Is It Time To Finally Put Away The Confederate Flag Once and For All?

It's seen as a racist flag, Marc.
You want preferential treatment, or equal treatment?
"It's seen as" is the key phrase here.

Who sees it that way, and why?

Bottom line, it's not a racist flag.

Do you think it's a racist flag?

I am a black South Carolinian. Here’s why I support the ...

Four years ago, I became a national news story after I hung a Confederate flag in my dorm room window at the University of South Carolina Beaufort. Controversy wasn’t my intention. For me and many Southerners, the flag celebrates my heritage and regional pride. One of my ancestors, Benjamin Thomas, was a black Confederate cook, and I do not want to turn my back on his service to the South. So I hang the flag in honor of his hard work and dedication to South Carolina during the Civil War.

My Confederate flag isn’t racist; after all, I am black. I’m also an American who strongly believes in the constitutional right to free speech. I fought back against the university’s demand that I take my flag down simply because others view it as a symbol of racism. I fought back against the racist interpretation of the flag and I won.
"It's seen as" is the key phrase here.

Who sees it that way, and why?

Bottom line, it's not a racist flag.

Do you think it's a racist flag?
It may not be a racist flag to you as the Stars and Bars flag may not be seen as a racist flag to others.
Do I see the BLM flag as racist? Yeah, just as I see that whole movement as racist.
Now, do you want preferential treatment, or do you want equal treatment?
It may not be a racist flag to you as the Stars and Bars flag may not be seen as a racist flag to others.
Do I see the BLM flag as racist? Yeah, just as I see that whole movement as racist.
Now, do you want preferential treatment, or do you want equal treatment?
But why do you see the #BlackLivesMatter flag as racist?
Are you calling Jewish people ignorant?
I'm calling ANYONE who thinks inanimate objects are racist ignorant. Racism lives in the heart of man/woman. Any one who constantly sees racism is more than likely racist themselves.
Why are some Americans still brandishing that loser traitor flag?

Isn't it time to put away for good now?

It should be seen and flown only in a museum.

What say you?

I'm pretty sure we have plenty of more important issues to deal with at the moment.
Come back when we aren't dealing with a treasonist demented president.
I'm calling ANYONE who thinks inanimate objects are racist ignorant. Racism lives in the heart of man/woman. Any one who constantly sees racism is more than likely racist themselves.
By this logic you're calling all Jewish people racist and ignorant, because all of them do not care for that Nazi flag.

I am a black South Carolinian. Here’s why I support the ...

Four years ago, I became a national news story after I hung a Confederate flag in my dorm room window at the University of South Carolina Beaufort. Controversy wasn’t my intention. For me and many Southerners, the flag celebrates my heritage and regional pride. One of my ancestors, Benjamin Thomas, was a black Confederate cook, and I do not want to turn my back on his service to the South. So I hang the flag in honor of his hard work and dedication to South Carolina during the Civil War.

My Confederate flag isn’t racist; after all, I am black. I’m also an American who strongly believes in the constitutional right to free speech. I fought back against the university’s demand that I take my flag down simply because others view it as a symbol of racism. I fought back against the racist interpretation of the flag and I won.

That was a good read, ty.

". . . We may never completely agree on whether the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism or pride, and whether the Civil War was fought primarily over slavery or state’s rights. But South Carolinians should turn their focus to what we do agree on: that we are citizens of the greatest country in the world and the most patriotic state in the nation. As such, just two banners should fly over our statehouse grounds: the South Carolina flag and the American flag.. . . "
Does this apply to the Nazi symbol as well?
You mean this Malaysian Buddhist symbol?

By this logic you're calling all Jewish people racist and ignorant, because all of them do not care for that Nazi flag.
I'm sure some Jewish people are racist, but I don't hear or see them screaming racism at everything they don't agree with. Besides that, was there any Jews who fought with Hitler?


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