Is it possible to block PMs from an individual?

Gonna go out on a really short, brittle twig and suppose that the one allegedly sending the unwanted PMs to PredFan is probably one of this thread's first two respondents.
Just put the person on ignore, send him a PM telling him/her you are putting them on ignore, save your PM where you tell them you are putting them on ignore.

They can't pm you once you tell them they are on ignore. It is considered harrassment, but you have to be able to prove that you told them, so save the PM where you tell them.

It's that easy.....they can't @mention you either.
Btw, the official answer is no. But you could try to quit being a pussy. There might be an app for that.
Actually, you can opt out of PMs. You won't get any from anybody. All blocked...including the target.

...and you can fix it so that only your contacts and the moderators can send you messages. All others will be told you don't accept messages.

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