Is it Racist to notice who commits crime?

Do you think I am supposed to know which tables he used, which figures he crunched to come to his conclusions? .
yes, yes you are. That you don't and don't care to know exposes you for what you are...a non-critical thinker that believes what he wants to believe because someone posted it on the net.

Thanks for finally admitting it.

hahaha, why don't YOU go to the National Crime Survey site and look around for yourself? there are hundreds of PDF files there for you to peruse. the ones I looked at supported the author of the article or were irrelevent to the issue. off you go now, figure it all out, and bring a report of your findings back to us
Ravi said-
I looked at the tables for crimes and found nothing to support your statements above. Nothing indicated blacks were over 50 times more likely to commit a crime against whites than vice versa. And the statistics on rape included the skin color of the victims but not the perps.

I'm surprised I didn't notice this sooner. What site were you on that had headers labelled by skin colour? Race of Victim and Perceived Race of Offender I can believe. But skin colour?
Please, you have to ACTUALY be around a minority group to notice what they do. Well, I do both, but, gosh, then those pesky academics call real experience "anecdotal " and promptly ignore it. Funny about that, they theorize, but when it comes to reality. they run away like pussies and use theoretical bullshit as fact. Funny thing about THAT. It takes, a real flesh and blood " someone" to live up to a negative racial stereotype, but anyone else gets blamed for noticing it…Funny thing about that, too. That is one of those mysteries of life that will never be answered. Wonder why?
It's racist to think. It is also anti-American. It's also blasphemous.

Good thing nobody does it !
Please, you have to ACTUALY be around a minority group to notice what they do. Well, I do both, but, gosh, then those pesky academics call real experience "anecdotal " and promptly ignore it. Funny about that, they theorize, but when it comes to reality. they run away like pussies and use theoretical bullshit as fact. Funny thing about THAT. It takes, a real flesh and blood " someone" to live up to a negative racial stereotype, but anyone else gets blamed for noticing it…Funny thing about that, too. That is one of those mysteries of life that will never be answered. Wonder why?

so you don't think the people that make up the data points in study after study, survey after survey, are real flesh and blood people? only the people that you see and interact with exist?

humans are social creatures that tend to associate with those that are like themselves in intelligence status and values. humans also usually think of themselves as normal and good compared to the group around them. and they also tend to think that the rest of the world is quite like themselves and their social group. that is why criminals don't understand that what they are doing is wrong, or why smart people don't understand that there are lots of dumb people. more of a class thing than a racial issue but class, intelligence and crime are all inter connected. smart people have higher standards of behaviour and less crime, dull people have lower standards and more crime. on average of course. the question is: who's standards should we use?

by the way, if you collect enough 'anecdotal' data from a representative sample of people it becomes those surveys and studies that you hate from the pesky academics.
Is is racist and sexist to notice that most serial killers are WHITE MALES?


But it is racist to draw racist and sexist (and specious) conclusions from that single data point.

Which is, one assumes, the whole reason that most people play these kinds of silly games.
I think most of the real travesties like massive scale war and oppression are encouraged and organized by old white guys.

That's who commits real crime that impacts billions...

But you know, it's ok that black people commit massive disproportionate amount of crime. Most of the oppression today is in Africa and Asia.
According to the FBI’s latest National Crime Victimization Survey, blacks were over 50 times more likely to commit a crime against whites than vice versa. There were over 14,000 black on white rapes and the number of white on black rapes was so small, it did not show up on FBI’s statistical samples. That same year, the FBI did not report a single anti-black rape hate crime.
Call me old fashioned, but I believe we should treat criminals the same no matter their race, the race of their victims, or why they committed their crimes. But the truth is that President Obama appears to be more concerned about stopping virtually non-existent “hate crimes” against “protected groups” than stopping actual committed crimes.…

In the past, African Americans were greatly mistreated in this country. But we should not respond to these past injustices by giving special privileges and treatment to a particular race or ethnic groups. Rather, we should treat everyone equally regardless of race.
Rep. King is Right, Obama Wrong, on Race - HUMAN EVENTS

blacks are only 50 times more likely to commit a crime against whites than whites commit a crime against blacks? obviously the difference is so small that it should simply be ignored.

