Is it time to increase the number of members in the US House of representatives?

With more people in congress may dilute the effect of corporate and pac money because it would be spread over more individuals.
Why not putting limits on all the big money influence in politics.

i would love to limit the effect of money in politics just as soon as clarence thomas decides that is constitutional .
Is it time to increase the number of members in the US House of representatives?

The U.S. House of Representatives has one voting member for every 747,000 or so Americans in 2023.

The U.S. House of Representatives has one voting member for every 250,000 or so Americans in 1923.

Can a congress member represent 750,000 people effectively?

It doesn't need more members. It needs political parties that actually represent the political views of the people.
And you won't get that with the dictatorship of two political parties.

What's needed is Proportional Representation.
The number of representatives should be increased so that each representative represents about the same number of people.
Power needs to be returned to the States as intended by the Constitution. We dont need more. We need LESS govt and their power to hand out money as they please.

The Founders warned us to never do this. We didnt listen.
The words of someone who wants everything his way, screw everybody else. That is what is wrong with the USA
From somebody that doesn't want elections stolen, to have my money taken away by stupid bureaucrats and given to welfare queens and Illegals and someone who would like to see the Bill of rights restored instead of pissed on.

Someone who thinks it is a bad thing for this once great country to be turned into a bloated, debt ridden oppressive Socialist Banana Republic shithole.

Representative government can be just as oppressive and destructive as any other kind of government when people vote their greed. For instance, how fucking stupid do you have to be to vote in a shitass like this Potatohead clown that ran on a platform to let millions of Illegals flood in, raise taxes, go further in debt, raise the cost of energy, increase welfare, increase the size of government and give hundreds of billions of our money away to Democrat special interest groups?
Should have been done years ago. We do not get any kind of representation from Congress. Plus, more representatives make it harder for lobbyists to bribe the body and smaller areas make it harder to gerrymander
I don’t agree with the last part but you’re right about everything else
It doesn't need more members. It needs political parties that actually represent the political views of the people.
And you won't get that with the dictatorship of two political parties.

What's needed is Proportional Representation.
I agree, but wouldn't more members of congress help. You would have districts more focused on a smaller group of people.
From somebody that doesn't want elections stolen, to have my money taken away by stupid bureaucrats and given to welfare queens and Illegals and someone who would like to see the Bill of rights restored instead of pissed on.

Someone who thinks it is a bad thing for this once great country to be turned into a bloated, debt ridden oppressive Socialist Banana Republic shithole. n
Representative government can be just as oppressive and destructive as any other kind of government when people vote their greed. For instance, how fucking stupid do you have to be to vote in a shitass like this Potatohead clown that ran on a platform to let millions of Illegals flood in, raise taxes, go further in debt, raise the cost of energy, increase welfare, increase the size of government and give hundreds of billions of our money away to Democrat special interest groups?
Despite all of our flaws name a country with a better government despite all of our flaws.

You need to deal with the real world not the world you wish it was.

I see flaws in our government but the way you describe our government, is not even close to my reality. Your views seem to be driven by fear and hate.
Despite all of our flaws name a country with a better government despite all of our flaws.

You need to deal with the real world not the world you wish it was.

I see flaws in our government but the way you describe our government, is not even close to my reality. Your views seem to be driven by fear and hate.

This is where you are confused.

We don't have to have a fucked government that is voted in by greedy stupid people.

We need to have a government that was envisioned by our Founding Fathers. A Constitutional Republic where individual rights were guaranteed and upheld. Where government is limited to do the minimal necessary things and not empowered to trample on Liberty.

Instead the greedy assholes vote in dipshits that fuck everything up and trample on individual rights.

Nowadays we are living in a Banana Republic where the Bill of Rights is shit on. The idea of an America that was the beacon of freedom is long gone. That ship has sailed and it is not turning back.

We are Banana Republic fast turning into a Socialist shithole. We have nobody to blame but ourselves.
This is where you are confused.

We don't have to have a fucked government that is voted in by greedy stupid people.

We need to have a government that was envisioned by our Founding Fathers. A Constitutional Republic where individual rights were guaranteed and upheld. Where government is limited to do the minimal necessary things and not empowered to trample on Liberty.

Instead the greedy assholes vote in dipshits that fuck everything up and trample on individual rights.

Nowadays we are living in a Banana Republic where the Bill of Rights is shit on. The idea of an America that was the beacon of freedom is long gone. That ship has sailed and it is not turning back.

We are Banana Republic fast turning into a Socialist shithole. We have nobody to blame but ourselves.
Please provide a country that has a better government than the USA.
I agree, but wouldn't more members of congress help. You would have districts more focused on a smaller group of people.

No. What does one Congress person actually do? Usually they spend their time spending money trying to get re-elected. They can't do much for their own district unless they're powerful.

With PR you'd have different parties with different agendas and giving people choice, and forcing politicians to stick to a platform and get judged on how well they do.

With FPTP you end up with people who do nothing getting re-elected election after election because of the party they belong to, not because of what they themselves actually do.
Is it time to increase the number of members in the US House of representatives?

The U.S. House of Representatives has one voting member for every 747,000 or so Americans in 2023.

The U.S. House of Representatives has one voting member for every 250,000 or so Americans in 1923.

Can a congress member represent 750,000 people effectively?
Gee whiz Wally, Republicans have control of the House. We must change the rules because America rejected us.

:auiqs.jpg: :dance: :auiqs.jpg: :dance: :auiqs.jpg::dance:
You consider our Congress "working?"

I can't believe how dysfunctional the Republican House is or that isn't not going to cost them next year. A civil war within the GOP. The anarchists vs the corporations and billionaire globalists who actually run the party.
Is it time to increase the number of members in the US House of representatives?

The U.S. House of Representatives has one voting member for every 747,000 or so Americans in 2023.

The U.S. House of Representatives has one voting member for every 250,000 or so Americans in 1923.

Can a congress member represent 750,000 people effectively?
When Puerto Rico and DC become states.
Is it time to increase the number of members in the US House of representatives?

The U.S. House of Representatives has one voting member for every 747,000 or so Americans in 2023.

The U.S. House of Representatives has one voting member for every 250,000 or so Americans in 1923.

Can a congress member represent 750,000 people effectively?

No...the last thing we need are more politicians .....
The UK has a population of 67 million and there are 650 MPs in the House of Commons.

New Hampshire has a population of 1.36 million and there are 400 representatives in their lower chamber.

Conversely, California has a population of 39.5 million and only 80 representatives in their lower chamber.

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