Zone1 Is it okay for a man to strike a woman back under these circumstances?

Yeah, but a man has a big physical advantage.
Exactly why a woman shouldn't open up that physical can of worms.
How much harder is OK with you? What if he punched her with a closed fist and sent her completely to the ground? You don’t think that would be overdoing it?
Yes, I do think that would be overdoing it. I also think that he would have every right to do so, even if I wouldn't. Initiating physical violence is only deterred by the threat of greater violence in response, imho.
We will always disagree on that.

Stalin took the state of Russia from a agrarian pre-industrial state to a powerhouse, and created the 2nd most powerful country on earth even after the Chinese began to undermine soviet doctrine. He had to break some eggs, but they would have all been eaten by now anyway wouldn't they?

Had Mao been a team player the Marxist Flag would be flown over every capitol city on earth.
Marxism eats itself. It cannot exist except as a parasitic response to the success of capitalism.
He sent her halfway to the ground. He remained standing after he was slapped.

I think he hit back too hard. He would have had to match the slap. Didn’t look like it to me.
You're wrong. She hit him once as hard as she could, he returned the blow much more softly than he could have.
And that woman found out exactly why.
I would think twice before sucker-punching a professional boxer, and those odds are actually more even.
No, that's not why.
You don't strike ANYONE except in self defense.
There was no self defense on either side. Like I said, both should be charged
No, that's not why.
You don't strike ANYONE except in self defense.
There was no self defense on either side. Like I said, both should be charged
I disagree. If you strike me, you’re probably gonna get knocked on your ass, man or woman. Partially because of your initial strike, and partially because of your entitled Karen attitude.
Eye for an eye?
Legal Protection for Predatory Beasts Is State-Sponsored Terrorism

If truth could be told, that is weak and typical of blowhard Rightists. It's like punishing a bank robber by only making him give the money back.

Anyone, except in self-defense, who takes out another's eye is an enemy of the human race and should be executed. There's no reason we should be forced to allow such mutants to stay alive. They will only continue what comes naturally to their subhuman species.
Legal Protection for Predatory Beasts Is State-Sponsored Terrorism

If truth could be told, that is weak and typical of blowhard Rightists. It's like punishing a bank robber by only making him give the money back.

Anyone, except in self-defense, who takes out another's eye is an enemy of the human race and should be executed. There's no reason we should be forced to allow such mutants to stay alive. They will only continue what comes naturally to their subhuman species.
I fully believe in an escalated response to unprovoked physical violence. These liberal clowns who think one should never strike back harder have never won a physical confrontation, if they’ve even ever been in one.
Or, to simplify it it, what did Japan do after we dropped the atomic bombs on them?
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This is a short video, so you can watch it till the end. Not watching it to the end will not give context.
In this video this woman smacked this man - hard - and then he provides her the "opportunity" (depending on how you see it)
to apologize for hitting him.
She doesn't. And he hits her back (open hand - about as hard as she hit him)
What say you?

As for me, I was in a similar situation about 35 years ago. A former girlfriend was angry with me because I refused to take her to a party after a concert we went to. She proceeded to start smacking me like a drum. And hard.
I did not hit her back, but I grabbed hold of her and threw her 3-4 feet in the air to get her away from me. At that point, she was smart enough to stop. So my answer would be no. I do not believe a man should hit a woman, even if he hits her.

How is "throwing" a woman any different? Answer: It is NOT. If a woman strikes you, walk away. If she keeps coming, you run. Period.

The bet will land you in jail, with a permanent record of criminal violence.

Why? That sounds like a true case of self-defense to me because it happened directly after the fact.

She looks like an imbecile, and sounds even worse.

As an actual leftist I'm insulted that someone that stupid is considered to be "intellectual" in the circles of leftwing political elites.

Wow, you're a leftist? You actually sound like a decent human being. 🙂

No, that's not why.
You don't strike ANYONE except in self defense.
There was no self defense on either side. Like I said, both should be charged

You're actually making sense. He just waited too long to strike her back. That's the issue.
Marxism eats itself. It cannot exist except as a parasitic response to the success of capitalism.
Guillotine Age Survivors' Deceptive Response

In a way, but not the way laissez fairies preach. Communist leaders are primarily sons of Capitalists who hate their Daddies if he is a nasty Scrooge or if he is a workoholic who neglected them.

Second, the cradle of Communism is the university, which is designed specifically for richkids living off an allowance. Third, outside of the hypocritical economics and the social-justice false advertising, the key appeal of Marxism is that it offers absolute power to HeirHeads, whose Daddies told them they were Born to Rule.

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