Is It Time for Hillary Clinton To Retire?

The Clinton presidency is generally considered successful even by conservatives but Hillary is a worrisome candidate, she shows an aptitude for ruthlessness that prevents me from supporting her as the nominee.
and Hillary refuses to discuss any of the primary issues we face, her main concern is to allow voter fraud in purple states.
maybe Hillary is avoiding Iraq because she cant do the accent?
The Clinton presidency is generally considered successful even by conservatives but Hillary is a worrisome candidate, she shows an aptitude for ruthlessness that prevents me from supporting her as the nominee.
and Hillary refuses to discuss any of the primary issues we face, her main concern is to allow voter fraud in purple states.
maybe Hillary is avoiding Iraq because she cant do the accent?
Maybe she's afraid of sniper fire.....:badgrin:
The Clinton presidency is generally considered successful even by conservatives but Hillary is a worrisome candidate, she shows an aptitude for ruthlessness that prevents me from supporting her as the nominee.
and Hillary refuses to discuss any of the primary issues we face, her main concern is to allow voter fraud in purple states.
maybe Hillary is avoiding Iraq because she cant do the accent?
Maybe she's afraid of sniper fire.....:badgrin:
but the bullets already went thru her head, thats why she cant recall anything prior to 2008.
she talks about Republicans trying to stop blacks from voting,ok, lets see some video evidence. like the video evidence of blacks trying to stop white people from voting in a philly district.

It is interesting that all we hear about is disenfrancisment by the Republicans yet their is very little, if any evidence of it happening. What it seems to me that the democrats are saying is that minorities are too stupid to find polling places and too stupid to be trusted to vote. Sad what democrats think of minorities.
What really cracks me up are the rubes who think Voter ID stops the type of voter fraud which occurs and who believe Voter ID makes the voting process more secure.

What did we used to call people who demanded we spend taxpayer dollars on more government regulation that was completely ineffective?

Oh yeah. We used to call them liberals.
i really wonder if blacks in general are that dumbfounded. they have IDs!! otherwise how did they ever get into school?
How would they ever get a place to live, or get welfare and food stamps????? Hell, they can't even buy beer or cigarettes without one!!!!!!
if you are too lazy to work, then just stay home!
Honestly, for you guys to think that the welfare mom with 4 kids in tow is the person who is voting and doesn't have a government issue photo ID and this is just perfect for you if she didn't'd be WRONG....she doesn't vote in the first place. It's Students who can't use their Student ID's, and seniors who have never driven or don't drive now, it's people that were born outside of a their own home, it's retired veterans who no longer can drive and have no valid ID, and it is every person who does not drive or have a driver's license or do not travel to other countries and have a passport.....

If you have ever reviewed statistics of who votes and who does not in this Nation, it primarily is the poorest among us, who DO NOT VOTE...White, Black,'s harder for them to vote, in general...if they work an hourly job, can they get off work to vote and afford missing the hourly pay, can they afford the extra bus rides to the voting place? Many things like those two come in to play for the poor and in general, a good portion of those who are not even registered to vote, or even those who are registered, just don't vote.

Look at was in the news and on a couple of threads here about the citizens there not voting....something like 82% did not vote if memory serves?

Virtually NO ONE commits voter fraud by impersonating another person at the voting's just too darn hard to do and very risky, with 5 years in jail if caught.

Cheating and voter fraud is done through disenfranchisement of legal voters, it's done through electronic means, it's done through insiders, some with voter roll access perhaps but through absentee ballots, etc etc etc...oh yeah and it was done by the State itself for not removing dead people from the voter rolls, gerrymandering and none, absolutely none can be stopped by showing a gvt issued photo id at the voting place.... that the already cleared, registered citizen voter who has been voting, some cases for decades, couldn't be proven by having a recent pay stub and recent electric bill with name and address that match the person on the voter roll, showing that this IS who was legally registered.....

Which of course is not needed anyway because in person , personification of another voter is simply not done, other than maybe a handful of cases over a 10-20 year period.

and just seeing you speak about it, you are fine with it BECAUSE YOU THINK these CITIZENS should NOT be voting, BECAUSE they will not be voting REPUBLICAN....

That my dear, is voter fraud through the disenfranchisement of LEGAL CITIZENS.... in the masses.

so, you can Kiss my grits....

Oh, and one other thing that Obiwan's utter bull crud that these people can not get welfare without a government issued photo id, or alcohol, or whatever....that's simply a lie....just google do NOT have to have a GOVERNMENT ISSUED PHOTO ID, to get any of those things....

