Is it ok to read the Bible?

Is it ok to read the Bible?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 21 87.5%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 12.5%

  • Total voters
Is a day as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day in the spirit? Can a mere mortal perceive or understand what is in eternity? The Bible is a guide for you (the world of you, everything has patterns. I already told you that the book describes what is in you the human) Are you still walking through the garden (you that lump of earth with breath that was made into a living soul) living in your own pleasures (eden) asleep? Baptized in water which the spirit turns into wine; again within you, as each is member in the body of Christ.

Continue to laugh if it makes you feel better as it is you who has not been awaken yet.
So you have to make up alternate meanings for what's in the bible for it to make sense to you? Ya, I can see that. But here's my question: if the bible is supposed to mean something other than what is written, why didn't whomever wrote it just write it like that to start with so everyone would be on the same page, as it were?
If you don't have the spirit yet what difference does it make to you? Not all desire to walk in truth and not all are born on the same day. Is a two year old as competent as a fifty year old? Are all plant varieties planted in the same season? Do you whine that they are not all equally endowed at the same moment in time?

If a person is not worthy do you think they should be given anything or should the spirit in them hold them back from crashing themselves into the abyss? Or do you simply think everyone should get a free pass to do whatever they wish any time and anywhere they desire without consequences? Everyone is created with that same pattern it is the choices each makes that determine where they will walk. You apparently are determine to walk in denial so that is what you get for this time and season.
I'm not denying anything, I'm asking, like, is being grumpy and telling people how unworthy they are the path to heaven? Or have you already resigned yourself to not being let in?
What has already been will be. I know my place but apparently you and others do not yet. BTW, the kingdom is within you so that again is where you start that journey.
So if what has already been will be, there's nothing I can do, my fate is already sealed?
Are you still asleep? I already explained to you about YOU being a human (adam). It is up to you to seek the truth and examine yourself as its all there in you. No one else is going to find that for you, its in you, it is up to you to find it. I can point out where it is but I cannot make you see it. Truth is something you have to search out for yourself.
It is true, again it is by interpretation. If you seek to understand it without that holy spirit that guides you then simply follow those eleven commandments. Some day you'll have a eureka moment on the pieces and parts you need to know. If you remain in denial you won't get there.
Was the world made in 6 days? No. Was there a worldwide flood? No. Did Jesus really turn water into wine? No... and on and on... So I can't interpret it as written? That's laughable, brah.
Is a day as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day in the spirit? Can a mere mortal perceive or understand what is in eternity? The Bible is a guide for you (the world of you, everything has patterns. I already told you that the book describes what is in you the human) Are you still walking through the garden (you that lump of earth with breath that was made into a living soul) living in your own pleasures (eden) asleep? Baptized in water which the spirit turns into wine; again within you, as each is member in the body of Christ.

Continue to laugh if it makes you feel better as it is you who has not been awaken yet.
So you have to make up alternate meanings for what's in the bible for it to make sense to you? Ya, I can see that. But here's my question: if the bible is supposed to mean something other than what is written, why didn't whomever wrote it just write it like that to start with so everyone would be on the same page, as it were?[/QUOTE]

Just as Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables......'those who have ears, let them hear'
What Jesus is supposed to have said is all hearsay, written generations after the facts.
So you have to make up alternate meanings for what's in the bible for it to make sense to you? Ya, I can see that. But here's my question: if the bible is supposed to mean something other than what is written, why didn't whomever wrote it just write it like that to start with so everyone would be on the same page, as it were?
If you don't have the spirit yet what difference does it make to you? Not all desire to walk in truth and not all are born on the same day. Is a two year old as competent as a fifty year old? Are all plant varieties planted in the same season? Do you whine that they are not all equally endowed at the same moment in time?

