.

Proverbs 28:5 Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

Gen 6:17
And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth (as opposed to heaven), to destroy all flesh (carnal-flesh as frail or erring portions of the human against God), wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.
Gen 6:18
But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.
Gen 6:19
And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.

The Book of Enoch also confirms this. The animals inside the Ark (that holy place in the spirit in the temple, a place in the mind which the spiritual host of 'rest' [Noah] builds) chases away the animals (beastly things) outside of the Ark .
"And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female." 2 of every living thing, so how did kangaroos get there and back?
If I want to read the Bible, I'll read the Bible, liberals can't take those freedoms away as much as they would like to.
Just curious, what colour is the sky in your world?

Blue and in your world?
Liberals aren't trying to stop people from reading.

Sure they aren't.

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Yes you are but I wasn't going to bring it up.

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