"is it our moral duty to have fewer children?"

It's our moral responsibility to keep the commandments. And the first one given to man was to multiply and replenish the earth.
The 'overpopulation' myth took off around the same time as the panic over a coming new ice age in the 70s.
unfortunately the nuisance members of society are the majority ... they multiply like Fruit flies.

There is no "overpopulation"
You must be high. I have heard it said by people in the know that the earth can't sustainably support the number of people that it has. Creatures are going extinct and there are food wars going on. A fight for resources was behind the Darfur conflict. I have also heard it said that it was a lack of food that has been causing the unreast that have been causing those Arab uprisings. Part of which has basically caused an ISIS invasion of Europe. I will also include a graph showing the exponential human population growth. Maybe it will help you realize the truth.


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There is no "overpopulation"
You must be high. I have heard it said by people in the know that the earth can't sustainably [sic] support the number of people that it has. .....

You heard wrong. Read the links I provided and calm down.
Your links are links to pure stupidity. .....

You didn't read them, Chicken Little. Try.
The graph I showed tells all there is to tell. Don't try to sell me on your Soylent Green fantasy.
There is no "overpopulation"
You must be high. I have heard it said by people in the know that the earth can't sustainably [sic] support the number of people that it has. .....

You heard wrong. Read the links I provided and calm down.
Your links are links to pure stupidity. .....

You didn't read them, Chicken Little. Try.
The graph I showed tells all there is to tell. Don't try to sell me on your Soylent Green fantasy.

It's clear what you're afraid of, fool. Get ready for that ice age. Should be here any minute.
Population Decline and the Great Economic Reversal

How Televisions Can Signal Fertility Decline

Episode 5: 7 Billion People: Will Everyone Please Relax? | Overpopulation is a myth

”Population is still technically growing, but according to the United Nation Population Division’s numbers, that growth is slowing dramatically.

The United Nations Population Division (UNPD) is the most reliable source of population statistics in the world, which is why we use their numbers for our videos. And, according to the UNPD, population growth will continue to slow down over the next few decades. In fact, if current trends persist, our growth will halt right around 8 billion by 2045. After that, our numbers will start to fall off, slowly at first, and then faster.

If you find this whole idea counterintuitive, don't worry! You're not alone. At first glance, it really does seem like population is skyrocketing. That’s because we're still adding a billion people every few decades . . . and a billion people is a lot of people. But the way we can tell that population is not ballooning out of control is precisely the fact that we’re only adding a billion people each time. And soon, we won’t even be adding that many.”

Population Decline and the Great Economic Reversal

How Televisions Can Signal Fertility Decline

Episode 5: 7 Billion People: Will Everyone Please Relax? | Overpopulation is a myth

”Population is still technically growing, but according to the United Nation Population Division’s numbers, that growth is slowing dramatically.

The United Nations Population Division (UNPD) is the most reliable source of population statistics in the world, which is why we use their numbers for our videos. And, according to the UNPD, population growth will continue to slow down over the next few decades. In fact, if current trends persist, our growth will halt right around 8 billion by 2045. After that, our numbers will start to fall off, slowly at first, and then faster.

If you find this whole idea counterintuitive, don't worry! You're not alone. At first glance, it really does seem like population is skyrocketing. That’s because we're still adding a billion people every few decades . . . and a billion people is a lot of people. But the way we can tell that population is not ballooning out of control is precisely the fact that we’re only adding a billion people each time. And soon, we won’t even be adding that many.”

Whaty comic book did you get your graph from. My graph is more accurate. every single day there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Though the population of Whites isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little.
Population Decline and the Great Economic Reversal

How Televisions Can Signal Fertility Decline

Episode 5: 7 Billion People: Will Everyone Please Relax? | Overpopulation is a myth

”Population is still technically growing, but according to the United Nation Population Division’s numbers, that growth is slowing dramatically.

The United Nations Population Division (UNPD) is the most reliable source of population statistics in the world, which is why we use their numbers for our videos. And, according to the UNPD, population growth will continue to slow down over the next few decades. In fact, if current trends persist, our growth will halt right around 8 billion by 2045. After that, our numbers will start to fall off, slowly at first, and then faster.

If you find this whole idea counterintuitive, don't worry! You're not alone. At first glance, it really does seem like population is skyrocketing. That’s because we're still adding a billion people every few decades . . . and a billion people is a lot of people. But the way we can tell that population is not ballooning out of control is precisely the fact that we’re only adding a billion people each time. And soon, we won’t even be adding that many.”

Whaty comic book did you get your graph from. My graph is more accurate. every single day there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Though the population of Whites isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little.

Read the links, Chicken Little.
Population Control
Moral Maze
This week the Moral Maze asks: "is it our moral duty to have fewer children?" The question has been brought in to focus by two stories in the past week. First, that by 2027 the population of the UK isexpected to top 70 million people and the second that China is to end its "one child" policy. With 238,737 births every day the world population is rapidly approaching 7 and a half billion and will be 8 billion by 2024. While many people will be campaigning for tougher policies at next month's UN climate change conference, should they also be calling for policies to control population growth?

BBC Radio 4 - Moral Maze, Population Control
The corporations churches and governments want more bodies.

We should absolutely be encouraging lowering the population. Too many people already.

I bet china goes to war with us in 20 years.
Population Control
Moral Maze
This week the Moral Maze asks: "is it our moral duty to have fewer children?" The question has been brought in to focus by two stories in the past week. First, that by 2027 the population of the UK isexpected to top 70 million people and the second that China is to end its "one child" policy. With 238,737 births every day the world population is rapidly approaching 7 and a half billion and will be 8 billion by 2024. While many people will be campaigning for tougher policies at next month's UN climate change conference, should they also be calling for policies to control population growth?

BBC Radio 4 - Moral Maze, Population Control
The corporations churches and governments want more bodies.

We should absolutely be encouraging lowering the population. Too many people already.

Population Control
Moral Maze
This week the Moral Maze asks: "is it our moral duty to have fewer children?" The question has been brought in to focus by two stories in the past week. First, that by 2027 the population of the UK isexpected to top 70 million people and the second that China is to end its "one child" policy. With 238,737 births every day the world population is rapidly approaching 7 and a half billion and will be 8 billion by 2024. While many people will be campaigning for tougher policies at next month's UN climate change conference, should they also be calling for policies to control population growth?

BBC Radio 4 - Moral Maze, Population Control
The corporations churches and governments want more bodies.

We should absolutely be encouraging lowering the population. Too many people already.

You're a fucking idiot. What year are the oceans suppose to run out of fish because the human population consumes so much?

In closing, you're a fucking idiot. The end.

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