If a person is not worthy do you think they should be given anything or should the spirit in them hold them back from crashing themselves into the abyss? Or do you simply think everyone should get a free pass to do whatever they wish any time and anywhere they desire without consequences? Everyone is created with that same pattern it is the choices each makes that determine where they will walk. You apparently are determine to walk in denial so that is what you get for this time and season.
I'm not denying anything, I'm asking, like, is being grumpy and telling people how unworthy they are the path to heaven? Or have you already resigned yourself to not being let in?
What has already been will be. I know my place but apparently you and others do not yet. BTW, the kingdom is within you so that again is where you start that journey.
So if what has already been will be, there's nothing I can do, my fate is already sealed?
Are you still asleep? I already explained to you about YOU being a human (adam). It is up to you to seek the truth and examine yourself as its all there in you. No one else is going to find that for you, its in you, it is up to you to find it. I can point out where it is but I cannot make you see it. Truth is something you have to search out for yourself.
Well, apparently the truth is that nobody believes what's written in the bible and you have to make shit up for it to make sense for yourself, and that I won't find anything in the book because it's already in me. Is that close?
If you don't have the spirit yet what difference does it make to you? Not all desire to walk in truth and not all are born on the same day. Is a two year old as competent as a fifty year old? Are all plant varieties planted in the same season? Do you whine that they are not all equally endowed at the same moment in time?

If a person is not worthy do you think they should be given anything or should the spirit in them hold them back from crashing themselves into the abyss? Or do you simply think everyone should get a free pass to do whatever they wish any time and anywhere they desire without consequences? Everyone is created with that same pattern it is the choices each makes that determine where they will walk. You apparently are determine to walk in denial so that is what you get for this time and season.
I'm not denying anything, I'm asking, like, is being grumpy and telling people how unworthy they are the path to heaven? Or have you already resigned yourself to not being let in?
What has already been will be. I know my place but apparently you and others do not yet. BTW, the kingdom is within you so that again is where you start that journey.
So if what has already been will be, there's nothing I can do, my fate is already sealed?
Are you still asleep? I already explained to you about YOU being a human (adam). It is up to you to seek the truth and examine yourself as its all there in you. No one else is going to find that for you, its in you, it is up to you to find it. I can point out where it is but I cannot make you see it. Truth is something you have to search out for yourself.
Well, apparently the truth is that nobody believes what's written in the bible and you have to make shit up for it to make sense for yourself, and that I won't find anything in the book because it's already in me. Is that close?
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
I'm not denying anything, I'm asking, like, is being grumpy and telling people how unworthy they are the path to heaven? Or have you already resigned yourself to not being let in?
What has already been will be. I know my place but apparently you and others do not yet. BTW, the kingdom is within you so that again is where you start that journey.
So if what has already been will be, there's nothing I can do, my fate is already sealed?
Are you still asleep? I already explained to you about YOU being a human (adam). It is up to you to seek the truth and examine yourself as its all there in you. No one else is going to find that for you, its in you, it is up to you to find it. I can point out where it is but I cannot make you see it. Truth is something you have to search out for yourself.
Well, apparently the truth is that nobody believes what's written in the bible and you have to make shit up for it to make sense for yourself, and that I won't find anything in the book because it's already in me. Is that close?
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
What has already been will be. I know my place but apparently you and others do not yet. BTW, the kingdom is within you so that again is where you start that journey.
So if what has already been will be, there's nothing I can do, my fate is already sealed?
Are you still asleep? I already explained to you about YOU being a human (adam). It is up to you to seek the truth and examine yourself as its all there in you. No one else is going to find that for you, its in you, it is up to you to find it. I can point out where it is but I cannot make you see it. Truth is something you have to search out for yourself.
Well, apparently the truth is that nobody believes what's written in the bible and you have to make shit up for it to make sense for yourself, and that I won't find anything in the book because it's already in me. Is that close?
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
The stories are pretty accurate. Its your lack of ability to see.
Funny, that's one idiot who never read past that point........ Obviously he wants to bend scripture to his will not the other way around.........

That's true of all christians. They all pick and choose what they want to believe.

I say, read whatever you want but I prefer non-fiction.

Stereotype and generalize often? Of course you do, why am I asking. :dunno:

Yes I do. So do you.

But even christians say they don't believe all of the bible is fact. Ask them about Noah, the ark, two by ow and many say its not a description of something that actually happened.

This time of year, I ask again, why did Noah include chiggers? fleas? ticks? You got an answer for that?

Actually I rarely stereotype or generalize except in humor and I make it obvious it's humor. As for how many Christians and non Christians interpret the bible is their business, not mine. Also pursuant your last question....... How the fuck do I know, I wasn't there. :dunno:

You give me a degree of perfection to which I aspire but will most certainly never attain.

I am truly humbled in the presence of greatness.

Funny, that's one idiot who never read past that point........ Obviously he wants to bend scripture to his will not the other way around.........

