Is It Time for Hillary Clinton To Retire?

I wonder if Hillary was one of the survivors of the Hindenburg, and as she was running from the burning zeppelin was screaming, God Damn Republicans !!!!
[QUOTE="Darkwind, post: 11555707, member: 19727"]What makes you think I lose sleep over the trivial things like what democrats believe?[/QUOTE]

dimwit demorats do not believe.., they feeeeel !!
she talks about Republicans trying to stop blacks from voting,ok, lets see some video evidence. like the video evidence of blacks trying to stop white people from voting in a philly district.
Let's see some evidence, not from some conservative blog, that voter fraud is a big enough problem to warrant such actions. You people started this nationwide drive to address a non-existent problem and have never really acted as if you see the problems it causes because it does keep a certain number of legitimate voters from voting. Disenfranchising even one legal voter is too much, you guys are hoping for more.
View attachment 42264
There is the solution to the problem that has been keeping you up at night. Move to India.
What makes you think I lose sleep over the trivial things like what democrats believe?
Uh, maybe the fact that you post about these "trivial things" all day long. Get a job and a life.

I've been a member of this forum since June of 2009 and I have a grand total of 12k posts....Whereas some people have that many posts by the time they hit their third month.

I am entertained by this place, but don't take anyone here seriously.
I believe that women could be a president, but it's not Hillary Clinton. The idea of electing another Clinton to the White House would show that Americans hadn't learned from the Clinton experience and wanted to feel the same pain again. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, remember? I don't think she is able to separate herself from the mainstream policy and show how she is different on most issues.

Is it time for you to put your bong down and go work to pay your rent?

Why, yes, it's time!!!
Let's see some evidence, not from some conservative blog, that voter fraud is a big enough problem to warrant such actions. You people started this nationwide drive to address a non-existent problem and have never really acted as if you see the problems it causes because it does keep a certain number of legitimate voters from voting. Disenfranchising even one legal voter is too much, you guys are hoping for more.
View attachment 42264
There is the solution to the problem that has been keeping you up at night. Move to India.
What makes you think I lose sleep over the trivial things like what democrats believe?
Uh, maybe the fact that you post about these "trivial things" all day long. Get a job and a life.

I've been a member of this forum since June of 2009 and I have a grand total of 12k posts....Whereas some people have that many posts by the time they hit their third month.

I am entertained by this place, but don't take anyone here seriously.
i average about 7 point a day. i hit the 1000 mark exactly 5 months into this. must be my outlandish sense of humor?
There is the solution to the problem that has been keeping you up at night. Move to India.
What makes you think I lose sleep over the trivial things like what democrats believe?
Uh, maybe the fact that you post about these "trivial things" all day long. Get a job and a life.

I've been a member of this forum since June of 2009 and I have a grand total of 12k posts....Whereas some people have that many posts by the time they hit their third month.

I am entertained by this place, but don't take anyone here seriously.
i average about 7 point a day. i hit the 1000 mark exactly 5 months into this. must be my outlandish sense of humor?

Is it time for Rexx to admit her sockiness? Too much amelioration....
There is the solution to the problem that has been keeping you up at night. Move to India.
What makes you think I lose sleep over the trivial things like what democrats believe?
Uh, maybe the fact that you post about these "trivial things" all day long. Get a job and a life.

I've been a member of this forum since June of 2009 and I have a grand total of 12k posts....Whereas some people have that many posts by the time they hit their third month.

I am entertained by this place, but don't take anyone here seriously.
i average about 7 point a day. i hit the 1000 mark exactly 5 months into this. must be my outlandish sense of humor?
Yeah, a majority of My posts have been one line quips that I thought were funny at least. Maybe not so much for others. lol
I wonder if Mrs. Clinton hasn't given up. Doesn't even look like she applies make-up.


Is this really what we want fighting ISIS? Does she even have a driver's license? Really folks is this the best the DNC can do?
Hillary is the type of politician u can "Cartoon" into every tragic event, and easily make a caption of her excuse. like with my previous hindenburg post here.
she talks about Republicans trying to stop blacks from voting,ok, lets see some video evidence. like the video evidence of blacks trying to stop white people from voting in a philly district.

It is interesting that all we hear about is disenfrancisment by the Republicans yet their is very little, if any evidence of it happening. What it seems to me that the democrats are saying is that minorities are too stupid to find polling places and too stupid to be trusted to vote. Sad what democrats think of minorities.
Is this really what we want fighting ISIS? Does she even have a driver's license?
Can't see any connection between being POTUS and car driving skills. And she knows about ISIS more than you do, I bet! :D
Take my jokes easy, I can't support her too. Electing her as POTUS would be a total fail in foreign politics and complete Clintoncare of brains.
I cant wait for Maxine Waters to claim that those angry white racists are already making black and white voting lines all over the country, and that way they can throw out the black votes without having to check them.
Hillary must have the brain of a 95 year old woman being she seems to have no idea of what is going on in Iraq, I guess she thinks that ISIS is a popscicle product,,,and comes in 31 flavors!!!
I cant wait for Maxine Waters to claim that those angry white racists are already making black and white voting lines all over the country, and that way they can throw out the black votes without having to check them.
Can't be any worse than Obama letting the New Black Panther Party intimidate voters.....

2008 voter-intimidation case against New Black Panthers riles the right

2008 voter-intimidation case against New Black Panthers riles the right

A 2008 voter-intimidation case has become a political controversy for the Obama administration as conservative lawyers, politicians and commentators raise concerns that the Department of Justice has failed to protect the civil rights of white voters.

The discussion centers on whether the Justice Department's civil rights division mishandled a lawsuit against members of the New Black Panther Party, which was filed weeks before the Obama administration took office. The suit was focused on the party and two of its members, who stood out front of a polling place in Philadelphia on Election Day 2008 wearing military gear. They were captured on video and were accused of trying to discourage some people from voting. One carried a nightstick.

Conservatives complained last year when Justice officials narrowed the case, dropping the party and one of the men and focusing only the bearer of the stick. Department officials have said since then that they did not have sufficient evidence to pursue the case against the other defendants. Justice officials who served in the Bush administration have countered that the department had enough evidence to pursue the case more fully and called the decision to narrow it political. The matter caught the attention of some Republican lawmakers, who held up the confirmation of President Obama's assistant attorney general for civil rights for months asking for a congressional review of the case.

The conflict intensified last week when former Justice Department lawyer J. Christian Adams, who was hired during the Bush administration and helped develop the case, told the Commission on Civil Rights that he believed the case had been narrowed because some of his colleagues in the civil rights division were interested in protecting only minorities.

"There is no doubt that some people were hostile to this case," Adams said in a phone interview.
i really wonder if blacks in general are that dumbfounded. they have IDs!! otherwise how did they ever get into school?
How would they ever get a place to live, or get welfare and food stamps????? Hell, they can't even buy beer or cigarettes without one!!!!!!
i really wonder if blacks in general are that dumbfounded. they have IDs!! otherwise how did they ever get into school?
How would they ever get a place to live, or get welfare and food stamps????? Hell, they can't even buy beer or cigarettes without one!!!!!!
this is my theory, a large per-centage of blacks are just never in the mood to fill out the app for a voter registration card. its just too long! they would rather go to KFC. no paper work there.

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