Is it Time to Forgive Bud Light?

Hear me out.

Sunday, I had lunch with my daughter and daughter-in-law. Naturally, I arrived on time and got texts from both saying they would be pretty late. I considered waiting at the bar and having a beer. Then it popped into my head to have a Bud Light. For reasons too complicated to explain without derailing the thread at its beginning, that would have likely lifted my DIL's spirits, at a time when they could use lifting.

Why forgive BL? Budwiser is an American company. All Bud Light sold in America is bottled in America. I pass by a large Budwiser building on my way to work. I don't know if it is a brewery or just a warehouse, but it must employ hundreds, if not thousands of people. I see the trucks driving out at all hours. Modelo, which I often see discussed as a replacement, is bottled in Mexico.

If we had our border secure with Mexico's cooperation, I would say "buy Modelo, a rising tide lifts all boats," but not while they are actively aiding child and drug trafficking into the U.S.

Yes, But Light screwed up with that idiotic Dylan Mulvaney move. But they fired no only the marketing genius behind that, but also the VP who hired her. Short of a mass resignation of all executives, I don't know how else they could demonstrate regret.

Anyway, while I was contemplating, I was saved by the bell as both my grown up young uns walked in.

Bracing for a flaming, I ask: what say you?

July 14, 2008 The Belgian brewer InBev will buy Anheuser-Busch for $52 billion, the companies said Monday, putting control of the America's largest beer maker …
All Bud has to do is issue a real apology. Saying how they now know how mentally disturbed and destructive transsexualism is.

That and really firing the dumb bitch who did the marketing instead of putting her on administrative leave.
Hear me out.

Sunday, I had lunch with my daughter and daughter-in-law. Naturally, I arrived on time and got texts from both saying they would be pretty late. I considered waiting at the bar and having a beer. Then it popped into my head to have a Bud Light. For reasons too complicated to explain without derailing the thread at its beginning, that would have likely lifted my DIL's spirits, at a time when they could use lifting.

Why forgive BL? Budwiser is an American company. All Bud Light sold in America is bottled in America. I pass by a large Budwiser building on my way to work. I don't know if it is a brewery or just a warehouse, but it must employ hundreds, if not thousands of people. I see the trucks driving out at all hours. Modelo, which I often see discussed as a replacement, is bottled in Mexico.

If we had our border secure with Mexico's cooperation, I would say "buy Modelo, a rising tide lifts all boats," but not while they are actively aiding child and drug trafficking into the U.S.

Yes, But Light screwed up with that idiotic Dylan Mulvaney move. But they fired no only the marketing genius behind that, but also the VP who hired her. Short of a mass resignation of all executives, I don't know how else they could demonstrate regret.

Anyway, while I was contemplating, I was saved by the bell as both my grown up young uns walked in.

Bracing for a flaming, I ask: what say you?
The alternative brands to Bud Light are brewed in America also

So no net loss of jobs by punishing Anheuser Busch
If you like Bud Light then drink Bud Light.

If you don’t, then don’t. It’s really that simple.

Unless, of course, you’re a republican retard who enjoys holding a grudge.
The company decided it could go public to advance a political cause and it became a legitimate target as a result. All they had to do was back down, admit the mistake and that would have been the end of it. If it's part of their core values to refuse to acknowledge they offended their loyal base, then good for them. They're standing on principle while the ship sinks ;)
No. They won't ever see a dime from me again for any of their parent companies beers. No company that pushes fags and trannies will see anymore money from me. Nor politicians.

It's not bud lights fault specifically. It's the whole fag alphabet peoples fault. They pushed and forced and demanded so much I have grown to hate them and by extension, anyone that supports them or promotes them. They went too far and then kept going so now I have no tolerance for them anymore to the point I want to see them forced back behind closed doors and out of the publics eye. And if I have to not buy products I like in order to demonstrate my disdain for the fag people then so be it. I won't support a godless group telling me what to think and say and believe.

Anheuser Busch can get my business back when they either publicly stand against alphabet people, or the alphabet people are run out of the country. Till then they won't see my money.
Hear me out.

Sunday, I had lunch with my daughter and daughter-in-law. Naturally, I arrived on time and got texts from both saying they would be pretty late. I considered waiting at the bar and having a beer. Then it popped into my head to have a Bud Light. For reasons too complicated to explain without derailing the thread at its beginning, that would have likely lifted my DIL's spirits, at a time when they could use lifting.

Why forgive BL? Budwiser is an American company. All Bud Light sold in America is bottled in America. I pass by a large Budwiser building on my way to work. I don't know if it is a brewery or just a warehouse, but it must employ hundreds, if not thousands of people. I see the trucks driving out at all hours. Modelo, which I often see discussed as a replacement, is bottled in Mexico.

If we had our border secure with Mexico's cooperation, I would say "buy Modelo, a rising tide lifts all boats," but not while they are actively aiding child and drug trafficking into the U.S.

Yes, But Light screwed up with that idiotic Dylan Mulvaney move. But they fired no only the marketing genius behind that, but also the VP who hired her. Short of a mass resignation of all executives, I don't know how else they could demonstrate regret.

Anyway, while I was contemplating, I was saved by the bell as both my grown up young uns walked in.

Bracing for a flaming, I ask: what say you?
Budweiser has been a GOP superdonor for decades, so they should absolutely not be forgiven and hopefully are bankrupted soon
All Bud has to do is issue a real apology. Saying how they now know how mentally disturbed and destructive transsexualism is.

That and really firing the dumb bitch who did the marketing instead of putting her on administrative leave.
Bud is not inclined to apologize because that would outrage homosexuals
NO, we should not forgive Bud Light. We still have companies buying into all the Woke nonsense, and we have to fight back with our dollars. If we “forgive,” that is tantamount to giving all these companies permission to continue behaving as if straight white people don’t even exist.
Yeah. They act like as if straight white people are not the only ones that exist.
Budweiser just wants the 0.3% to drink lousy beer too.
Horrible business decision. (And from a woke Harvard MBA.) If I were marketing new car sales, I’d show pictures of successful couples and professionals in their late 20s and above - since that’s where 95% of our sales are. I wouldn’t show a cross-dressing 17-year-old who represents less than 1% of the population.

Did Jesse James go to libraries for robberies? No. He went to where the money was.
Some people just want to drink beer and not have the extremist politics shoved down their throat.
And some leftists are so brainwashed with their woke ideology that they would rather alienate their consumer base than make smart business decisions.
Some people just want to drink beer and not have the extremist politics shoved down their throat.
If you can't handle that 0.3% of the population isn't straight, you need something stronger than a Bud Light.

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