Maddof alone makes the numbers about even for black and non black crimes. He jsut did it all in one shot.

He was nothing more than a thief ( on a massive scale ) but he's not a murderer, rapist, or a drug dealer.
Wheeeew. I am sorry, I am tired. I just got done reading up on how whites and non blacks also commit murder, rape and violent attacks. Then take into account the Bernie thing.

Thank you, continue. :doubt:

Ahhh... So if one white does it that means we should ignore the fact that blacks do it much more often. False equivilence.

Lets break it down a bit. When you hear about a black guy who stole a purse or perhaps robbed a store. A purse and A store.....but when Maddof does it to countless people, you say, eh, WHITE collar. Its all good. Righty?

The difference is that is that the black guy in question commited a violent attack that could've killed someone or many people and that Bernie simply bilked people.
I think most of the real travesties like massive scale war and oppression are encouraged and organized by old white guys.

That's who commits real crime that impacts billions...

Yeah, so fuck all those piddly little crimes that only destroy one or two lives at a time, right? They don't give you NEARLY enough opportunity to spew bigoted vitriol.

Because if someone black does something, it's not a bad thing. It's not their fault and it's the fault of white people and then at that point all blame and attention must be focused upon whites. That's how the guilty white liberal mind works.
Lets break it down a bit. When you hear about a black guy who stole a purse or perhaps robbed a store. A purse and A store.....but when Maddof does it to countless people, you say, eh, WHITE collar. Its all good. Righty?

I never said Madoff wasn't a criminal. He absconded with billions of other peoples' money that 'contracted' to manage. The difference is that the victims of robbery, rape and murder don't choose who the criminal is. And while losing money is painful it doesn't have same visceral damage that violent crime can have. Also, as you pointed out, there is only a few maddofs per generation but there are hundreds of thousand violent criminals every year.

I broke it down to robberies. Now lets break it down to violent crimes. When over 3000 service members died in a war based on a lie...bounce that against murder victims who were killed by blacks. Both are wrong. Yet you wont mention the non minority side of the equation of course.

White color crime seems to be fine with you for some reason. Remember the whole gram of crack gets you 10 years, and a pound of cocaine got whites probabtion? Remember that crap..?

Oh and I am still waiting for that link saying I am 50 more likely to commit a rape or kill someone than you are.

Still waiting. Oh and if you provide it, I will warn my neighbors and co workers. Its the right thing to do since at that point, I am a crime waiting to happen. I know I have never done anything even close to that and I am 47, but I HAVE TO DO IT! according to your non existing link.

What exactly does the Iraq War have to do with violent crime commited by blacks in America ?

I agree that the general disparity between the punishments for crack and coke are messed up. I personally view it as a class issue rather than a racial issue.
I think most of the real travesties like massive scale war and oppression are encouraged and organized by old white guys.

That's who commits real crime that impacts billions...

But you know, it's ok that black people commit massive disproportionate amount of crime. Most of the oppression today is in Africa and Asia.

How many people were affect by Bernie Maddof? Lets get specific here and see how much money he stole...or another way to say it is, snatched their purses and picked their pockets.

I bet if we did the math, he stole a hell of a lot more than the blacks robbing combined in the states for the year....ya think?

Lets talk murder. We all know Iraq was started on a lie. We all agree with that. Well, Bush made us get into a war based on a lie. Some would consider the 3 thousand people he killed there...(thats just our side, the Americans he killed), now lets count the number of people who died who were the locals there. How many where there?

Lets add that up to the amount of people killed by blacks.

All this an you guys concentrate on the crimes you see comitted daily on only. Why is this?
I don't see anyone protesting against punishing Bernie Madoff.

Just sayin'.
I never said Madoff wasn't a criminal. He absconded with billions of other peoples' money that 'contracted' to manage. The difference is that the victims of robbery, rape and murder don't choose who the criminal is. And while losing money is painful it doesn't have same visceral damage that violent crime can have. Also, as you pointed out, there is only a few maddofs per generation but there are hundreds of thousand violent criminals every year.