That's true of all christians. They all pick and choose what they want to believe.

I say, read whatever you want but I prefer non-fiction.

Stereotype and generalize often? Of course you do, why am I asking. :dunno:

Yes I do. So do you.

But even christians say they don't believe all of the bible is fact. Ask them about Noah, the ark, two by ow and many say its not a description of something that actually happened.

This time of year, I ask again, why did Noah include chiggers? fleas? ticks? You got an answer for that?

Actually I rarely stereotype or generalize except in humor and I make it obvious it's humor. As for how many Christians and non Christians interpret the bible is their business, not mine. Also pursuant your last question....... How the fuck do I know, I wasn't there. :dunno:

You give me a degree of perfection to which I aspire but will most certainly never attain.

I am truly humbled in the presence of greatness.

You should, unfortunately you have no idea how, you're too involved in finding the ultimate lowest common insult/derision in all your interactions.
So if what has already been will be, there's nothing I can do, my fate is already sealed?
Are you still asleep? I already explained to you about YOU being a human (adam). It is up to you to seek the truth and examine yourself as its all there in you. No one else is going to find that for you, its in you, it is up to you to find it. I can point out where it is but I cannot make you see it. Truth is something you have to search out for yourself.
Well, apparently the truth is that nobody believes what's written in the bible and you have to make shit up for it to make sense for yourself, and that I won't find anything in the book because it's already in me. Is that close?
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
The stories are pretty accurate. Its your lack of ability to see.

How do you know that?

Looks to me like this is another case of the bible being true because the bible says its true.

What credible and provable works corroborate the talking snake? Woman made from a rib? We're all the result of incest? Burning bush? Walking on water? Water into wine? Virgin birth to an unmarried girl? god is a dead beat dad who dumps the pregnant girl on the itinerant carpenter who raises the kid as his own? god comes back to kill his own son 30-ish years later? Comes out of a cave three days later, good as new? Killing everyone by drowning? Gets one old drunk to save two of everything and then repopulate the earth? So much rape, slavery, incest, abuse of children, murder of children, why send a bear to eat children? Lot says, here, rape my daughters and then turns wifey into salt.

And on and on and on and on and on.............


Its really okay that there's no answers to any of these ridiculous stories. And I honestly don't care that people actually believe them.

What I don't think much of is that you demand we pay the enormous tab for your religious holidays while you whine and demand even more.
So if what has already been will be, there's nothing I can do, my fate is already sealed?
Are you still asleep? I already explained to you about YOU being a human (adam). It is up to you to seek the truth and examine yourself as its all there in you. No one else is going to find that for you, its in you, it is up to you to find it. I can point out where it is but I cannot make you see it. Truth is something you have to search out for yourself.
Well, apparently the truth is that nobody believes what's written in the bible and you have to make shit up for it to make sense for yourself, and that I won't find anything in the book because it's already in me. Is that close?
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
The stories are pretty accurate. Its your lack of ability to see.
So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?
Are you still asleep? I already explained to you about YOU being a human (adam). It is up to you to seek the truth and examine yourself as its all there in you. No one else is going to find that for you, its in you, it is up to you to find it. I can point out where it is but I cannot make you see it. Truth is something you have to search out for yourself.
Well, apparently the truth is that nobody believes what's written in the bible and you have to make shit up for it to make sense for yourself, and that I won't find anything in the book because it's already in me. Is that close?
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
The stories are pretty accurate. Its your lack of ability to see.
So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?
Marsupials are not in the Bible. What does the name Noah mean? Maybe you should look into that first and figure out what that Ark is while your at it.
Forgot one that I think is pretty important - that so many other religions have almost identical myths, legends, superstitions, gods, holidays and so forth.
Are you still asleep? I already explained to you about YOU being a human (adam). It is up to you to seek the truth and examine yourself as its all there in you. No one else is going to find that for you, its in you, it is up to you to find it. I can point out where it is but I cannot make you see it. Truth is something you have to search out for yourself.
Well, apparently the truth is that nobody believes what's written in the bible and you have to make shit up for it to make sense for yourself, and that I won't find anything in the book because it's already in me. Is that close?
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
The stories are pretty accurate. Its your lack of ability to see.

How do you know that?

Looks to me like this is another case of the bible being true because the bible says its true.

