Zone1 Is it okay for a man to strike a woman back under these circumstances?

No, no way, no how.

Walk away, if you have to, run. She is not the woman for you or you for her. Move on, you'll both be happier and safe. Why is that so hard to understand?

Where do the "males" here get the idea that it is in any way, shape, or form permissible to put hands on a woman in anger?

How quaint. Chivalry is dead. Women killed it. And this woman proves it...
No, no way, no how.

Walk away, if you have to, run. She is not the woman for you or you for her. Move on, you'll both be happier and safe. Why is that so hard to understand?

Where do the "males" here get the idea that it is in any way, shape, or form permissible to put hands on a woman in anger?

Where do YOU get the idea that it is permissible to put hands on a man in anger?
There is a big difference between hitting a woman first and returning a blow. I would never initiate violence against a woman, but I wouldn't hesitate to return a blow from a woman. Women are quick to initiate violence, depending on men not returning their blows.
I guess that's the difference between you and I. There are some things I just won't do. There are always ways to defuse a situation without resorting to violence.
The law lets you defend yourself to the point you eliminate the immediate physical threat. When you take that further, you risk criminal prosecution.

But what you suggest is that he take it to a more extreme level than what he received, as repercussions for her slap - can land him with assault charges.
Before They Could Stab Us in the Back, They Took Away Our Backbone

Then those who make laws that turn us into punching bags should suffer the same helplessness they put us in. We won't live free until they live in fear.
The bet will land you in jail, with a permanent record of criminal violence.
When someone deliberately burns you with a cigarette responding with a single whack on the top of their head will NOT land you in jail! I still have the scar on my arm from that night. If it had been a man I would have punched his lights out!
Why? That sounds like a true case of self-defense to me because it happened directly after the fact.

Wow, you're a leftist? You actually sound like a decent human being. 🙂

You're actually making sense. He just waited too long to strike her back. That's the issue.
ALL REAL "leftists" are "decent" if their actual objective is equality and the end of widespread poverty.

Unfortunately most western "leftists" appear to be motivated to enrich, empower and aggrandize themselves, their "team", the enablers, the enforcers then the workers in that order so that the results of human productivity always benefit those who exert the least effort if not leech off it. For that matter no one has ever done it. The chinese will probably be the first because they're more culturally inclined towards collective goals. The Japanese could probably do it tomorrow, but they're not going to give up their caste system.
This is a short video, so you can watch it till the end. Not watching it to the end will not give context.
In this video this woman smacked this man - hard - and then he provides her the "opportunity" (depending on how you see it)
to apologize for hitting him.
She doesn't. And he hits her back (open hand - about as hard as she hit him)
What say you?

As for me, I was in a similar situation about 35 years ago. A former girlfriend was angry with me because I refused to take her to a party after a concert we went to. She proceeded to start smacking me like a drum. And hard.
I did not hit her back, but I grabbed hold of her and threw her 3-4 feet in the air to get her away from me. At that point, she was smart enough to stop. So my answer would be no. I do not believe a man should hit a woman, even if he hits her.

there is no excuse (exept having very limited knowledge about kung fu in public spaces) for hitting a woman (back).

nin-jitsu standing armlocks and fingerlocks are a good solution for 'calming a woman who is in a temper tantrum'. :)
there is no excuse (exept having very limited knowledge about kung fu in public spaces) for hitting a woman (back).

nin-jitsu standing armlocks and fingerlocks are a good solution for 'calming a women who is in a temper tantrum'. :)

Wow! We're so impressed with your knowledge of Japanese words!


Wow! We're so impressed with your knowledge of Japanese words!

careful boy... :D
i studied kung fu since the age of 6, am now 46.5, and i studied nin-jitsu for over 3 years.
it's come in handy during semi-violent encounters in the streets of Amsterdam.

you know, those encounters where the police wasn't nearby enough :)

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