I broke it down to robberies. Now lets break it down to violent crimes. When over 3000 service members died in a war based on a lie...bounce that against murder victims who were killed by blacks. Both are wrong. Yet you wont mention the non minority side of the equation of course.

White color crime seems to be fine with you for some reason. Remember the whole gram of crack gets you 10 years, and a pound of cocaine got whites probabtion? Remember that crap..?

Oh and I am still waiting for that link saying I am 50 more likely to commit a rape or kill someone than you are.

Still waiting. Oh and if you provide it, I will warn my neighbors and co workers. Its the right thing to do since at that point, I am a crime waiting to happen. I know I have never done anything even close to that and I am 47, but I HAVE TO DO IT! according to your non existing link.

What exactly does the Iraq War have to do with violent crime commited by blacks in America ?

I agree that the general disparity between the punishments for crack and coke are messed up. I personally view it as a class issue rather than a racial issue.

Well, a white person was responsible of thousands of people being killed. Bounce that against how many were killed here by blacks.

A class issue? Interesting. NOt race eh..ok. Lets break it down. I know it was a while ago, but what was the color of the people getting busted and thrown in jail for years for the tiniest amount, and the color of the people who were getting caught with a lot of cocain, but because of RR, they got off?
Tell the man in jail for 20 years if he thought it was racial or a class thing.
I think most of the real travesties like massive scale war and oppression are encouraged and organized by old white guys.

That's who commits real crime that impacts billions...

Yeah, so fuck all those piddly little crimes that only destroy one or two lives at a time, right? They don't give you NEARLY enough opportunity to spew bigoted vitriol.

Because if someone black does something, it's not a bad thing. It's not their fault and it's the fault of white people and then at that point all blame and attention must be focused upon whites. That's how the guilty white liberal mind works.

I hate when people like you coddle and baby black people. They are grown adults who can take care of themselves and do not need you trying to take the blame for things they have done. :doubt:
I broke it down to robberies. Now lets break it down to violent crimes. When over 3000 service members died in a war based on a lie...bounce that against murder victims who were killed by blacks. Both are wrong. Yet you wont mention the non minority side of the equation of course.

White color crime seems to be fine with you for some reason. Remember the whole gram of crack gets you 10 years, and a pound of cocaine got whites probabtion? Remember that crap..?

Oh and I am still waiting for that link saying I am 50 more likely to commit a rape or kill someone than you are.

Still waiting. Oh and if you provide it, I will warn my neighbors and co workers. Its the right thing to do since at that point, I am a crime waiting to happen. I know I have never done anything even close to that and I am 47, but I HAVE TO DO IT! according to your non existing link.

What exactly does the Iraq War have to do with violent crime commited by blacks in America ?

I agree that the general disparity between the punishments for crack and coke are messed up. I personally view it as a class issue rather than a racial issue.

Well, a white person was responsible of thousands of people being killed. Bounce that against how many were killed here by blacks.

A class issue? Interesting. NOt race eh..ok. Lets break it down. I know it was a while ago, but what was the color of the people getting busted and thrown in jail for years for the tiniest amount, and the color of the people who were getting caught with a lot of cocain, but because of RR, they got off?
Tell the man in jail for 20 years if he thought it was racial or a class thing.

The war in Iraq has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic at hand and it's nothing more than a strawman to deflect from said issue.

And yes that paticular subject is a class issue and not a race issue. It's a class issue because generally poor people use crack because it has more bang for it's buck vs. coke and coke is used by more well off people.
yeah, so fuck all those piddly little crimes that only destroy one or two lives at a time, right? They don't give you nearly enough opportunity to spew bigoted vitriol.

because if someone black does something, it's not a bad thing. It's not their fault and it's the fault of white people and then at that point all blame and attention must be focused upon whites. That's how the guilty white liberal mind works.

i hate when people like you coddle and baby black people. They are grown adults who can take care of themselves and do not need you trying to take the blame for things they have done. :doubt:


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