What credible and provable works corroborate the talking snake? Woman made from a rib? We're all the result of incest? Burning bush? Walking on water? Water into wine? Virgin birth to an unmarried girl? god is a dead beat dad who dumps the pregnant girl on the itinerant carpenter who raises the kid as his own? god comes back to kill his own son 30-ish years later? Comes out of a cave three days later, good as new? Killing everyone by drowning? Gets one old drunk to save two of everything and then repopulate the earth? So much rape, slavery, incest, abuse of children, murder of children, why send a bear to eat children? Lot says, here, rape my daughters and then turns wifey into salt.

And on and on and on and on and on.............


Its really okay that there's no answers to any of these ridiculous stories. And I honestly don't care that people actually believe them.

What I don't think much of is that you demand we pay the enormous tab for your religious holidays while you whine and demand even more.
What does the actual Hebrew word snake mean? I already wrote about Eve and the riyb a half a dozen times on here. Your free to look that up. What incest? Your mind is full of lascivious trash; perhaps you may want to clean that up a little.

I answered many of your inquiries already again you are free to look them up there is a search feature on here that is fairly easy to use.

Head back to Genesis and see who are the host of heaven and earth are when human-adam gets that blast of eternal breath. The answer is there is you are truly searching for truth.
Are you still asleep? I already explained to you about YOU being a human (adam). It is up to you to seek the truth and examine yourself as its all there in you. No one else is going to find that for you, its in you, it is up to you to find it. I can point out where it is but I cannot make you see it. Truth is something you have to search out for yourself.
Well, apparently the truth is that nobody believes what's written in the bible and you have to make shit up for it to make sense for yourself, and that I won't find anything in the book because it's already in me. Is that close?
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
The stories are pretty accurate. Its your lack of ability to see.
So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?

And all the rest. Its just silly.
Well, apparently the truth is that nobody believes what's written in the bible and you have to make shit up for it to make sense for yourself, and that I won't find anything in the book because it's already in me. Is that close?
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
The stories are pretty accurate. Its your lack of ability to see.

How do you know that?

Looks to me like this is another case of the bible being true because the bible says its true.

What credible and provable works corroborate the talking snake? Woman made from a rib? We're all the result of incest? Burning bush? Walking on water? Water into wine? Virgin birth to an unmarried girl? god is a dead beat dad who dumps the pregnant girl on the itinerant carpenter who raises the kid as his own? god comes back to kill his own son 30-ish years later? Comes out of a cave three days later, good as new? Killing everyone by drowning? Gets one old drunk to save two of everything and then repopulate the earth? So much rape, slavery, incest, abuse of children, murder of children, why send a bear to eat children? Lot says, here, rape my daughters and then turns wifey into salt.

And on and on and on and on and on.............


Its really okay that there's no answers to any of these ridiculous stories. And I honestly don't care that people actually believe them.

What I don't think much of is that you demand we pay the enormous tab for your religious holidays while you whine and demand even more.
What does the actual Hebrew word snake mean? I already wrote about Eve and the riyb a half a dozen times on here. Your free to look that up. What incest? Your mind is full of lascivious trash; perhaps you may want to clean that up a little.

I answered many of your inquiries already again you are free to look them up there is a search feature on here that is fairly easy to use.

Head back to Genesis and see who are the host of heaven and earth are when human-adam gets that blast of eternal breath. The answer is there is you are truly searching for truth.

That's what I thought.

This is what the thumpers always do. Their way is the only way but question them and POOF! They're gone.

Oddly, they also preach that they're supposed to preach. So, the preaching is good. Making sense or telling the truth? Not so much.

I've read your posts. Its nasty, cold, vicious people like you that chase others away from religion.

Thanks for not disappointing.
Your claim "that nobody believes" and so its your claim. The book is a guide to help you. If you don't believe it, it is most likely not going to help you.
How can it guide anyone if the stories aren't true? That makes no sense.
The stories are pretty accurate. Its your lack of ability to see.

How do you know that?

Looks to me like this is another case of the bible being true because the bible says its true.

What credible and provable works corroborate the talking snake? Woman made from a rib? We're all the result of incest? Burning bush? Walking on water? Water into wine? Virgin birth to an unmarried girl? god is a dead beat dad who dumps the pregnant girl on the itinerant carpenter who raises the kid as his own? god comes back to kill his own son 30-ish years later? Comes out of a cave three days later, good as new? Killing everyone by drowning? Gets one old drunk to save two of everything and then repopulate the earth? So much rape, slavery, incest, abuse of children, murder of children, why send a bear to eat children? Lot says, here, rape my daughters and then turns wifey into salt.