REGURGITATING the same lie over and over and over and over again, will never make it true.
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well we wont have any blacks running for president next time around, so dont expect them to be dying to vote in 2016. if anything they will be out dining at the local fast food places on that tuesday nite.
come to think about it what is Mrs. Clinton retiring from? She quit her last two jobs.
she talks about Republicans trying to stop blacks from voting,ok, lets see some video evidence. like the video evidence of blacks trying to stop white people from voting in a philly district.

It is interesting that all we hear about is disenfrancisment by the Republicans yet their is very little, if any evidence of it happening. What it seems to me that the democrats are saying is that minorities are too stupid to find polling places and too stupid to be trusted to vote. Sad what democrats think of minorities.
What really cracks me up are the rubes who think Voter ID stops the type of voter fraud which occurs and who believe Voter ID makes the voting process more secure.

What did we used to call people who demanded we spend taxpayer dollars on more government regulation that was completely ineffective?

Oh yeah. We used to call them liberals.

I need a photo id and a license to fish, I take voting more seriously.
come to think about it what is Mrs. Clinton retiring from? She quit her last two jobs.
she talks about Republicans trying to stop blacks from voting,ok, lets see some video evidence. like the video evidence of blacks trying to stop white people from voting in a philly district.

It is interesting that all we hear about is disenfrancisment by the Republicans yet their is very little, if any evidence of it happening. What it seems to me that the democrats are saying is that minorities are too stupid to find polling places and too stupid to be trusted to vote. Sad what democrats think of minorities.
What really cracks me up are the rubes who think Voter ID stops the type of voter fraud which occurs and who believe Voter ID makes the voting process more secure.

What did we used to call people who demanded we spend taxpayer dollars on more government regulation that was completely ineffective?

Oh yeah. We used to call them liberals.

I need a photo id and a license to fish, I take voting more seriously.
i need a photo id for a sex change.
No more American political family dynasties.

No more Clintons.

No more Bushes.

No more Kennedys.

No more Romneys.

Enough already.

Time to give fresh ideas and fresh solutions and fresh energy and fresh faces and fresh names a chance.
So many apples, so little oranges
come to think about it what is Mrs. Clinton retiring from? She quit her last two jobs.
she talks about Republicans trying to stop blacks from voting,ok, lets see some video evidence. like the video evidence of blacks trying to stop white people from voting in a philly district.

It is interesting that all we hear about is disenfrancisment by the Republicans yet their is very little, if any evidence of it happening. What it seems to me that the democrats are saying is that minorities are too stupid to find polling places and too stupid to be trusted to vote. Sad what democrats think of minorities.
What really cracks me up are the rubes who think Voter ID stops the type of voter fraud which occurs and who believe Voter ID makes the voting process more secure.

What did we used to call people who demanded we spend taxpayer dollars on more government regulation that was completely ineffective?

Oh yeah. We used to call them liberals.

I need a photo id and a license to fish, I take voting more seriously.
i need a photo id for a sex change.
So many apples, so few oranges.
she talks about Republicans trying to stop blacks from voting,ok, lets see some video evidence. like the video evidence of blacks trying to stop white people from voting in a philly district.

It is interesting that all we hear about is disenfrancisment by the Republicans yet their is very little, if any evidence of it happening. What it seems to me that the democrats are saying is that minorities are too stupid to find polling places and too stupid to be trusted to vote. Sad what democrats think of minorities.
What really cracks me up are the rubes who think Voter ID stops the type of voter fraud which occurs and who believe Voter ID makes the voting process more secure.

What did we used to call people who demanded we spend taxpayer dollars on more government regulation that was completely ineffective?

Oh yeah. We used to call them liberals.
Oh, the irony of it all...

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The democrat power brokers are very hopeful that she will retire or contract a debilitating illness. They know she is a loser.
i really wonder if blacks in general are that dumbfounded. they have IDs!! otherwise how did they ever get into school?
How would they ever get a place to live, or get welfare and food stamps????? Hell, they can't even buy beer or cigarettes without one!!!!!!
if you are too lazy to work, then just stay home!
Honestly, for you guys to think that the welfare mom with 4 kids in tow is the person who is voting and doesn't have a government issue photo ID and this is just perfect for you if she didn't'd be WRONG....she doesn't vote in the first place. It's Students who can't use their Student ID's, and seniors who have never driven or don't drive now, it's people that were born outside of a their own home, it's retired veterans who no longer can drive and have no valid ID, and it is every person who does not drive or have a driver's license or do not travel to other countries and have a passport.....

