Zone1 Is it okay for a man to strike a woman back under these circumstances?

I would do nothing of the kind. I would remove myself from the situation. I've done it before.
She was about half my size. She couldn't do any more damage than you could. Nevertheless I can say I have never hit a woman and I never will.
Blondes With a Nicole Simpson Complex Have Nobody to Blame But Themselves
You're nuts.
Did he punch her with a closed fist? Couldn’t tell from the video.
Unfortunately not-nor did he use brass knuckles. A shattered cheekbone or half a dozen missing teeth might smarten her up.
This is a short video, so you can watch it till the end. Not watching it to the end will not give context.
In this video this woman smacked this man - hard - and then he provides her the "opportunity" (depending on how you see it)
to apologize for hitting him.
She doesn't. And he hits her back (open hand - about as hard as she hit him)
What say you?

As for me, I was in a similar situation about 35 years ago. A former girlfriend was angry with me because I refused to take her to a party after a concert we went to. She proceeded to start smacking me like a drum. And hard.
I did not hit her back, but I grabbed hold of her and threw her 3-4 feet in the air to get her away from me. At that point, she was smart enough to stop. So my answer would be no. I do not believe a man should hit a woman, even if he hits her.

If you assault a person, you're a fool to not expect a response in kind. That being said, with a woman, I'd employ a technique I call "aggressive defense" where you block a strike with such force that it disables the striking appendage.
If she hits him then he can defend himself no brainer.
She was not hitting him when he hit her back.
No argument, whatsoever, that she was 100% wrong to slap this man who did nothing to her. (her phone was found between the seats, he did not take it)
She slapped him once, didn't continue to do so. Just once.
That is not "defending" - that is retaliation.
This is a short video, so you can watch it till the end. Not watching it to the end will not give context.
In this video this woman smacked this man - hard - and then he provides her the "opportunity" (depending on how you see it)
to apologize for hitting him.
She doesn't. And he hits her back (open hand - about as hard as she hit him)
What say you?

As for me, I was in a similar situation about 35 years ago. A former girlfriend was angry with me because I refused to take her to a party after a concert we went to. She proceeded to start smacking me like a drum. And hard.
I did not hit her back, but I grabbed hold of her and threw her 3-4 feet in the air to get her away from me. At that point, she was smart enough to stop. So my answer would be no. I do not believe a man should hit a woman, even if he hits her.

I had a woman put her cigarette out on my forearm because I'd informed her that she needed to leave the nightclub that I was the manager of. I hit her on the top of the head with a hammer fist at which point she sat down on her ass...looked up at me and said "You hit me!" like she'd never been hit in her entire life! I was raised never to hit a lady. When you don't act like a lady? All bets are off.
I had a woman put her cigarette out on my forearm because I'd informed her that she needed to leave the nightclub that I was the manager of. I hit her on the top of the head with a hammer fist at which point she sat down on her ass...looked up at me and said "You hit me!" like she'd never been hit in her entire life! I was raised never to hit a lady. When you don't act like a lady? All bets are off.
The bet will land you in jail, with a permanent record of criminal violence.
It is never ok to hit a woman.
A woman? How would you know?
I wondered, I did look it up and try to see if it is real or not - where did you find that it was a setup video?

You can tell by their body language. The whole thing was totally unnatural.

If it was real, that black woman woulda lost her marbles and acted a fool.

And it wasn't even good acting.
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