And on and on and on and on and on.............


Its really okay that there's no answers to any of these ridiculous stories. And I honestly don't care that people actually believe them.

What I don't think much of is that you demand we pay the enormous tab for your religious holidays while you whine and demand even more.
What does the actual Hebrew word snake mean? I already wrote about Eve and the riyb a half a dozen times on here. Your free to look that up. What incest? Your mind is full of lascivious trash; perhaps you may want to clean that up a little.

I answered many of your inquiries already again you are free to look them up there is a search feature on here that is fairly easy to use.

Head back to Genesis and see who are the host of heaven and earth are when human-adam gets that blast of eternal breath. The answer is there is you are truly searching for truth.

That's what I thought.

This is what the thumpers always do. Their way is the only way but question them and POOF! They're gone.

Oddly, they also preach that they're supposed to preach. So, the preaching is good. Making sense or telling the truth? Not so much.

Thanks for not disappointing.
No problem you did not disappoint either; as it is written if you do not believe the first to be sent you will not believe whomever else he sends. If you are too lazy to read through what I have already posted to answers that would answer your inquiries that is totally on you not me.
That's true of all christians. They all pick and choose what they want to believe.

I say, read whatever you want but I prefer non-fiction.

Stereotype and generalize often? Of course you do, why am I asking. :dunno:

Yes I do. So do you.

But even christians say they don't believe all of the bible is fact. Ask them about Noah, the ark, two by ow and many say its not a description of something that actually happened.

This time of year, I ask again, why did Noah include chiggers? fleas? ticks? You got an answer for that?

Actually I rarely stereotype or generalize except in humor and I make it obvious it's humor. As for how many Christians and non Christians interpret the bible is their business, not mine. Also pursuant your last question....... How the fuck do I know, I wasn't there. :dunno:

You give me a degree of perfection to which I aspire but will most certainly never attain.

I am truly humbled in the presence of greatness.

You should, unfortunately you have no idea how, you're too involved in finding the ultimate lowest common insult/derision in all your interactions.
You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:
Stereotype and generalize often? Of course you do, why am I asking. :dunno:

Yes I do. So do you.

But even christians say they don't believe all of the bible is fact. Ask them about Noah, the ark, two by ow and many say its not a description of something that actually happened.

This time of year, I ask again, why did Noah include chiggers? fleas? ticks? You got an answer for that?

Actually I rarely stereotype or generalize except in humor and I make it obvious it's humor. As for how many Christians and non Christians interpret the bible is their business, not mine. Also pursuant your last question....... How the fuck do I know, I wasn't there. :dunno:

You give me a degree of perfection to which I aspire but will most certainly never attain.

I am truly humbled in the presence of greatness.

You should, unfortunately you have no idea how, you're too involved in finding the ultimate lowest common insult/derision in all your interactions.
You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:
Is it ok to read the Bible?

You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:

it's true, to a religious fanatic a person daring to even ask the question "is it ok" proves their mortal soul will be condemned to misery for all eternity ...
Yes I do. So do you.

But even christians say they don't believe all of the bible is fact. Ask them about Noah, the ark, two by ow and many say its not a description of something that actually happened.

This time of year, I ask again, why did Noah include chiggers? fleas? ticks? You got an answer for that?

Actually I rarely stereotype or generalize except in humor and I make it obvious it's humor. As for how many Christians and non Christians interpret the bible is their business, not mine. Also pursuant your last question....... How the fuck do I know, I wasn't there. :dunno:

You give me a degree of perfection to which I aspire but will most certainly never attain.

I am truly humbled in the presence of greatness.

You should, unfortunately you have no idea how, you're too involved in finding the ultimate lowest common insult/derision in all your interactions.
You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:
Is it ok to read the Bible?

You're laughing? Then what is this thread about if not generalized derision, demeaning and derogation? :dunno:

it's true, to a religious fanatic a person daring to even ask the question "is it ok" proves their mortal soul will be condemned to misery for all eternity ...
That's not what I'm responding to and if you don't know that then it's nothing more than a deflection on your part. It's not the title moron, it's the content that matters. Care to try again?

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