If you have ever reviewed statistics of who votes and who does not in this Nation, it primarily is the poorest among us, who DO NOT VOTE...White, Black,'s harder for them to vote, in general...if they work an hourly job, can they get off work to vote and afford missing the hourly pay, can they afford the extra bus rides to the voting place? Many things like those two come in to play for the poor and in general, a good portion of those who are not even registered to vote, or even those who are registered, just don't vote.

Look at was in the news and on a couple of threads here about the citizens there not voting....something like 82% did not vote if memory serves?

Virtually NO ONE commits voter fraud by impersonating another person at the voting's just too darn hard to do and very risky, with 5 years in jail if caught.

Cheating and voter fraud is done through disenfranchisement of legal voters, it's done through electronic means, it's done through insiders, some with voter roll access perhaps but through absentee ballots, etc etc etc...oh yeah and it was done by the State itself for not removing dead people from the voter rolls, gerrymandering and none, absolutely none can be stopped by showing a gvt issued photo id at the voting place.... that the already cleared, registered citizen voter who has been voting, some cases for decades, couldn't be proven by having a recent pay stub and recent electric bill with name and address that match the person on the voter roll, showing that this IS who was legally registered.....

Which of course is not needed anyway because in person , personification of another voter is simply not done, other than maybe a handful of cases over a 10-20 year period.

and just seeing you speak about it, you are fine with it BECAUSE YOU THINK these CITIZENS should NOT be voting, BECAUSE they will not be voting REPUBLICAN....

That my dear, is voter fraud through the disenfranchisement of LEGAL CITIZENS.... in the masses.

so, you can Kiss my grits....

Oh, and one other thing that Obiwan's utter bull crud that these people can not get welfare without a government issued photo id, or alcohol, or whatever....that's simply a lie....just google do NOT have to have a GOVERNMENT ISSUED PHOTO ID, to get any of those things....

REGURGITATING the same lie over and over and over and over again, will never make it true.
24 things that require a photo ID

24 things that require a photo ID

Below are just some of the examples of things you need to prove your identity for:

1. Alcohol

2. Cigarettes

3. Opening a bank account

4. Apply for food stamps

5. Apply for welfare

6. Apply for Medicaid/Social Security

7. Apply for unemployment or a job

8. Rent/buy a house, apply for a mortgage

9. Drive/buy/rent a car

10. Get on an airplane

11. Get married

12. Purchase a gun

13. Adopt a pet

14. Rent a hotel room

15. Apply for a hunting license

16. Apply for a fishing license

17. Buy a cell phone

18. Visit a casino

19. Pick up a prescription

20. Hold a rally or protest

21. Blood donations

22. Buy an "M" rated video game

23. Purchase nail polish at CVS

24. Purchase certain cold medicines
24 things that require a photo ID

24 things that require a photo ID

Below are just some of the examples of things you need to prove your identity for:

1. Alcohol

2. Cigarettes

3. Opening a bank account

4. Apply for food stamps

5. Apply for welfare

6. Apply for Medicaid/Social Security

7. Apply for unemployment or a job

8. Rent/buy a house, apply for a mortgage

9. Drive/buy/rent a car

10. Get on an airplane

11. Get married

12. Purchase a gun

13. Adopt a pet

14. Rent a hotel room

15. Apply for a hunting license

16. Apply for a fishing license

17. Buy a cell phone

18. Visit a casino

19. Pick up a prescription

20. Hold a rally or protest

21. Blood donations

22. Buy an "M" rated video game

23. Purchase nail polish at CVS

24. Purchase certain cold medicines
So many apples, so few oranges.

Say, why don't you make a list of voter frauds which were caught by Voter ID in the past...ohhhh...six years?
The Clinton presidency is generally considered successful even by conservatives but Hillary is a worrisome candidate, she shows an aptitude for ruthlessness that prevents me from supporting her as the nominee.
and Hillary refuses to discuss any of the primary issues we face, her main concern is to allow voter fraud in purple states.
Voter fraud is an illusion to explain why republicans lose without having to re examine their policies. We will end up with voter ID laws and you guys will still lose, how will you explain it then?

Voter fraud and illegal immigration are the only reason Republicans lose.

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